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# gruvbox-dark colorscheme for kitty | |
# snazzy theme used as base | |
foreground #ebdbb2 | |
background #272727 | |
selection_foreground #655b53 | |
selection_background #ebdbb2 | |
url_color #d65c0d | |
# black | |
color0 #272727 | |
color8 #928373 | |
# red | |
color1 #cc231c | |
color9 #fb4833 | |
# green | |
color2 #989719 | |
color10 #b8ba25 | |
# yellow | |
color3 #d79920 | |
color11 #fabc2e | |
# blue | |
color4 #448488 | |
color12 #83a597 | |
# magenta | |
color5 #b16185 | |
color13 #d3859a | |
# cyan | |
color6 #689d69 | |
color14 #8ec07b | |
# white | |
color7 #a89983 | |
color15 #ebdbb2 |
This is perfect. Thank you!
hmm this is not working for me on a mac. I copied the colors to my config and reopen kitty but I'm not getting the gruvbox colors
@gozes make sure you put it at the bottom
@westofer I just replace the colors in the sample config with dose one you can see it here https://github.com/gozes/dotfiles/blob/master/kitty/kitty.conf
@gozes I tried yours and it worked fine, check that the file is in the correct place?
I have in the right place I believe however I still get the black background
I'm using fish. you can see my config https://github.com/gozes/dotfiles/tree/master/fish
itty 0.19.3 created by Kovid Goyal
ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.15.3 BuildVersion: 19D76
Loaded config files: /Users/jsmontalvo/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
Config options different from defaults:
background Color(red=39, green=39, blue=39)
color0 Color(red=39, green=39, blue=39)
color1 Color(red=204, green=35, blue=28)
color10 Color(red=184, green=186, blue=37)
color11 Color(red=250, green=188, blue=46)
color12 Color(red=131, green=165, blue=151)
color13 Color(red=211, green=133, blue=154)
color14 Color(red=142, green=192, blue=123)
color15 Color(red=235, green=219, blue=178)
color2 Color(red=152, green=151, blue=25)
color3 Color(red=215, green=153, blue=32)
color4 Color(red=68, green=132, blue=136)
color5 Color(red=177, green=97, blue=133)
color6 Color(red=104, green=157, blue=105)
color7 Color(red=168, green=153, blue=131)
color8 Color(red=146, green=131, blue=115)
color9 Color(red=251, green=72, blue=51)
font_size 13.0
foreground Color(red=235, green=219, blue=178)
mouse_hide_wait 3.0
selection_background Color(red=235, green=219, blue=178)
selection_foreground Color(red=101, green=91, blue=83)
url_color Color(red=214, green=92, blue=13)
Awesome! Thanks
you can also customize the tab bar.
active_tab_foreground #655b53
active_tab_background #ebdbb2
inactive_tab_foreground #ebdbb2
inactive_tab_background #655b53
Thanks very much
Thanks for this! 💯