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RAL | RGB | HEX | CMYK | LRV | English | German | French | Spanish | Italian | Dutch | |
RAL 1000 | 205-186-136 | #CDBA88 | 0-9-34-20 | 51.79 | Green beige | Grünbeige | Beige vert | Beige verdoso | Beige verdastro | Groenbeige | |
RAL 1001 | 208-176-132 | #D0B084 | 0-15-37-18 | 48.09 | Beige | Beige | Beige | Beige | Beige | Beige | |
RAL 1002 | 210-170-109 | #D2AA6D | 0-19-48-18 | 45.07 | Sand yellow | Sandgelb | Jaune sable | Amarillo arena | Giallo sabbia | Zandgeel | |
RAL 1003 | 249-169-0 | #F9A900 | 0-32-100-2 | 49.05 | Signal yellow | Signalgelb | Jaune de sécurité | Amarillo señales | Giallo segnale | Signaalgeel | |
RAL 1004 | 228-158-0 | #E49E00 | 0-31-100-11 | 42.13 | Golden yellow | Goldgelb | Jaune or | Amarillo oro | Giallo oro | Goudgeel | |
RAL 1005 | 203-143-0 | #CB8F00 | 0-30-100-20 | 34.15 | Honey yellow | Honiggelb | Jaune miel | Amarillo miel | Giallo miele | Honinggeel | |
RAL 1006 | 225-144-0 | #E19000 | 0-36-100-12 | 37.45 | Maize yellow | Maisgelb | Jaune maïs | Amarillo maíz | Giallo polenta | Maisgeel | |
RAL 1007 | 232-140-0 | #E88C00 | 0-40-100-9 | 37.63 | Daffodil yellow | Narzissengelb | Jaune narcisse | Amarillo narciso | Giallo narciso | Narcissengeel | |
RAL 1011 | 175-128-80 | #AF8050 | 0-27-54-31 | 27.65 | Brown beige | Braunbeige | Beige brun | Beige pardo | Beige marrone | Bruinbeige | |
RAL 1012 | 221-175-40 | #DDAF28 | 0-21-82-13 | 47.83 | Lemon yellow | Zitronengelb | Jaune citron | Amarillo limón | Giallo limone | Citroengeel | |
RAL 1013 | 227-217-199 | #E3D9C7 | 0-4-12-11 | 70.76 | Oyster white | Perlweiß | Blanc perlé | Blanco perla | Bianco perla | Parelwit | |
RAL 1014 | 221-196-155 | #DDC49B | 0-11-30-13 | 58.34 | Ivory | Elfenbein | Ivoire | Marfil | Avorio | Ivoorkleurig | |
RAL 1015 | 230-210-181 | #E6D2B5 | 0-9-21-10 | 67.55 | Light ivory | Hellelfenbein | Ivoire clair | Marfil claro | Avorio chiaro | Licht ivoorkleurig | |
RAL 1016 | 241-221-57 | #F1DD39 | 0-8-76-5 | 71.30 | Sulfur yellow | Schwefelgelb | Jaune soufre | Amarillo azufre | Giallo zolfo | Zwavelgeel | |
RAL 1017 | 246-169-81 | #F6A951 | 0-31-67-4 | 49.80 | Saffron yellow | Safrangelb | Jaune safran | Amarillo azafrán | Giallo zafferano | Saffraangeel | |
RAL 1018 | 250-202-49 | #FACA31 | 0-19-80-2 | 63.81 | Zinc yellow | Zinkgelb | Jaune zinc | Amarillo de zinc | Giallo zinco | Zinkgeel | |
RAL 1019 | 164-143-122 | #A48F7A | 0-13-26-36 | 30.53 | Grey beige | Graubeige | Beige gris | Beige agrisado | Beige grigiastro | Grijsbeige | |
RAL 1020 | 160-143-101 | #A08F65 | 0-11-37-37 | 29.44 | Olive yellow | Olivgelb | Jaune olive | Amarillo oliva | Giallo olivastro | Olijfgeel | |
RAL 1021 | 246-182-0 | #F6B600 | 0-26-100-4 | 53.97 | Colza yellow | Rapsgelb | Jaune colza | Amarillo colza | Giallo navone | Koolzaadgeel | |
RAL 1023 | 247-181-0 | #F7B500 | 0-27-100-3 | 54.24 | Traffic yellow | Verkehrsgelb | Jaune signalisation | Amarillo tráfico | Giallo traffico | Verkeersgeel | |
RAL 1024 | 186-143-76 | #BA8F4C | 0-23-59-27 | 32.74 | Ochre yellow | Ockergelb | Jaune ocre | Amarillo ocre | Giallo ocra | Okergeel | |
RAL 1026 | 255-255-0 | #FFFF00 | 0-0-100-0 | 88.65 | Luminous yellow | Leuchtgelb | Jaune brillant | Amarillo brillante | Giallo brillante | Briljantgeel | |
RAL 1027 | 167-127-15 | #A77F0F | 0-24-91-35 | 25.72 | Curry | Currygelb | Jaune curry | Amarillo curry | Giallo curry | Kerriegeel | |
RAL 1028 | 255-156-0 | #FF9C00 | 0-39-100-0 | 47.55 | Melon yellow | Melonengelb | Jaune melon | Amarillo melón | Giallo melone | Meloengeel | |
RAL 1032 | 226-163-0 | #E2A300 | 0-28-100-11 | 43.37 | Broom yellow | Ginstergelb | Jaune genêt | Amarillo retama | Giallo scopa | Bremgeel | |
RAL 1033 | 249-154-29 | #F99A1D | 0-38-88-2 | 44.66 | Dahlia yellow | Dahliengelb | Jaune dahlia | Amarillo dalia | Giallo dalia | Dahliageel | |
RAL 1034 | 235-156-82 | #EB9C52 | 0-34-65-8 | 43.82 | Pastel yellow | Pastellgelb | Jaune pastel | Amarillo pastel | Giallo pastello | Pastelgeel | |
RAL 1035 | 143-131-112 | #8F8370 | 0-8-22-44 | 34.58 | Pearl beige | Perlbeige | Beige nacré | Beige perlado | Beige perlato | Parelmoergrijs | |
RAL 1036 | 128-100-64 | #806440 | 0-22-50-50 | 28.30 | Pearl gold | Perlgold | Or nacré | Oro perlado | Oro perlato | Parelmoergoud | |
RAL 1037 | 240-146-0 | #F09200 | 0-39-100-6 | 40.61 | Sun yellow | Sonnengelb | Jaune soleil | Amarillo sol | Giallo sole | Zonnegeel | |
RAL 2000 | 218-110-0 | #DA6E00 | 0-50-100-15 | 28.22 | Yellow orange | Gelborange | Orangé jaune | Amarillo naranja | Arancio giallastro | Geeloranje | |
RAL 2001 | 186-72-28 | #BA481C | 0-61-85-27 | 17.78 | Red orange | Rotorange | Orangé rouge | Rojo anaranjado | Arancio rossastro | Roodoranje | |
RAL 2002 | 191-57-34 | #BF3922 | 0-70-82-25 | 16.33 | Vermilion | Blutorange | Orangé sang | Naranja sanguíneo | Arancio sanguigno | Vermiljoen | |
RAL 2003 | 246-120-41 | #F67829 | 0-51-83-4 | 34.84 | Pastel orange | Pastellorange | Orangé pastel | Naranja pálido | Arancio pastello | Pasteloranje | |
RAL 2004 | 226-83-4 | #E25304 | 0-63-98-11 | 24.61 | Pure orange | Reinorange | Orangé pur | Naranja puro | Arancio puro | Zuiver oranje | |
RAL 2005 | 255-77-8 | #FF4D08 | 0-70-97-0 | 33.91 | Luminous orange | Leuchtorange | Orangé brillant | Naranja brillante | Arancio brillante | Briljantoranje | |
RAL 2007 | 255-178-0 | #FFB200 | 0-30-100-0 | 61.33 | Luminous bright orange | Leuchthellorange | Orangé clair brillant | Naranja claro brillante | Arancio chiaro brillante | Briljant lichtoranje | |
RAL 2008 | 236-107-34 | #EC6B22 | 0-55-86-7 | 29.95 | Bright red orange | Hellrotorange | Orangé rouge clair | Rojo claro anaranjado | Rosso arancio chiaro | Licht roodoranje | |
RAL 2009 | 222-83-8 | #DE5308 | 0-63-96-13 | 23.78 | Traffic orange | Verkehrsorange | Orangé signalisation | Naranja tráfico | Arancio traffico | Verkeersoranje | |
RAL 2010 | 208-93-41 | #D05D29 | 0-55-80-18 | 23.01 | Signal orange | Signalorange | Orangé de sécurité | Naranja señales | Arancio segnale | Signaaloranje | |
RAL 2011 | 226-110-15 | #E26E0F | 0-51-93-11 | 29.44 | Deep orange | Tieforange | Orangé foncé | Naranja intenso | Arancio profondo | Dieporanje | |
RAL 2012 | 213-101-78 | #D5654E | 0-53-63-16 | 25.27 | Salmon orange | Lachsorange | Orangé saumon | Naranja salmón | Arancio salmone | Zalmoranje | |
RAL 2013 | 146-62-37 | #923E25 | 0-58-75-43 | 14.25 | Pearl orange | Perlorange | Orangé nacré | Naranja perlado | Arancio perlato | Parelmoeroranje | |
RAL 2017 | 252-85-0 | #FC5500 | 0-66-100-1 | RAL orange | RAL orange | Orangé RAL | Naranja RAL | Arancio RAL | RAL oranje | ||
RAL 3000 | 167-41-32 | #A72920 | 0-75-81-35 | 12.63 | Flame red | Feuerrot | Rouge feu | Rojo vivo | Rosso fuoco | Vuurrood | |
RAL 3001 | 155-36-35 | #9B2423 | 0-77-77-39 | 11.09 | Signal red | Signalrot | Rouge de sécurité | Rojo señales | Rosso segnale | Signaalrood | |
RAL 3002 | 155-35-33 | #9B2321 | 0-77-79-39 | 10.80 | Carmine red | Karminrot | Rouge carmin | Rojo carmin | Rosso carminio | Karmijnrood | |
RAL 3003 | 134-26-34 | #861A22 | 0-81-75-47 | 8.75 | Ruby red | Rubinrot | Rouge rubis | Rojo rubí | Rosso rubino | Robijnrood | |
RAL 3004 | 107-28-35 | #6B1C23 | 0-74-67-58 | 7.39 | Purple red | Purpurrot | Rouge pourpre | Rojo púrpura | Rosso porpora | Purperrood | |
RAL 3005 | 89-25-31 | #59191F | 0-72-65-65 | 6.50 | Wine red | Weinrot | Rouge vin | Rojo vino | Rosso vino | Wijnrood | |
RAL 3007 | 62-32-34 | #3E2022 | 0-48-45-76 | 5.47 | Black red | Schwarzrot | Rouge noir | Rojo negruzco | Rosso nerastro | Zwartrood | |
RAL 3009 | 109-52-45 | #6D342D | 0-52-59-57 | 8.50 | Oxide red | Oxidrot | Rouge oxyde | Rojo óxido | Rosso ossido | Oxyderood | |
RAL 3011 | 120-36-35 | #782423 | 0-70-71-53 | 8.22 | Brown red | Braunrot | Rouge brun | Rojo pardo | Rosso marrone | Bruinrood | |
RAL 3012 | 197-133-109 | #C5856D | 0-32-45-23 | 31.93 | Beige red | Beigerot | Rouge beige | Rojo beige | Rosso beige | Beigerood | |
RAL 3013 | 151-46-37 | #972E25 | 0-70-75-41 | 11.36 | Tomato red | Tomatenrot | Rouge tomate | Rojo tomate | Rosso pomodoro | Tomaatrood | |
RAL 3014 | 203-115-117 | #CB7375 | 0-43-42-20 | 27.79 | Antique pink | Altrosa | Vieux rose | Rojo viejo | Rosa antico | Oudroze | |
RAL 3015 | 216-160-166 | #D8A0A6 | 0-26-23-15 | 44.15 | Light pink | Hellrosa | Rose clair | Rosa claro | Rosa chiaro | Lichtroze | |
RAL 3016 | 166-61-48 | #A63D30 | 0-63-71-35 | 13.96 | Coral red | Korallenrot | Rouge corail | Rojo coral | Rosso corallo | Koraalrood | |
RAL 3017 | 202-85-93 | #CA555D | 0-58-54-21 | 21.80 | Rose | Rosé | Rosé | Rosa | Rosato | Bleekrood | |
RAL 3018 | 198-63-74 | #C63F4A | 0-68-63-22 | 18.61 | Strawberry red | Erdbeerrot | Rouge fraise | Rojo fresa | Rosso fragola | Aardbeirood | |
RAL 3020 | 187-31-17 | #BB1F11 | 0-83-91-27 | 14.16 | Traffic red | Verkehrsrot | Rouge signalisation | Rojo tráfico | Rosso traffico | Verkeersrood | |
RAL 3022 | 207-105-85 | #CF6955 | 0-49-59-19 | 25.49 | Salmon pink | Lachsrot | Rouge saumon | Rojo salmón | Rosso salmone | Zalmrood | |
RAL 3024 | 255-45-33 | #FF2D21 | 0-82-87-0 | 24.33 | Luminous red | Leuchtrot | Rouge brillant | Rojo brillante | Rosso brillante | Briljantrood | |
RAL 3026 | 255-42-28 | #FF2A1C | 0-84-89-0 | 26.10 | Luminous bright red | Leuchthellrot | Rouge clair brillant | Rojo claro brillante | Rosso chiaro brillante | Briljant lichtrood | |
RAL 3027 | 171-39-60 | #AB273C | 0-77-65-33 | 13.04 | Raspberry red | Himbeerrot | Rouge framboise | Rojo frambuesa | Rosso lampone | Framboosrood | |
RAL 3028 | 204-44-36 | #CC2C24 | 0-78-82-20 | 17.29 | Pure red | Reinrot | Rouge pu | Rojo puro | Rosso puro | Zuiver rood | |
RAL 3031 | 166-52-55 | #A63437 | 0-69-67-35 | 13.57 | Orient red | Orientrot | Rouge oriental | Rojo oriente | Rosso oriente | Oriëntrood | |
RAL 3032 | 112-29-36 | #701D24 | 0-74-68-56 | 8.36 | Pearl ruby red | Perlrubinrot | Rouge rubis nacré | Rojo rubí perlado | Rosso rubino perlato | Parelmoerdonkerrood | |
RAL 3033 | 165-58-46 | #A53A2E | 0-65-72-35 | 16.19 | Pearl pink | Perlrosa | Rose nacré | Rosa perlado | Rosa perlato | Parelmoerlichtrood | |
RAL 4001 | 129-97-131 | #816183 | 2-26-0-49 | 17.50 | Red lilac | Rotlila | Lilas rouge | Rojo lila | Lilla rossastro | Roodlila | |
RAL 4002 | 141-60-75 | #8D3C4B | 0-57-47-45 | 12.31 | Red violet | Rotviolett | Violet rouge | Rojo violeta | Viola rossastro | Roodpaars | |
RAL 4003 | 196-97-140 | #C4618C | 0-51-29-23 | 24.50 | Heather violet | Erikaviolett | Violet bruyère | Violeta érica | Viola erica | Heidepaars | |
RAL 4004 | 101-30-56 | #651E38 | 0-70-45-60 | 7.18 | Claret violet | Bordeauxviolett | Violet bordeaux | Burdeos | Viola bordeaux | Bordeauxpaars | |
RAL 4005 | 118-104-154 | #76689A | 23-32-0-40 | 18.87 | Blue lilac | Blaulila | Lilas bleu | Lila azulado | Lilla bluastro | Blauwlila | |
RAL 4006 | 144-51-115 | #903373 | 0-65-20-44 | 12.69 | Traffic purple | Verkehrspurpur | Pourpre signalisation | Púrpurá tráfico | Porpora traffico | Verkeerspurper | |
RAL 4007 | 71-36-60 | #47243C | 0-49-15-72 | 6.24 | Purple violet | Purpurviolett | Violet pourpre | Violeta púrpura | Porpora violetto | Purperviolet | |
RAL 4008 | 132-76-130 | #844C82 | 0-42-2-48 | 14.21 | Signal violet | Signalviolett | Violet de sécurité | Violeta señales | Violetto segnale | Signaalviolet | |
RAL 4009 | 157-134-146 | #9D8692 | 0-15-7-38 | 27.96 | Pastel violet | Pastellviolett | Violet pastel | Violeta pastel | Violetto pastello | Pastelviolet | |
RAL 4010 | 187-64-119 | #BB4077 | 0-66-36-27 | 18.48 | Telemagenta | Telemagenta | Telemagenta | Magenta tele | Tele Magenta | Telemagenta | |
RAL 4011 | 110-99-135 | #6E6387 | 19-27-0-47 | 23.15 | Pearl violet | Perlviolett | Violet nacré | Violeta perlado | Violetto perlato | Parelmoerdonkerviolet | |
RAL 4012 | 106-107-127 | #6A6B7F | 17-16-0-50 | 25.34 | Pearl blackberry | Perlbrombeer | Mûre nacré | Morado perlado | Mora perlato | Parelmoerlichtviolet | |
RAL 5000 | 48-79-110 | #304F6E | 56-28-0-57 | 9.81 | Violet blue | Violettblau | Bleu violet | Azul violeta | Blu violaceo | Paarsblauw | |
RAL 5001 | 14-76-100 | #0E4C64 | 86-24-0-61 | 8.57 | Green blue | Grünblau | Bleu vert | Azul verdoso | Blu verdastro | Groenblauw | |
RAL 5002 | 0-56-122 | #00387A | 100-54-0-52 | 7.44 | Ultramarine blue | Ultramarinblau | Bleu outremer | Azul ultramar | Blu oltremare | Ultramarijnblauw | |
RAL 5003 | 31-56-85 | #1F3855 | 64-34-0-67 | 6.21 | Sapphire blue | Saphirblau | Bleu saphir | Azul zafiro | Blu zaffiro | Saffierblauw | |
RAL 5004 | 25-30-40 | #191E28 | 38-25-0-84 | 4.62 | Black blue | Schwarzblau | Bleu noir | Azul negruzco | Blu nerastro | Zwartblauw | |
RAL 5005 | 0-83-135 | #005387 | 100-39-0-47 | 10.27 | Signal blue | Signalblau | Bleu de sécurité | Azul señales | Blu segnale | Signaalblauw | |
RAL 5007 | 55-107-140 | #376B8C | 61-24-0-45 | 15.25 | Brillant blue | Brillantblau | Bleu brillant | Azul brillante | Blu brillante | Briljantblauw | |
RAL 5008 | 43-58-68 | #2B3A44 | 37-15-0-73 | 7.00 | Grey blue | Graublau | Bleu gris | Azul grisáceo | Blu grigiastro | Grijsblauw | |
RAL 5009 | 33-95-120 | #215F78 | 73-21-0-53 | 11.90 | Azure blue | Azurblau | Bleu azur | Azul azur | Blu azzurro | Azuurblauw | |
RAL 5010 | 0-79-124 | #004F7C | 100-36-0-51 | 9.31 | Gentian blue | Enzianblau | Bleu gentiane | Azul genciana | Blu genziana | Gentiaanblauw | |
RAL 5011 | 26-43-60 | #1A2B3C | 57-28-0-76 | 5.44 | Steel blue | Stahlblau | Bleu acier | Azul acero | Blu acciaio | Staalblauw | |
RAL 5012 | 0-137-182 | #0089B6 | 100-25-0-29 | 23.21 | Light blue | Lichtblau | Bleu clair | Azul luminoso | Blu luce | Lichtblauw | |
RAL 5013 | 25-49-83 | #193153 | 70-41-0-67 | 6.10 | Cobalt blue | Kobaltblau | Bleu cobalt | Azul cobalto | Blu cobalto | Kobaltblauw | |
RAL 5014 | 99-125-150 | #637D96 | 34-17-0-41 | 21.54 | Pigeon blue | Taubenblau | Bleu pigeon | Azul colombino | Blu colomba | Duifblauw | |
RAL 5015 | 0-124-175 | #007CAF | 100-29-0-31 | 19.03 | Sky blue | Himmelblau | Bleu ciel | Azul celeste | Blu cielo | Hemelsblauw | |
RAL 5017 | 0-91-140 | #005B8C | 100-35-0-45 | 11.46 | Traffic blue | Verkehrsblau | Bleu signalisation | Azul tráfico | Blu traffico | Verkeersblauw | |
RAL 5018 | 4-139-140 | #048B8C | 97-1-0-45 | 23.01 | Turquoise blue | Türkisblau | Bleu turquoise | Azul turquesa | Blu turchese | Turkooisblauw | |
RAL 5019 | 0-94-131 | #005E83 | 100-28-0-49 | 11.79 | Capri blue | Capriblau | Bleu capri | Azul capri | Blu capri | Capriblauw | |
RAL 5020 | 0-65-75 | #00414B | 100-13-0-71 | 7.18 | Ocean blue | Ozeanblau | Bleu océan | Azul océano | Blu oceano | Oceaanblauw | |
RAL 5021 | 0-117-119 | #007577 | 100-2-0-53 | 15.94 | Water blue | Wasserblau | Bleu d’eau | Azul agua | Blu acqua | Waterblauw | |
RAL 5022 | 34-45-90 | #222D5A | 62-50-0-65 | 6.01 | Night blue | Nachtblau | Bleu nocturne | Azul noche | Blu notte | Nachtblauw | |
RAL 5023 | 65-105-140 | #41698C | 54-25-0-45 | 16.13 | Distant blue | Fernblau | Bleu distant | Azul lejanía | Blu distante | Verblauw | |
RAL 5024 | 96-147-172 | #6093AC | 44-15-0-33 | 28.56 | Pastel blue | Pastellblau | Bleu pastel | Azul pastel | Blu pastello | Pastelblauw | |
RAL 5025 | 32-105-124 | #20697C | 74-15-0-51 | 17.91 | Pearl gentian blue | Perlenzian | Gentiane nacré | Gencian perlado | Blu genziana perlato | Parelmoerblauw | |
RAL 5026 | 15-48-82 | #0F3052 | 82-41-0-68 | 7.63 | Pearl night blue | Perlnachtblau | Bleu nuit nacré | Azul noche perlado | Blu notte perlato | Parelmoernachtblauw | |
RAL 6000 | 60-116-96 | #3C7460 | 48-0-17-55 | 17.11 | Patina green | Patinagrün | Vert patine | Verde patina | Verde patina | Patinagroen | |
RAL 6001 | 54-103-53 | #366735 | 48-0-49-60 | 13.54 | Emerald green | Smaragdgrün | Vert émeraude | Verde esmeralda | Verde smeraldo | Smaragdgroen | |
RAL 6002 | 50-89-40 | #325928 | 44-0-55-65 | 11.18 | Leaf green | Laubgrün | Vert feuillage | Verde hoja | Verde foglia | Loofgroen | |
RAL 6003 | 80-83-60 | #50533C | 4-0-28-67 | 10.81 | Olive green | Olivgrün | Vert olive | Verde oliva | Verde oliva | Olijfgroen | |
RAL 6004 | 2-68-66 | #024442 | 97-0-3-73 | 7.66 | Blue green | Blaugrün | Vert bleu | Verde azulado | Verde bluastro | Blauwgroen | |
RAL 6005 | 17-66-50 | #114232 | 74-0-24-74 | 7.09 | Moss green | Moosgrün | Vert mousse | Verde musgo | Verde muschio | Mosgroen | |
RAL 6006 | 60-57-46 | #3C392E | 0-5-23-76 | 7.51 | Grey olive | Grauoliv | Olive gris | Oliva grisáceo | Oliva grigiastro | Grijs olijfgroen | |
RAL 6007 | 44-50-34 | #2C3222 | 12-0-32-80 | 6.33 | Bottle green | Flaschengrün | Vert bouteille | Verde botella | Verde bottiglia | Flessengroen | |
RAL 6008 | 54-52-42 | #36342A | 0-4-22-79 | 6.05 | Brown green | Braungrün | Vert brun | Verde parduzco | Verde brunastro | Bruingroen | |
RAL 6009 | 39-53-42 | #27352A | 26-0-21-79 | 6.11 | Fir green | Tannengrün | Vert sapin | Verde abeto | Verde abete | Dennengroen | |
RAL 6010 | 77-111-57 | #4D6F39 | 31-0-49-56 | 15.18 | Grass green | Grasgrün | Vert herbe | Verde hierba | Verde erba | Grasgroen | |
RAL 6011 | 107-124-89 | #6B7C59 | 14-0-28-51 | 20.85 | Reseda green | Resedagrün | Vert réséda | Verde reseda | Verde reseda | Resedagroen | |
RAL 6012 | 47-61-58 | #2F3D3A | 23-0-5-76 | 7.01 | Black green | Schwarzgrün | Vert noir | Verde negruzco | Verde nerastro | Zwartgroen | |
RAL 6013 | 124-118-90 | #7C765A | 0-5-27-51 | 20.19 | Reed green | Schilfgrün | Vert jonc | Verde caña | Verde canna | Rietgroen | |
RAL 6014 | 71-65-53 | #474135 | 0-8-25-72 | 7.84 | Yellow olive | Gelboliv | Olive jaune | Amarillo oliva | Oliva giallastro | Geel olijfgroen | |
RAL 6015 | 61-61-54 | #3D3D36 | 0-0-11-76 | 7.00 | Black olive | Schwarzoliv | Olive noir | Oliva negruzco | Oliva nerastro | Zwart olijfgroen | |
RAL 6016 | 0-105-76 | #00694C | 100-0-28-59 | 12.99 | Turquoise green | Türkisgrün | Vert turquoise | Verde turquesa | Verde turchese | Turkooisgroen | |
RAL 6017 | 88-127-64 | #587F40 | 31-0-50-50 | 20.05 | May green | Maigrün | Vert mai | Verde mayo | Verde maggio | Meigroen | |
RAL 6018 | 96-153-59 | #60993B | 37-0-61-40 | 27.51 | Yellow green | Gelbgrün | Vert jaune | Verde amarillento | Verde giallastro | Geelgroen | |
RAL 6019 | 185-206-172 | #B9CEAC | 10-0-17-19 | 58.29 | Pastel green | Weißgrün | Vert blanc | Verde blanquecino | Verde biancastro | Witgroen | |
RAL 6020 | 55-66-47 | #37422F | 17-0-29-74 | 8.28 | Chrome green | Chromoxidgrün | Vert oxyde chromique | Verde cromo | Verde cromo | Chroomoxydegroen | |
RAL 6021 | 138-153-119 | #8A9977 | 10-0-22-40 | 32.14 | Pale green | Blaßgrün | Vert pâle | Verde pálido | Verde pallido | Bleekgroen | |
RAL 6022 | 58-51-39 | #3A3327 | 0-12-33-77 | 6.32 | Olive drab | Braunoliv | Olive brun | Oliva parduzco | Oliva brunastro | Bruin olijfgroen | |
RAL 6024 | 0-131-81 | #008351 | 100-0-38-49 | 19.75 | Traffic green | Verkehrsgrün | Vert signalisation | Verde tráfico | Verde traffico | Verkeersgroen | |
RAL 6025 | 94-110-59 | #5E6E3B | 15-0-46-57 | 16.16 | Fern green | Farngrün | Vert fougère | Verde helecho | Verde felce | Varengroen | |
RAL 6026 | 0-95-78 | #005F4E | 100-0-18-63 | 10.75 | Opal green | Opalgrün | Vert opale | Verde ópalo | Verde opale | Opaalgroen | |
RAL 6027 | 126-186-181 | #7EBAB5 | 32-0-3-27 | 44.35 | Light green | Lichtgrün | Vert clair | Verde luminoso | Verde chiaro | Lichtgroen | |
RAL 6028 | 49-84-66 | #315442 | 42-0-21-67 | 10.44 | Pine green | Kieferngrün | Vert pin | Verde pino | Verde pino | Pijnboomgroen | |
RAL 6029 | 0-111-61 | #006F3D | 100-0-45-56 | 13.93 | Mint green | Minzgrün | Vert menthe | Verde menta | Verde menta | Mintgroen | |
RAL 6032 | 35-127-82 | #237F52 | 72-0-35-50 | 18.79 | Signal green | Signalgrün | Vert de sécurité | Verde señales | Verde segnale | Signaalgroen | |
RAL 6033 | 69-135-127 | #45877F | 49-0-6-47 | 22.75 | Mint turquoise | Minttürkis | Turquoise menthe | Turquesa menta | Turchese menta | Mintturquoise | |
RAL 6034 | 122-173-172 | #7AADAC | 29-0-1-32 | 38.69 | Pastel turquoise | Pastelltürkis | Turquoise pastel | Turquesa pastel | Turchese pastello | Pastelturquoise | |
RAL 6035 | 25-77-37 | #194D25 | 68-0-52-70 | 10.60 | Pearl green | Perlgrün | Vert nacré | Verde perlado | Verde perlato | Parelmoerdonkergroen | |
RAL 6036 | 4-87-75 | #04574B | 95-0-14-66 | 14.23 | Pearl opal green | Perlopalgrün | Vert opal nacré | Verde ópalo perlado | Verde opalo perlato | Parelmoerlichtgroen | |
RAL 6037 | 0-139-41 | #008B29 | 100-0-71-45 | 21.38 | Pure green | Reingrün | Vert pur | Verde puro | Verde puro | Zuiver groen | |
RAL 6038 | 0-181-27 | #00B51B | 100-0-85-29 | 29.78 | Luminous green | Leuchtgrün | Vert brillant | Verde brillante | Verde brillante | Briljantgroen | |
RAL 6039 | 179-196-62 | #B3C43E | 9-0-68-23 | Fibrous green | Fasergrün | Vert fibre | Verde fibra | Verde fibra | Fibergroen | ||
RAL 7000 | 122-136-142 | #7A888E | 14-4-0-44 | 25.68 | Squirrel grey | Fehgrau | Gris petit-gris | Gris ardilla | Grigio vaio | Pelsgrijs | |
RAL 7001 | 140-151-156 | #8C979C | 10-3-0-39 | 31.66 | Silver grey | Silbergrau | Gris argent | Gris plata | Grigio argento | Zilvergrijs | |
RAL 7002 | 129-120-99 | #817863 | 0-7-23-49 | 22.15 | Olive grey | Olivgrau | Gris olive | Gris oliva | Grigio olivastro | Olijfgrijs | |
RAL 7003 | 121-118-105 | #797669 | 0-2-13-53 | 20.19 | Moss grey | Moosgrau | Gris mousse | Gris musgo | Grigio muschio | Mosgrijs | |
RAL 7004 | 154-155-155 | #9A9B9B | 1-0-0-39 | 34.79 | Signal grey | Signalgrau | Gris de sécurité | Gris señales | Grigio segnale | Signaalgrijs | |
RAL 7005 | 107-110-107 | #6B6E6B | 3-0-3-57 | 18.03 | Mouse grey | Mausgrau | Gris souris | Gris ratón | Grigio topo | Muisgrijs | |
RAL 7006 | 118-106-94 | #766A5E | 0-10-20-54 | 16.94 | Beige grey | Beigegrau | Gris beige | Gris beige | Grigio beige | Beigegrijs | |
RAL 7008 | 116-95-61 | #745F3D | 0-18-47-55 | 15.09 | Khaki grey | Khakigrau | Gris kaki | Gris caqui | Grigio kaki | Kakigrijs | |
RAL 7009 | 93-96-88 | #5D6058 | 3-0-8-62 | 12.97 | Green grey | Grüngrau | Gris vert | Gris verdoso | Grigio verdastro | Groengrijs | |
RAL 7010 | 88-92-86 | #585C56 | 4-0-7-64 | 12.89 | Tarpaulin grey | Zeltgrau | Gris tente | Gris lona | Grigio tenda | Zeildoekgrijs | |
RAL 7011 | 82-89-93 | #52595D | 12-4-0-64 | 12.04 | Iron grey | Eisengrau | Gris fer | Gris hierro | Grigio ferro | IJzergrijs | |
RAL 7012 | 87-93-94 | #575D5E | 7-1-0-63 | 14.11 | Basalt grey | Basaltgrau | Gris basalte | Gris basalto | Grigio basalto | Bazaltgrijs | |
RAL 7013 | 87-80-68 | #575044 | 0-8-22-66 | 10.60 | Brown grey | Braungrau | Gris brun | Gris parduzco | Grigio brunastro | Bruingrijs | |
RAL 7015 | 79-83-88 | #4F5358 | 10-6-0-65 | 11.50 | Slate grey | Schiefergrau | Gris ardoise | Gris pizarra | Grigio ardesia | Leigrijs | |
RAL 7016 | 56-62-66 | #383E42 | 15-6-0-74 | 8.07 | Anthracite grey | Anthrazitgrau | Gris anthracite | Gris antracita | Grigio antracite | Antracietgrijs | |
RAL 7021 | 47-50-52 | #2F3234 | 10-4-0-80 | 6.48 | Black grey | Schwarzgrau | Gris noir | Gris negruzco | Grigio nerastro | Zwartgrijs | |
RAL 7022 | 76-74-68 | #4C4A44 | 0-3-11-70 | 9.88 | Umbra grey | Umbragrau | Gris terre d’ombre | Gris sombra | Grigio ombra | Ombergrijs | |
RAL 7023 | 128-128-118 | #808076 | 0-0-8-50 | 23.20 | Concrete grey | Betongrau | Gris béton | Gris hormigón | Grigio calcestruzzo | Betongrijs | |
RAL 7024 | 69-73-78 | #45494E | 12-6-0-69 | 9.34 | Graphite grey | Graphitgrau | Gris graphite | Gris grafita | Grigio grafite | Grafietgrijs | |
RAL 7026 | 55-67-69 | #374345 | 20-3-0-73 | 8.27 | Granite grey | Granitgrau | Gris granit | Gris granito | Grigio granito | Granietgrijs | |
RAL 7030 | 146-142-133 | #928E85 | 0-3-9-43 | 29.36 | Stone grey | Steingrau | Gris pierre | Gris piedra | Grigio pietra | Steengrijs | |
RAL 7031 | 91-104-109 | #5B686D | 17-5-0-57 | 16.43 | Blue grey | Blaugrau | Gris bleu | Gris azulado | Grigio bluastro | Blauwgrijs | |
RAL 7032 | 181-176-161 | #B5B0A1 | 0-3-11-29 | 44.61 | Pebble grey | Kieselgrau | Gris silex | Gris guijarro | Grigio ghiaia | Kiezelgrijs | |
RAL 7033 | 127-130-116 | #7F8274 | 2-0-11-49 | 24.14 | Cement grey | Zementgrau | Gris ciment | Gris cemento | Grigio cemento | Cementgrijs | |
RAL 7034 | 146-136-111 | #92886F | 0-7-24-43 | 27.28 | Yellow grey | Gelbgrau | Gris jaune | Gris amarillento | Grigio giallastro | Geelgrijs | |
RAL 7035 | 197-199-196 | #C5C7C4 | 1-0-2-22 | 58.34 | Light grey | Lichtgrau | Gris clair | Gris luminoso | Grigio luce | Lichtgrijs | |
RAL 7036 | 151-147-146 | #979392 | 0-3-3-41 | 31.66 | Platinum grey | Platingrau | Gris platine | Gris platino | Grigio platino | Platinagrijs | |
RAL 7037 | 122-123-122 | #7A7B7A | 1-0-1-52 | 22.95 | Dusty grey | Staubgrau | Gris poussière | Gris polvo | Grigio polvere | Stofgrijs | |
RAL 7038 | 176-176-169 | #B0B0A9 | 0-0-4-31 | 45.28 | Agate grey | Achatgrau | Gris agate | Gris ágata | Grigio agata | Agaatgrijs | |
RAL 7039 | 107-102-94 | #6B665E | 0-5-12-58 | 16.62 | Quartz grey | Quarzgrau | Gris quartz | Gris cuarzo | Grigio quarzo | Kwartsgrijs | |
RAL 7040 | 152-158-161 | #989EA1 | 6-2-0-37 | 35.91 | Window grey | Fenstergrau | Gris fenêtre | Gris ventana | Grigio finestra | Venstergrijs | |
RAL 7042 | 142-146-145 | #8E9291 | 3-0-1-43 | 30.93 | Traffic grey A | Verkehrsgrau A | Gris signalisation A | Gris tráfico A | Grigio traffico A | Verkeersgrijs A | |
RAL 7043 | 79-82-80 | #4F5250 | 4-0-2-68 | 11.35 | Traffic grey B | Verkehrsgrau B | Gris signalisation B | Gris tráfico B | Grigio traffico B | Verkeersgrijs B | |
RAL 7044 | 183-179-168 | #B7B3A8 | 0-2-8-28 | 47.21 | Silk grey | Seidengrau | Gris soie | Gris seda | Grigio seta | Zijdegrijs | |
RAL 7045 | 141-146-149 | #8D9295 | 5-2-0-42 | 31.21 | Telegrey 1 | Telegrau 1 | Telegris 1 | Gris tele 1 | Grigio tele 1 | Telegrijs 1 | |
RAL 7046 | 126-134-138 | #7E868A | 9-3-0-46 | 25.48 | Telegrey 2 | Telegrau 2 | Telegris 2 | Gris tele 2 | Grigio tele 2 | Telegrijs 2 | |
RAL 7047 | 200-200-199 | #C8C8C7 | 0-0-0-22 | 59.07 | Telegrey 4 | Telegrau 4 | Telegris 4 | Gris tele 4 | Grigio tele 4 | Telegrijs 4 | |
RAL 7048 | 129-123-115 | #817B73 | 0-5-11-49 | 33.57 | Pearl mouse grey | Perlmausgrau | Gris souris nacré | Gris musgo perlado | Grigio topo perlato | Parelmoermuisgrijs | |
RAL 8000 | 137-105-63 | #89693F | 0-23-54-46 | 18.33 | Green brown | Grünbraun | Brun vert | Pardo verdoso | Marrone verdastro | Groenbruin | |
RAL 8001 | 157-98-43 | #9D622B | 0-38-73-38 | 18.69 | Ochre brown | Ockerbraun | Brun terre de Sienne | Pardo ocre | Marrone ocra | Okerbruin | |
RAL 8002 | 121-77-62 | #794D3E | 0-36-49-53 | 12.23 | Signal brown | Signalbraun | Brun de sécurité | Marrón señales | Marrone segnale | Signaalbruin | |
RAL 8003 | 126-75-39 | #7E4B27 | 0-40-69-51 | 12.78 | Clay brown | Lehmbraun | Brun argile | Pardo arcilla | Marrone fango | Leembruin | |
RAL 8004 | 141-73-49 | #8D4931 | 0-48-65-45 | 13.54 | Copper brown | Kupferbraun | Brun cuivré | Pardo cobre | Marrone rame | Koperbruin | |
RAL 8007 | 112-70-43 | #70462B | 0-38-62-56 | 10.60 | Fawn brown | Rehbraun | Brun fauve | Pardo corzo | Marrone capriolo | Reebruin | |
RAL 8008 | 114-74-37 | #724A25 | 0-35-68-55 | 11.88 | Olive brown | Olivbraun | Brun olive | Pardo oliva | Marrone oliva | Olijfbruin | |
RAL 8011 | 90-56-39 | #5A3827 | 0-38-57-65 | 8.11 | Nut brown | Nußbraun | Brun noisette | Pardo nuez | Marrone noce | Notenbruin | |
RAL 8012 | 102-51-43 | #66332B | 0-50-58-60 | 8.16 | Red brown | Rotbraun | Brun rouge | Pardo rojo | Marrone rossiccio | Roodbruin | |
RAL 8014 | 74-53-38 | #4A3526 | 0-28-49-71 | 7.12 | Sepia brown | Sepiabraun | Brun sépia | Sepia | Marrone seppia | Sepiabruin | |
RAL 8015 | 94-47-38 | #5E2F26 | 0-50-60-63 | 7.67 | Chestnut brown | Kastanienbraun | Marron | Castaño | Marrone castagna | Kastanjebruin | |
RAL 8016 | 76-43-32 | #4C2B20 | 0-43-58-70 | 6.78 | Mahogany brown | Mahagonibraun | Brun acajou | Caoba | Marrone mogano | Mahoniebruin | |
RAL 8017 | 68-47-41 | #442F29 | 0-31-40-73 | 6.64 | Chocolate brown | Schokoladenbraun | Brun chocolat | Chocolate | Marrone cioccolata | Chocoladebruin | |
RAL 8019 | 61-54-53 | #3D3635 | 0-11-13-76 | 6.88 | Grey brown | Graubraun | Brun gris | Pardo grisáceo | Marrone grigiastro | Grijsbruin | |
RAL 8022 | 26-23-25 | #1A1719 | 0-12-4-90 | 4.57 | Black brown | Schwarzbraun | Brun noir | Pardo negruzco | Marrone nerastro | Zwartbruin | |
RAL 8023 | 164-87-41 | #A45729 | 0-47-75-36 | 17.78 | Orange brown | Orangebraun | Brun orangé | Pardo anaranjado | Marrone arancio | Oranjebruin | |
RAL 8024 | 121-80-56 | #795038 | 0-34-54-53 | 12.99 | Beige brown | Beigebraun | Brun beige | Pardo beige | Marrone beige | Beigebruin | |
RAL 8025 | 117-88-71 | #755847 | 0-25-39-54 | 13.68 | Pale brown | Blaßbraun | Brun pâle | Pardo pálido | Marrone pallido | Bleekbruin | |
RAL 8028 | 81-58-42 | #513A2A | 0-28-48-68 | 8.21 | Terra brown | Terrabraun | Brun terre | Marrón tierra | Marrone terra | Terrabruin | |
RAL 8029 | 127-64-49 | #7F4031 | 0-50-61-50 | 14.02 | Pearl copper | Perlkupfer | Cuivre nacré | Cobre perlado | Rame perlato | Parelmoerkoper | |
RAL 9001 | 233-224-210 | #E9E0D2 | 0-4-10-9 | 75.78 | Cream | Cremeweiß | Blanc crème | Blanco crema | Bianco crema | Crèmewit | |
RAL 9002 | 214-213-203 | #D6D5CB | 0-0-5-16 | 67.19 | Grey white | Grauweiß | Blanc gris | Blanco grisáceo | Bianco grigiastro | Grijswit | |
RAL 9003 | 236-236-231 | #ECECE7 | 0-0-2-7 | 84.54 | Signal white | Signalweiß | Blanc de sécurité | Blanco señales | Bianco segnale | Signaalwit | |
RAL 9004 | 43-43-44 | #2B2B2C | 2-2-0-83 | 5.69 | Signal black | Signalschwarz | Noir de sécurité | Negro señales | Nero segnale | Signaalzwart | |
RAL 9005 | 14-14-16 | #0E0E10 | 13-13-0-94 | 4.22 | Jet black | Tiefschwarz | Noir foncé | Negro intenso | Nero intenso | Gitzwart | |
RAL 9006 | 161-161-160 | #A1A1A0 | 0-0-1-37 | 45.88 | White aluminium | Weißaluminium | Aluminium blanc | Aluminio blanco | Alluminio brillante | Blank aluminiumkleurig | |
RAL 9007 | 134-133-129 | #868581 | 0-1-4-47 | 28.94 | Grey aluminium | Graualuminium | Aluminium gris | Aluminio gris | Alluminio grigiastro | Grijs aluminiumkleurig | |
RAL 9010 | 241-237-225 | #F1EDE1 | 0-2-7-5 | 84.82 | Pure white | Reinweiß | Blanc pur | Blanco puro | Bianco puro | Zuiver wit | |
RAL 9011 | 39-41-43 | #27292B | 9-5-0-83 | 4.87 | Graphite black | Graphitschwarz | Noir graphite | Negro grafito | Nero grafite | Grafietzwart | |
RAL 9012 | 248-242-225 | #F8F2E1 | 0-2-9-3 | Cleanroom white | Reinraumweiß | Blanc salle blanche | Blanco sala blanca | Bianco cleanroom | Ultrareine zone wit | ||
RAL 9016 | 241-241-234 | #F1F1EA | 0-0-3-5 | 87.27 | Traffic white | Verkehrsweiß | Blanc signalisation | Blanco tráfico | Bianco traffico | Verkeerswit | |
RAL 9017 | 41-41-42 | #29292A | 2-2-0-84 | 5.09 | Traffic black | Verkehrsschwarz | Noir signalisation | Negro tráfico | Nero traffico | Verkeerszwart | |
RAL 9018 | 200-203-196 | #C8CBC4 | 1-0-3-20 | 60.77 | Papyrus white | Papyrusweiß | Blanc papyrus | Blanco papiro | Bianco papiro | Papyruswit | |
RAL 9022 | 133-133-131 | #858583 | 0-0-2-48 | 35.40 | Pearl light grey | Perlhellgrau | Gris clair nacré | Gris claro perlado | Grigio chiaro perlato | Parelmoerlichtgrijs | |
RAL 9023 | 120-123-122 | #787B7A | 2-0-1-52 | 33.87 | Pearl dark grey | Perldunkelgrau | Gris fonçé nacré | Gris oscuro perlado | Grigio scuro perlato | Parelmoerdonkergrijs |
Fixed. Thanks for pointing this out, Ralf 👍
No knowledge in this area (old newbie). My architect gave me an alu profile with RAL 7039. But this list gives quite different components than the one found on https://www.ralcolorchart.com/ral-classic (close but not the same).
Other source - official ? - from https://www.ral-farben.de/content/application-help/ral-digital-download.html.
The latter provides a demo (and paying) software that translate the original industrial RAL set from RAL Farben.de to RGB.
I saw many different tables converting RAL Classic to hexa / rgb and contents differ also.
I don't know why they differ but worth perhaps explaining. I made my own table from wiki etc
I.E. for ral 7039 the official table states 6A6663 (RGB 106,102,99) while above states 108,105,96 while the other source states 107, 102, 94. No wonder paintings and industrial products (alu profiles) don't look alike using supposedly the same Quartz Grey definition.
Any answer for this? I am intrigued.
- RAL Standard Color Table XML version
- RAL Standard Color Table JSON version
- RAL Standard Color Table CSV version
- RAL Standard Color Table Markdown table version
- RAL Standard Color Table HTML table version
- RAL Standard Color Table LaTex table version
- RAL Standard Color Table create and insert sql version
- RAL Standard Color Table plain text table version
Thanks a lot for this table! :) I just have to make a couple of corrections. Some color values are the same and this prevented me to import the data in my db:
The RGB version of the HEX colors are actually:
- #6D3F5B = 109-063-091
- #18171C = 024-023-028
At the current state the share the same wrong RGB value.
The shades Papyrus white (RAL 9018) and Light grey (RAL 7035) have differente RGB and HEX values (in the table the share the same values):
- Papyrus white (RAL 9018) = RGB: 207-211-205, HEX: #CFD3CD
- Light grey (RAL 7035) = RGB: 203-208-204, HEX: #CBD0CC
@DanieleAveta Great, I did the updates. Thank you! 👍
@lunohodov you're welcome! :)
anyone done the same for the BS colour charts?
@zac123 Not that I am aware of. Would be great addition though.
Very useful table. Some errors...
- You have a number of nonbreaking spaces instead of regular spaces in the text.
- RAL 5007 in English should be "Brilliant blue".
- RAL 4012 in English should be "Pearl blackberry".
- RAL 2012 in English should be "Salmon orange".
- RAL 5003 in English should be "Sapphire blue".
Some ideas to consider...
- RAL 1021 in English might better be "Colza yellow" (not everyone approves of "Rape").
- RAL 9006 and 9007 might use the American "aluminum" instead of the British "aluminium".
- Remove quotation marks.
Here are some more to consider:
- Change "Amarillo maiz" to "Amarillo maíz".
- Change "Naranja sanguineo" to "Naranja sanguíneo".
- Change "Orangé clair rillant" to "Orangé clair brillant".
- Change "Rojo purpura" to "Rojo púrpura".
- Change "Rouge puro" to "Rouge pur".
- Change "Azul olombino" to "Azul colombino".
- Change "Azul oceano" to "Azul océano".
- Change "Flessegroen" to "Flessengroen".
- Change "Dennegroen" to "Dennengroen".
- Change "Notebruin" to "Notenbruin".
- Change "Verde lanquecino" to "Verde blanquecino".
- Change "Verde opalo" to "Verde ópalo" (Spanish only).
- Change "Schokoladen-braun" to "Schokoladenbraun".
- Change "Verkehrs-schwarz" to "Verkehrsschwarz".
I'm not sure what the difference is in HEX values. Wikipedia and Ral USA website have different hex values.
I have a theory, that Wikipedia has sRGP spectre HEX values. And USA RAL website some other.
Also I found ral colors list with ukrainian color names. Here is yml (HEX in sRGB).
@Libretti, @nevirnotse Thank you for the suggestions. I have recompiled the list.
In addition, I have added the LRV (light reflectance value) and CMYK values where available.
May we use this data? What license (if any) is it available under?
Hello @norchai!
Can you elaborate more on "we"?
@lunohodov: "we" = the public in general; and my early stage startup in particular. thanks!
@norchai It's available under MIT License.
Great -- thank you!
Thank you for this table! There is a small error at RAL 1026, the HEX must be #FFFF00 instead of ##FFFF00.