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Created March 10, 2014 16:46
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Save hargup/9468786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List of Test failure if solve raises an `NotImplementedError()` for every call.
============================= test process starts ==============================
executable: /usr/bin/python (2.7.3-final-0) [CPython]
architecture: 64-bit
cache: yes
ground types: gmpy 1.17
random seed: 61988006
hash randomization: on (PYTHONHASHSEED=1473891933)
sympy/assumptions/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/assumptions/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/assumptions/tests/[19] ..........ff....... [OK]
sympy/assumptions/tests/[56] ....ffff..w...........................
.................. [OK]
sympy/assumptions/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/calculus/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/calculus/tests/[2] Ef [FAIL]
sympy/categories/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/categories/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[38] .....ff.......................
........ [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[12] ....f....... [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/combinatorics/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/concrete/tests/[26] .EEEEEEEEEEE.EEEEEEEEEEEEE [FAIL]
sympy/concrete/tests/[11] .EEEEEEEEEE [FAIL]
sympy/concrete/tests/[15] ............... [OK]
sympy/concrete/tests/[47] .....EE.EE..........E....E...E...
...E.......... [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/[572] ....fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff..ssssssssss
............................................... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[67] .....f........................................
..................... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[45] .....ffff..............................
...... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[17] ................. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[8] .......f [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[20] ........w........... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[39] .........ff............................ [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[82] f.............................................
...........E........................ [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[46] .........ff...............................
...E [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/[11] ........... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[36] ....f............................... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[15] ........fff.... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[64] ....ff.....................................
..................... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[13] .....f......E [FAIL]
sympy/core/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[45] ....ff..........................E.E..........
sympy/core/tests/[48] .........f....................................
.. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[35] ....f.............................. [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/core/tests/[384] ..........fffffffffffffffwfffffffffffwfffwf
.............E...FEEE [FAIL]
sympy/crypto/tests/[32] ................................ [OK]
sympy/diffgeom/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/diffgeom/tests/[11] ........... [OK]
sympy/diffgeom/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/diffgeom/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/external/tests/[10] .ffffX.... [OK]
sympy/external/tests/[8] .s.s.... [OK]
sympy/external/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/external/tests/[20] .................... [OK]
sympy/external/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/functions/combinatorial/tests/[12] .......f....
sympy/functions/combinatorial/tests/[9] ....ff... [OK]
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[24] ..fff...................
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[24] .......................
. [OK]
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[31] ........................
....... [OK]
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[4] ..f. [OK]
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[24] .ff......E.............E
sympy/functions/elementary/tests/[49] ...fw..ww............
............................ [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[17] ................. [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[23] ......................
. [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/functions/special/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/galgebra/tests/[23] .....ffffff.......E.... [FAIL]
sympy/geometry/tests/[20] ..EE.E.........E..EE [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[2] .E [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[22] wffwfXffwfffXfwfffwwws [OK]
sympy/integrals/tests/[24] ........fFf..Fwww..F.... [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[98] .....fXffXff.Ew................E....
E..EF...................F.........F..EEE........F.F.F.......E. [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/integrals/tests/[13] ...E...E....E [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[19] ....FEFEEFFF.F..... [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[12] .E........EE [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/integrals/tests/[7] E.EEEE. [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[10] ...E..f... [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[31] ............E.................. [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[14] ...Ew.FFEEFFF. [FAIL]
sympy/integrals/tests/[4] ..E. [FAIL]
sympy/interactive/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/interactive/tests/[2] Python shell history and tab completion are enabled
.Python shell history and tab completion are enabled
. [OK]
sympy/interactive/tests/[2] Python shell history and tab completion are enabled
.Python shell history and tab completion are enabled
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/liealgebras/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/logic/tests/[32] .......f.......................E [FAIL]
sympy/logic/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/logic/tests/[16] ................ [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[13] ............. [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[19] ...................
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[9] ........f [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[2] .f [OK]
sympy/matrices/expressions/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/matrices/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/matrices/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/matrices/tests/[128] ......ffffw..........................
........... [FAIL]
sympy/matrices/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/matrices/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[22] ...................... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[13] ............. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[45] .......................................
...... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[45] ......................................
....... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[31] ............................... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[15] ............... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/mpmath/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/ntheory/tests/[28] ............................ [OK]
sympy/parsing/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/parsing/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/parsing/tests/[3] ..E [FAIL]
sympy/parsing/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/physics/hep/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[4] E.EE [FAIL]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[1] w [OK]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[3] EE. [FAIL]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[11] ........... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[25] ......................... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[3] ..f [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[16] ..f............. [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[17] ................. [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[11] ........... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[2] .f [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[38] ...................................
... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/physics/quantum/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[2] .f [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[50] ......ff............................
.............. [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/physics/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[3] .EE [FAIL]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[6] .F..F. [FAIL]
sympy/physics/vector/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/plotting/intervalmath/tests/[24] ...............
......... [OK]
sympy/plotting/intervalmath/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/plotting/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/plotting/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/polys/agca/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/polys/agca/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/polys/agca/tests/[16] ................ [OK]
sympy/polys/domains/tests/[22] ...................... [OK]
sympy/polys/domains/tests/[5] ..... [OK]
sympy/polys/domains/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[48] .......................................
......... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[58] .......................................
................... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[36] ....................................
sympy/polys/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[20] .................... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[16] ................ [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[20] .................... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[19] .......f........... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[33] ................................. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[22] ..www................. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[16] .w.............. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[10] EEEEEE...E [FAIL]
sympy/polys/tests/[19] ................... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[46] ......................................
........ [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[13] ............. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[133] .fff...................................
.............. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[14] .............. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[62] ............................................
.................. [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[20] .................... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[21] ..................... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/polys/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/printing/pretty/tests/[61] .................................
............................ [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[23] ....................... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[31] ............................... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[2] .X [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[21] ..................... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[82] ..ff.....................................
......................................... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[17] ................. [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[10] .....f.... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[20] .................... [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[71] ...........................................
............................ [OK]
sympy/printing/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[17] ................. [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[41] .s.ffffs.................................
sympy/series/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[44] .......fff................................
.. [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[67] .................f.......................
.......................... [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[45] ...........................................
.. [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[9] ........f [OK]
sympy/series/tests/[12] ............ [OK]
sympy/sets/tests/[13] ...E...ff.... [FAIL]
sympy/simplify/tests/[24] .........ffff........... [OK]
sympy/simplify/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/simplify/tests/[26] .......................... [OK]
sympy/simplify/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/simplify/tests/[43] E.E.Efffff...wwwwwwwwwwwww......E..
.EEE.... [FAIL]
sympy/simplify/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/simplify/tests/[90] .E.fffff..w....E...E.....EEE..........
....E......................................F........ [FAIL]
sympy/simplify/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/simplify/tests/[1] . [OK]
sympy/solvers/tests/[9] .....f... [OK]
sympy/solvers/tests/[29] .E.E...w.............E....... [FAIL]
sympy/solvers/tests/[12] ...........E [FAIL]
sympy/solvers/tests/[3] ..f [OK]
sympy/solvers/tests/[69] FFfffffff.ww.F...FFEEFFF.EFFF.F.....E..FF...
sympy/solvers/tests/[9] ...E..EFE [FAIL]
sympy/solvers/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/solvers/tests/[7] EEEEEEE [FAIL]
sympy/solvers/tests/[77] EFFFFEwffEwwEEEEEEEEEEEE.EEEE.EEEEEEEEEs
sympy/solvers/tests/[27] sEEEww.EE.EEEEEEEEE.EEEEEE. [FAIL]
sympy/solvers/tests/[29] EEE.EffEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. [FAIL]
sympy/statistics/tests/[7] ....E.. [FAIL]
sympy/stats/tests/[54] E.Efffff.Ew.........................
...............E.E [FAIL]
sympy/stats/tests/[3] E.E [FAIL]
sympy/stats/tests/[13] .E....w...... [FAIL]
sympy/stats/tests/[1] E [FAIL]
sympy/stats/tests/[18] ..........f.EE.... [FAIL]
sympy/strategies/branch/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/strategies/branch/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/strategies/branch/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/strategies/tests/[10] .......... [OK]
sympy/strategies/tests/[9] ......... [OK]
sympy/strategies/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/strategies/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/strategies/tests/[6] ...... [OK]
sympy/tensor/tests/[15] ............... [OK]
sympy/tensor/tests/[16] ................ [OK]
sympy/tensor/tests/[46] ..........................................
.... [OK]
sympy/unify/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/unify/tests/[17] ...........f..... [OK]
sympy/unify/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[8] ........ [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[4] .... [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[40] ......................................
.. [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[3] ... [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[4] ..w. [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[34] ..................................
sympy/utilities/tests/[35] ...................................
sympy/utilities/tests/[1] X [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[38] ....ffffff...........................
. [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[7] ....... [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[2] .. [OK]
sympy/utilities/tests/[1] . [OK]
________________________________ xpassed tests _________________________________
sympy/core/tests/ test_R1
sympy/core/tests/ test_V12
sympy/external/tests/ test_wrap_twice_c_cython
sympy/integrals/tests/ test_issue_1393
sympy/integrals/tests/ test_issue_1135
sympy/integrals/tests/ test_issue_1304_2
sympy/integrals/tests/ test_integrate_derivatives
sympy/printing/tests/ test_1
sympy/utilities/tests/ test_module_imports_are_direct
________ sympy/calculus/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/calculus/tests/", line 10, in test_singularities
assert singularities(x**2, x) == ()
File "sympy/calculus/", line 33, in singularities
return tuple(sorted(solve(simplify(1/expr), sym)))
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/concrete/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 29, in test_deltaproduct_basic
assert dp(KD(i, j), (j, 1, k)) == KD(i, 1)*KD(k, 1) + KD(k, 0)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 216, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(f.subs(limit[0], limit[1])*KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1])) + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 35, in test_deltaproduct_mul_x_kd
assert dp(x*KD(i, j), (j, 1, 1)) == x*KD(i, 1)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 216, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(f.subs(limit[0], limit[1])*KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1])) + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 44, in test_deltaproduct_mul_add_x_y_kd
assert dp((x + y)*KD(i, j), (j, 1, 1)) == (x + y)*KD(i, 1)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 216, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(f.subs(limit[0], limit[1])*KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1])) + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 55, in test_deltaproduct_add_kd_kd
assert dp(KD(i, k) + KD(j, k), (k, 1, 3)) == 0
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 200, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(result)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/concrete/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 70, in test_deltaproduct_mul_x_add_kd_kd
assert dp(x*(KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, 3)) == 0
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 209, in deltaproduct
return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 190, in deltaproduct
deltaproduct(newexpr, (limit[0], ik + 1, limit[2])) for ik in range(int(limit[1]), int(limit[2] + 1))]
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 216, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(f.subs(limit[0], limit[1])*KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1])) + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/concrete/tests/ __
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 86, in test_deltaproduct_mul_add_x_y_add_kd_kd
assert dp((x + y)*(KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, 3)) == 0
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 209, in deltaproduct
return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 190, in deltaproduct
deltaproduct(newexpr, (limit[0], ik + 1, limit[2])) for ik in range(int(limit[1]), int(limit[2] + 1))]
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 216, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(f.subs(limit[0], limit[1])*KroneckerDelta(limit[2], limit[1])) + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/concrete/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 107, in test_deltaproduct_add_mul_x_y_mul_x_kd
assert dp(x*y + x*KD(i, j), (j, 1, 3)) == (x*y)**3 + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 200, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(result)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 114, in _remove_multiple_delta
return expr.func(*list(map(_remove_multiple_delta, expr.args)))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 129, in test_deltaproduct_mul_x_add_y_kd
assert dp(x*(y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == (x*y)**3 + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 209, in deltaproduct
return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 200, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(result)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 114, in _remove_multiple_delta
return expr.func(*list(map(_remove_multiple_delta, expr.args)))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 151, in test_deltaproduct_mul_x_add_y_twokd
assert dp(x*(y + 2*KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == (x*y)**3 + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 209, in deltaproduct
return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 200, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(result)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 114, in _remove_multiple_delta
return expr.func(*list(map(_remove_multiple_delta, expr.args)))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/concrete/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 173, in test_deltaproduct_mul_add_x_y_add_y_kd
assert dp((x + y)*(y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == ((x + y)*y)**3 + \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 209, in deltaproduct
return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 200, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(result)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 114, in _remove_multiple_delta
return expr.func(*list(map(_remove_multiple_delta, expr.args)))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/concrete/tests/ __
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 200, in test_deltaproduct_mul_add_x_kd_add_y_kd
assert dp((x + KD(i, k))*(y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 209, in deltaproduct
return factor(deltaproduct(g, limit))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 200, in deltaproduct
return _remove_multiple_delta(result)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 114, in _remove_multiple_delta
return expr.func(*list(map(_remove_multiple_delta, expr.args)))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 126, in _remove_multiple_delta
solns = solve(eqs, dict=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 242, in test_deltasummation_basic_numerical
assert ds(KD(n, 0), (n, 1, 3)) == 0
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 263, in test_deltasummation_basic_symbolic
assert ds(KD(i, j), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 276, in test_deltasummation_mul_x_kd
assert ds(x*KD(i, j), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 289, in test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_y_kd
assert ds((x + y)*KD(i, j), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/concrete/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 305, in test_deltasummation_add_kd_kd
assert ds(KD(i, k) + KD(j, k), (k, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 328, in test_deltasummation_add_mul_x_kd_kd
assert ds(x*KD(i, k) + KD(j, k), (k, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 351, in test_deltasummation_mul_x_add_kd_kd
assert ds(x*(KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_ sympy/concrete/tests/ _
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 374, in test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_y_add_kd_kd
assert ds((x + y)*(KD(i, k) + KD(j, k)), (k, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_ sympy/concrete/tests/ __
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 397, in test_deltasummation_add_mul_x_y_mul_x_kd
assert ds(x*y + x*KD(i, j), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/concrete/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 413, in test_deltasummation_mul_x_add_y_kd
assert ds(x*(y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___ sympy/concrete/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 429, in test_deltasummation_mul_x_add_y_twokd
assert ds(x*(y + 2*KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_ sympy/concrete/tests/ __
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 445, in test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_y_add_y_kd
assert ds((x + y)*(y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == Piecewise(
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_ sympy/concrete/tests/ _
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 463, in test_deltasummation_mul_add_x_kd_add_y_kd
assert ds((x + KD(i, k))*(y + KD(i, j)), (j, 1, 3)) == piecewise_fold(
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 298, in deltasummation
g.func(*[deltasummation(h, limit, no_piecewise) for h in g.args]))
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/concrete/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 15, in test_gosper_term
k)/factorial(2*k + 1), k) == (-k - S(1)/2)/(k + S(1)/4)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 19, in test_gosper_sum
assert gosper_sum(1, (k, 0, n)) == 1 + n
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 52, in test_gosper_sum_indefinite
assert gosper_sum(k, k) == k*(k - 1)/2
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 61, in test_gosper_sum_parametric
assert gosper_sum(binomial(S(1)/2, m - j + 1)*binomial(S(1)/2, m + j), (j, 1, n)) == \
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 68, in test_gosper_sum_algebraic
n**2 + sqrt(2), (n, 0, m)) == (m + 1)*(2*m**2 + m + 6*sqrt(2))/6
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/concrete/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 78, in test_gosper_sum_iterated
assert gosper_sum(f1, (k, 0, n)) == f2
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 109, in test_gosper_sum_AeqB_part1
g = gosper_sum(f1a, (n, 0, m))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 141, in test_gosper_sum_AeqB_part2
g = gosper_sum(f2a, (n, 0, m))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 157, in test_gosper_nan
g = gosper_sum(f2d, (n, 0, m))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 179, in test_gosper_sum_AeqB_part3
g = gosper_sum(f3a, (n, 1, m))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 220, in test_geometric_sums
assert summation(Rational(1, 2)**n, (n, 1, oo)) == 1
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 686, in eval_sum_symbolic
return eval_sum_hyper(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 778, in eval_sum_hyper
res = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, a)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 696, in _eval_sum_hyper
return _eval_sum_hyper(f.subs(i, i + a), i, 0)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 735, in _eval_sum_hyper
return f.subs(i, 0)*hyperexpand(h), h.convergence_statement
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/concrete/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 247, in test_harmonic_sums
assert summation(1/k, (k, 0, n)) == Sum(1/k, (k, 0, n))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 681, in eval_sum_symbolic
r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/concrete/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 266, in test_hypergeometric_sums
binomial(2*k, k)/4**k, (k, 0, n)) == (1 + 2*n)*binomial(2*n, n)/4**n
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 681, in eval_sum_symbolic
r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/concrete/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 274, in test_other_sums
assert summation(f, (m, -1.5, 1.5)).evalf().epsilon_eq(g.evalf(), 1e-10)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 638, in eval_sum_symbolic
lsum = eval_sum_symbolic(L, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 681, in eval_sum_symbolic
r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/concrete/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 457, in test_telescopic_sums
assert Sum(1/x/(x - 1), (x, a, b)).doit() == -((a - b - 1)/(b*(a - 1)))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 681, in eval_sum_symbolic
r = gosper_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 203, in gosper_sum
g = gosper_term(f, k)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 142, in gosper_term
solution = solve(H.coeffs(), coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 518, in test_Sum_doit
assert Sum(Sum(KroneckerDelta(m, n), (m, 1, 3)), (n, 1, 3)).doit() == 3
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 580, in eval_sum
return deltasummation(f, limits)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 306, in deltasummation
solns = solve(delta.args[0] - delta.args[1], x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/concrete/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 570, in test_hypersum
assert summation(1/(n + 2)**3, (n, 1, oo)) == -S(9)/8 + zeta(3)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 686, in eval_sum_symbolic
return eval_sum_hyper(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 778, in eval_sum_hyper
res = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, a)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 696, in _eval_sum_hyper
return _eval_sum_hyper(f.subs(i, i + a), i, 0)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 735, in _eval_sum_hyper
return f.subs(i, 0)*hyperexpand(h), h.convergence_statement
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2035, in _hyperexpand
formula = try_lerchphi(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 1776, in try_lerchphi
part = apart(numer/denom, t)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/concrete/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/concrete/tests/", line 650, in test_issue_1072
assert summation(factorial(2*k + 1)/factorial(2*k), (k, 0, oo)) == oo
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 686, in eval_sum_symbolic
return eval_sum_hyper(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 778, in eval_sum_hyper
res = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, a)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 735, in _eval_sum_hyper
return f.subs(i, 0)*hyperexpand(h), h.convergence_statement
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/core/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 1158, in test_action_verbs
assert apart(y/(y + 2)/(y + 1), y) == (y/(y + 2)/(y + 1)).apart(y)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/core/tests/ _________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 612, in test_nfloat
assert not any(a.free_symbols for a in solve(f.subs(x, -0.139)))
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/core/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 293, in test_univariate_relational_as_set
assert (x > 0).as_set() == Interval(0, oo, True, True)
File "sympy/core/", line 140, in as_set
return solve_univariate_inequality(self, sym, relational=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 383, in solve_univariate_inequality
solns = solve(expr.lhs - expr.rhs, gen, assume=assume)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/core/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 528, in test_image_interval
assert imageset(x, 2*x, Interval(-2, 1)) == Interval(-4, 2)
File "sympy/core/", line 1515, in imageset
return set._eval_imageset(f)
File "sympy/core/", line 748, in _eval_imageset
sing = [x for x in singularities(expr, var) if x.is_real and x in self]
File "sympy/calculus/", line 33, in singularities
return tuple(sorted(solve(simplify(1/expr), sym)))
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/core/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 564, in test_image_Union
assert imageset(x, x**2, Interval(-2, 0) + FiniteSet(1, 2, 3)) == \
File "sympy/core/", line 1515, in imageset
return set._eval_imageset(f)
File "sympy/core/", line 1023, in _eval_imageset
return Union(imageset(f, arg) for arg in self.args)
File "sympy/core/", line 883, in __new__
args = flatten(args)
File "sympy/core/", line 881, in flatten
return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
File "sympy/core/", line 881, in flatten
return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
File "sympy/core/", line 1023, in <genexpr>
return Union(imageset(f, arg) for arg in self.args)
File "sympy/core/", line 1515, in imageset
return set._eval_imageset(f)
File "sympy/core/", line 748, in _eval_imageset
sing = [x for x in singularities(expr, var) if x.is_real and x in self]
File "sympy/calculus/", line 33, in singularities
return tuple(sorted(solve(simplify(1/expr), sym)))
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 411, in test_H15
assert simplify((Mul(*[x - r for r in solve(x**3 + x**2 - 7)]))) == x**3 + x**2 - 7
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 510, in test_H31
assert apart(f) == g
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 791, in test_M2
sol = solve(3*x**3 - 18*x**2 + 33*x - 19, x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 801, in test_M6
assert set(solve(x**7 - 1, x)) == set([cos(n*2*pi/7) + I*sin(n*2*pi/7) for n in range(0, 7)])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 807, in test_M7
226*x**2 - 140*x + 46, x)) == set([
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 839, in test_M10
assert solve(exp(x) - x, x) == [-LambertW(-1)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 849, in test_M12
assert solve((x + 1)*(sin(x)**2 + 1)**2*cos(3*x)**3, x) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 857, in test_M13
assert solve(sin(x) - cos(x), x) == [-3*pi/4, pi/4]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 861, in test_M14
assert solve(tan(x) - 1, x) == [pi/4]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 865, in test_M15
assert solve(sin(x) - S.Half) == [pi/6, 5*pi/6]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 869, in test_M16
assert solve(sin(x) - tan(x), x) == [0, 2*pi]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 883, in test_M19
assert solve((x - 2)/x**R(1, 3), x) == [2]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 887, in test_M20
assert solve(sqrt(x**2 + 1) - x + 2, x) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 891, in test_M21
assert solve(x + sqrt(x) - 2) == [1]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 895, in test_M22
assert solve(2*sqrt(x) + 3*x**R(1, 4) - 2) == [R(1, 16)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 901, in test_M23
assert solve(x - 1/sqrt(1 + x**2)) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 908, in test_M24
solution = solve(1 - binomial(m, 2)*2**k, k)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 916, in test_M25
assert solve(a*b**x - c*d**x, x)[0].expand() == (log(c/a)/log(b/d)).expand()
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 920, in test_M26
assert solve(sqrt(log(x)) - log(sqrt(x))) == [1, exp(4)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 937, in test_M29
assert solve(abs(x - 1) - 2) == [-1, 3]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 969, in test_M35
assert solve((3*x - 2*y - I*y + 3*I).as_real_imag()) == {y: 3, x: 2}
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 978, in test_M37
assert solve([x + y + z - 6, 2*x + y + 2*z - 10, x + 3*y + z - 10 ]) == {x: -z + 4, y: 2}
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 1038, in test_M39
assert solve([x**2*y + 3*y*z - 4, -3*x**2*z + 2*y**2 + 1, 2*y*z**2 - z**2 - 1 ]) ==\
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 1097, in test_N9
assert solve(abs(x - 1) > 2) == Or(x < -1, x > 3)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 1102, in test_N10
assert solve(expand(p) < 0, assume=Q.real(x)) == Or(
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 1107, in test_N11
assert solve(6/(x - 3) <= 3, assume=Q.real(x)) == Or(5 <= x, x < 3)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2108, in test_U8
assert (solve((f(x) - eq).diff(x), f(x).diff(x))[0].subs(f(x), y) ==
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2209, in test_V3
assert integrate(1/(x**3 + 2),x).diff().simplify() == 1/(x**3 + 2)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2772, in test_Y1
F, _, _ = laplace_transform(cos((w - 1)*t), t, s)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1114, in laplace_transform
return LaplaceTransform(f, t, s).doit(**hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 117, in doit
self.function_variable, self.transform_variable, **hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1062, in _compute_transform
return _laplace_transform(f, t, s, **hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 195, in wrapper
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 957, in _laplace_transform
F = integrate(exp(-s*t) * f, (t, 0, oo))
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 951, in _eval_integral
for arg in result.args
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 797, in _eval_integral
return f._eval_integral(x)
File "sympy/functions/elementary/", line 196, in _eval_integral
return self.func(*[(integrate(e, x), c) for e, c in self.args])
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 933, in _eval_integral
h = meijerint_indefinite(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1596, in meijerint_indefinite
res = _meijerint_indefinite_1(f.subs(x, x + a), x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1611, in _meijerint_indefinite_1
gs = _rewrite1(f, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1548, in _rewrite1
g = _rewrite_single(g, x, recursive)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1504, in _rewrite_single
g = my_imt(F, s, x, strip)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1487, in my_imt
as_meijerg=True, needeval=True)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 861, in inverse_mellin_transform
return InverseMellinTransform(F, s, x, strip[0], strip[1]).doit(**hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 117, in doit
self.function_variable, self.transform_variable, **hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 805, in _compute_transform
return _inverse_mellin_transform(F, s, x, strip, **hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 195, in wrapper
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 715, in _inverse_mellin_transform
for G in g.args]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 195, in wrapper
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 724, in _inverse_mellin_transform
a, b, C, e, fac = _rewrite_gamma(g, s, strip[0], strip[1])
File "sympy/integrals/", line 670, in _rewrite_gamma
raise TypeError("a is not an integer")
TypeError: a is not an integer
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2894, in test_Z1
{r(0): 1, r(1): m}).simplify() == n**2 + n*(m - 2) + 1)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 787, in rsolve
result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 562, in rsolve_hyper
R = rsolve_poly(polys, Mul(*denoms), n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2899, in test_Z2
assert (rsolve(r(n) - (5*r(n - 1) - 6*r(n - 2)), r(n), {r(0): 0, r(1): 1})
File "sympy/solvers/", line 787, in rsolve
result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 620, in rsolve_hyper
(C, s) = rsolve_poly([ polys[i]*z**i for i in xrange(r + 1) ], 0, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ____________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2909, in test_Z3
{r(1): 1, r(2): 2}).simplify()
File "sympy/solvers/", line 787, in rsolve
result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 620, in rsolve_hyper
(C, s) = rsolve_poly([ polys[i]*z**i for i in xrange(r + 1) ], 0, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___ sympy/functions/elementary/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/functions/elementary/tests/", line 276, in test_piecewise_solve
assert solve(f, x) == [2]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/functions/elementary/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/functions/elementary/tests/", line 482, in test_as_expr_set_pairs
assert Piecewise((x, x > 0), (-x, x <= 0)).as_expr_set_pairs() == \
File "sympy/functions/elementary/", line 515, in as_expr_set_pairs
cond_int = U.intersect(cond.as_set())
File "sympy/core/", line 140, in as_set
return solve_univariate_inequality(self, sym, relational=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 383, in solve_univariate_inequality
solns = solve(expr.lhs - expr.rhs, gen, assume=assume)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/galgebra/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/galgebra/tests/", line 555, in test_noneuclidian_distance_calculation
C = solve(a*x**2 + b*x + c, x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/geometry/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/geometry/tests/", line 197, in test_line
assert p1 in l1 # is p1 on the line l1?
File "sympy/geometry/", line 925, in __contains__
result = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1110, in contains
return (solve(eq.subs(x, o.x), y)[0] - o.y).equals(0)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/geometry/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/geometry/tests/", line 503, in test_ellipse
assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_2, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
File "sympy/geometry/", line 774, in is_tangent
inter = self._do_line_intersection(o)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1099, in _do_line_intersection
return [r for r in result if r in o]
File "sympy/geometry/", line 925, in __contains__
result = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1107, in contains
return (solve(eq, x)[0] - o.x).equals(0)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/geometry/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/geometry/tests/", line 735, in test_polygon
assert Point(0, 1) in p5
File "sympy/geometry/", line 968, in __contains__
if o in side:
File "sympy/geometry/", line 925, in __contains__
result = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1689, in contains
ti = solve(y - other.y, t)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/geometry/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/geometry/tests/", line 1059, in test_line_intersection
assert Segment((1, 1), (2, 2)) in Line((0, 0), (10, 10))
File "sympy/geometry/", line 925, in __contains__
result = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1118, in contains
return o.p1 in self and o.p2 in self
File "sympy/geometry/", line 925, in __contains__
result = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1110, in contains
return (solve(eq.subs(x, o.x), y)[0] - o.y).equals(0)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/geometry/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/geometry/tests/", line 1121, in test_reflect
dp = l.perpendicular_segment(p).length
File "sympy/geometry/", line 463, in perpendicular_segment
if p in self:
File "sympy/geometry/", line 925, in __contains__
result = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/geometry/", line 1110, in contains
return (solve(eq.subs(x, o.x), y)[0] - o.y).equals(0)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/geometry/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/geometry/tests/", line 1159, in test_idiff
assert ans == idiff(circ, y, x, 3).simplify()
File "sympy/geometry/", line 70, in idiff
yp = solve(eq.diff(x), dydx)[0].subs(derivs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/integrals/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 31, in test_deltaintegrate
assert deltaintegrate(x*DiracDelta(x), x) == 0
File "sympy/integrals/", line 174, in deltaintegrate
point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/integrals/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 141, in test_multiple_integration
assert integrate(1/(x + 3)/(1 + x)**3, x) == \
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 274, in test_issue689
assert integrate(1/(1 + x**2), x) == atan(x)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 315, in test_transform
assert a.doit() == a.transform(fx, fy).doit()
File "sympy/integrals/", line 373, in transform
soln = [s.subs(reps) for s in solve(pdiff, puvar)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/integrals/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 426, in test_integrate_DiracDelta
assert integrate(DiracDelta(x) * f(x), (x, -oo, oo)) == f(0)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 898, in _eval_integral
h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 174, in deltaintegrate
point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 816, in test_issue_2314
assert integrate(-a/(a**2 + x**2), x) == I*log(-I*a + x)/2 - I*log(I*a + x)/2
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 830, in test_issue_1793a
assert integrate(c*(P2 - P1), t) in [
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 850, in test_issue_1793b
assert trigsimp(factor(integrate(expr, x).diff(x) - expr)) == 0
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 993, in test_issue_3729
assert integrate(f, x).diff(x).simplify().equals(f) is True
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/integrals/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 44, in test_manualintegrate_parts
assert manualintegrate(atan(x), x) == x*atan(x) - log(x**2 + 1)/2
File "sympy/integrals/", line 947, in manualintegrate
return _manualintegrate(integral_steps(f, var))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 805, in integral_steps
File "sympy/strategies/", line 86, in do_one_rl
result = rl(expr)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 66, in null_safe_rl
result = rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 204, in _alternatives
result = rule(integral)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 34, in conditioned_rl
return rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 420, in parts_rule
make_second_step(steps[1:], v * du),
File "sympy/integrals/", line 415, in make_second_step
return integral_steps(integrand, symbol)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 805, in integral_steps
File "sympy/strategies/", line 86, in do_one_rl
result = rl(expr)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 66, in null_safe_rl
result = rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 204, in _alternatives
result = rule(integral)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 34, in conditioned_rl
return rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 166, in _rewriter
rewritten = rewrite(*integral)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 680, in <lambda>
lambda integrand, symbol: integrand.apart(symbol))
File "sympy/core/", line 2935, in apart
return apart(self, x, **args)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/integrals/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 96, in test_manualintegrate_rational
assert manualintegrate(1/(4 - x**2), x) == -log(x - 2)/4 + log(x + 2)/4
File "sympy/integrals/", line 947, in manualintegrate
return _manualintegrate(integral_steps(f, var))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 805, in integral_steps
File "sympy/strategies/", line 86, in do_one_rl
result = rl(expr)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 66, in null_safe_rl
result = rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 204, in _alternatives
result = rule(integral)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 34, in conditioned_rl
return rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 166, in _rewriter
rewritten = rewrite(*integral)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 680, in <lambda>
lambda integrand, symbol: integrand.apart(symbol))
File "sympy/core/", line 2935, in apart
return apart(self, x, **args)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 150, in test_issue_3647
assert manualintegrate(1 / (a + b*x**2), x) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 947, in manualintegrate
return _manualintegrate(integral_steps(f, var))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 805, in integral_steps
File "sympy/strategies/", line 86, in do_one_rl
result = rl(expr)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 66, in null_safe_rl
result = rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 204, in _alternatives
result = rule(integral)
File "sympy/strategies/", line 34, in conditioned_rl
return rule(expr)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 166, in _rewriter
rewritten = rewrite(*integral)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 680, in <lambda>
lambda integrand, symbol: integrand.apart(symbol))
File "sympy/core/", line 2935, in apart
return apart(self, x, **args)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 142, in test_meijerint
i, _ = meijerint_definite(exp(-mu*x)*exp(sigma*x), x, 0, oo)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1766, in meijerint_definite
res = _meijerint_definite_2(f, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1852, in _meijerint_definite_2
res = _meijerint_definite_3(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1864, in _meijerint_definite_3
res = _meijerint_definite_4(f, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1944, in _meijerint_definite_4
return _my_unpolarify(hyperexpand(res)), cond
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4056, in bottom_up
for a in rv.args])
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2462, in do_meijer
allow_hyper, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2350, in _meijergexpand
slater1, cond1 = do_slater(,, func.ap,, z, z0)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2286, in do_slater
t, premult, bh, rewrite=None)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 270, in test_inversion
assert inv(1/sqrt(1 + s**2)) == besselj(0, t)*Heaviside(t)
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 266, in inv
return piecewise_fold(meijerint_inversion(f, s, t))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 2025, in meijerint_inversion
res = _my_unpolarify(hyperexpand(res))
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4056, in bottom_up
for a in rv.args])
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2462, in do_meijer
allow_hyper, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2350, in _meijergexpand
slater1, cond1 = do_slater(,, func.ap,, z, z0)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2286, in do_slater
t, premult, bh, rewrite=None)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 297, in test_lookup_table
expanded = [hyperexpand(g) for (_, g) in terms]
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2462, in do_meijer
allow_hyper, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2350, in _meijergexpand
slater1, cond1 = do_slater(,, func.ap,, z, z0)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2286, in do_slater
t, premult, bh, rewrite=None)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/integrals/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 53, in test_prde_special_denom
assert prde_special_denom(Poly(5*x*t + 1, t), Poly(t**2 + 2*x**3*t, t), Poly(t**3, t), G, DE) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 146, in prde_special_denom
A = parametric_log_deriv(alphaa, alphad, etaa, etad, DE)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 572, in parametric_log_deriv
A = parametric_log_deriv_heu(fa, fd, wa, wd, DE)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 504, in parametric_log_deriv_heu
s = solve(eqs, c1)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 202, in test_is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field
Poly(2*x**2 + 2*x**2*t, t), DE) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 854, in is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field
A = parametric_log_deriv(pa, pd, wa, wd, DE)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 572, in parametric_log_deriv
A = parametric_log_deriv_heu(fa, fd, wa, wd, DE)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 546, in parametric_log_deriv_heu
s = solve(eqs, c1)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 213, in test_parametric_log_deriv
Poly(-1, t), Poly(x*t**2, t), DE) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 546, in parametric_log_deriv_heu
s = solve(eqs, c1)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 23, in test_ratint
assert ratint(f / g, x) == log(x + 1)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 112, in test_issue_2315
assert ratint(1/(x**2 + 16), x) == atan(x/4)/4
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 117, in test_issue_2150
1/(x**2 + a**2), x) == (-I*log(-I*a + x)/2 + I*log(I*a + x)/2)/a
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 123, in test_issue_2718
assert simplify(ratint(a/(b*c*x**2 + a**2 + b*a), x)) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 130, in test_issue_2882
assert integrate(1/(u**2 + 1)) == atan(u)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 74, in test_special_denom
Poly(1, t0), DE) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 212, in special_denom
A = parametric_log_deriv(alphaa, alphad, etaa, etad, DE)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 572, in parametric_log_deriv
A = parametric_log_deriv_heu(fa, fd, wa, wd, DE)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 504, in parametric_log_deriv_heu
s = solve(eqs, c1)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/integrals/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 235, in test_integrate_hyperexponential
assert integrate_hyperexponential(a, d, DE) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1439, in integrate_hyperexponential
(integrate((p - i).subs(DE.t, 1).subs(s), DE.x), Eq(qds, 0)),
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 892, in _eval_integral
h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 92, in trigintegrate
fi = integrate(ff, u) # XXX cyclic deps
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 150, in test_mellin_transform
assert mt[1:] == ((0, 1), True)
TypeError: 'MellinTransform' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
_______ sympy/integrals/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 455, in test_laplace_transform
assert LT(exp(t), t, spos)[:2] == (1/(spos - 1), True)
TypeError: 'LaplaceTransform' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
___ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 536, in test_inverse_laplace_transform
assert ILT(exp(-a*s)/sqrt(1 + s**2), s, t) == \
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1261, in inverse_laplace_transform
return InverseLaplaceTransform(F, s, t, plane).doit(**hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 117, in doit
self.function_variable, self.transform_variable, **hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1215, in _compute_transform
return _inverse_laplace_transform(F, s, t, self.fundamental_plane, **hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 195, in wrapper
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1146, in _inverse_laplace_transform
f = meijerint_inversion(F, s, t)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 2025, in meijerint_inversion
res = _my_unpolarify(hyperexpand(res))
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4056, in bottom_up
for a in rv.args])
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2462, in do_meijer
allow_hyper, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2350, in _meijergexpand
slater1, cond1 = do_slater(,, func.ap,, z, z0)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2286, in do_slater
t, premult, bh, rewrite=None)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/integrals/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 78, in test_trigintegrate_mixed
assert trigintegrate(sin(x)*sec(x), x) == -log(sin(x)**2 - 1)/2
File "sympy/integrals/", line 92, in trigintegrate
fi = integrate(ff, u) # XXX cyclic deps
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/logic/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/logic/tests/", line 553, in test_bool_as_set
assert And(x <= 2, x >= -2).as_set() == Interval(-2, 2)
File "sympy/logic/", line 286, in as_set
return Intersection(*[arg.as_set() for arg in self.args])
File "sympy/core/", line 140, in as_set
return solve_univariate_inequality(self, sym, relational=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 383, in solve_univariate_inequality
solns = solve(expr.lhs - expr.rhs, gen, assume=assume)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/matrices/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/matrices/tests/", line 1865, in test_matrix_norm
assert v.norm(order) + w.norm(order) >= (v + w).norm(order)
File "sympy/core/", line 111, in __nonzero__
raise TypeError("symbolic boolean expression has no truth value.")
TypeError: symbolic boolean expression has no truth value.
___________ sympy/parsing/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/parsing/tests/", line 29, in test_maxima_functions
assert parse_maxima('solve(x^2-4,x)') == [-2, 2]
File "sympy/parsing/", line 65, in parse_maxima
obj = sympify(str, locals=dct)
File "sympy/core/", line 313, in sympify
expr = parse_expr(a, local_dict=locals, transformations=transformations, evaluate=evaluate)
File "sympy/parsing/", line 757, in parse_expr
return eval_expr(code, local_dict, global_dict)
File "sympy/parsing/", line 691, in eval_expr
code, global_dict, local_dict) # take local objects in preference
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/", line 89, in test_aux_dep
qd_kd = solve(kindiffs, qd)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/", line 292, in test_non_central_inertia
vc_map = solve(vc, [u4, u5])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/mechanics/tests/", line 363, in test_sub_qdot
kde_map = solve(kde, [q1d, q2d, q3d])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/physics/quantum/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/quantum/tests/", line 29, in test_x
assert represent(XOp()*XKet()) == x*DiracDelta(x - x_2)
File "sympy/physics/quantum/", line 228, in represent
result = integrate_result(expr, result, **options)
File "sympy/physics/quantum/", line 402, in integrate_result
result = integrate(result, (coord, start, end))
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 898, in _eval_integral
h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 174, in deltaintegrate
point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/physics/quantum/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/quantum/tests/", line 62, in test_p
assert represent(PxOp()*XKet(), basis=XKet) == \
File "sympy/physics/quantum/", line 228, in represent
result = integrate_result(expr, result, **options)
File "sympy/physics/quantum/", line 402, in integrate_result
result = integrate(result, (coord, start, end))
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 898, in _eval_integral
h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 174, in deltaintegrate
point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/physics/vector/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/vector/tests/", line 121, in test_ang_vel
F = N.orientnew('F', 'Body', (q1, q2, q3), '313')
File "sympy/physics/vector/", line 646, in orientnew
newframe.orient(self, rot_type, amounts, rot_order)
File "sympy/physics/vector/", line 599, in orient
td = solve(templist, [u1, u2, u3])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/physics/vector/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/vector/tests/", line 136, in test_dcm
E = N.orientnew('E', 'Space', [q1, q2, q3], '123')
File "sympy/physics/vector/", line 646, in orientnew
newframe.orient(self, rot_type, amounts, rot_order)
File "sympy/physics/vector/", line 599, in orient
td = solve(templist, [u1, u2, u3])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/polys/tests/ _________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 29, in test_apart
assert apart(f, full=False) == g
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/polys/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 48, in test_apart_matrix
assert apart(M) == Matrix([
File "sympy/utilities/", line 20, in threaded_func
return expr.applyfunc(lambda f: func(f, *args, **kwargs))
File "sympy/matrices/", line 470, in applyfunc
out = self._new(self.rows, self.cols, list(map(f, self._mat)))
File "sympy/utilities/", line 20, in <lambda>
return expr.applyfunc(lambda f: func(f, *args, **kwargs))
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/polys/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 60, in test_apart_symbolic
assert apart(f/g, x) == 1/a - 1/(x + c)**2 - b**2/(a*(a*x + b)**2)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/polys/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 71, in test_apart_extension
assert apart(f, extension=I) == g
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/polys/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 82, in test_apart_full
assert apart(f, full=False) == f
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/polys/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 108, in test_apart_undetermined_coeffs
assert apart_undetermined_coeffs(p, q) == r
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/polys/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/polys/tests/", line 163, in test_issue_2699
2*x/(x**2 + 1) - (x - 1)/(2*(x**2 + 1)) + 1/(2*(x + 1)) - 2/x) == \
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/sets/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/sets/tests/", line 51, in test_ImageSet
assert 4 in squares
File "sympy/core/", line 321, in __contains__
symb = self.contains(other)
File "sympy/core/", line 193, in contains
c = self._contains(sympify(other, strict=True))
File "sympy/sets/", line 211, in _contains
solns = solve(L.expr - other, L.variables[0])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/simplify/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 23, in test_branch_bug
assert hyperexpand(hyper((-S(1)/3, S(1)/2), (S(2)/3, S(3)/2), -z)) == \
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/simplify/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 66, in test_roach
assert can_do([], [1, S(5)/2, 4])
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 45, in can_do
r = hyperexpand(hyper(ap, bq, z))
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/simplify/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 94, in test_hyperexpand_bases
assert hyperexpand(hyper([2], [a], z)) == \
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/simplify/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 348, in test_meijerg_expand
assert hyperexpand(meijerg([[1, 1], []], [[1], [1]], z)) == \
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2462, in do_meijer
allow_hyper, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2350, in _meijergexpand
slater1, cond1 = do_slater(,, func.ap,, z, z0)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2286, in do_slater
t, premult, bh, rewrite=None)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/simplify/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 521, in test_meijerg_confluence
assert t(meijerg([], [1, 1], [0, 0], [], z), -log(z), 0)
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 509, in t
m = hyperexpand(m)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2462, in do_meijer
allow_hyper, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2350, in _meijergexpand
slater1, cond1 = do_slater(,, func.ap,, z, z0)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2331, in do_slater
t, premult, au, rewrite=None)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2035, in _hyperexpand
formula = try_lerchphi(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 1776, in try_lerchphi
part = apart(numer/denom, t)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/simplify/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 548, in test_lerchphi
hyper([1, a, a], [a + 1, a + 1], z)/a**2) == lerchphi(z, 2, a)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4056, in bottom_up
for a in rv.args])
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2035, in _hyperexpand
formula = try_lerchphi(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 1776, in try_lerchphi
part = apart(numer/denom, t)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/polys/", line 115, in apart
partial = apart_undetermined_coeffs(P, Q)
File "sympy/polys/", line 160, in apart_undetermined_coeffs
solution = solve(system, symbols)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/simplify/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 608, in test_partial_simp
hyperexpand(hyper([3, d], [1, e], z)), hyper([3, d], [1, e], z), z)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/simplify/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 60, in test_ratsimpmodprime
assert ratsimpmodprime(a/b, F, x, y, order='lex') == \
File "sympy/simplify/", line 930, in ratsimpmodprime
Poly(num, opt.gens), Poly(denom, opt.gens), [])
File "sympy/simplify/", line 888, in _ratsimpmodprime
sol = solve(S, Cs + Ds, particular=True, quick=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/simplify/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 191, in test_2849
assert trigsimp(diff(integrate(cos(x)/sin(x)**7, x), x)) == \
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 892, in _eval_integral
h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 92, in trigintegrate
fi = integrate(ff, u) # XXX cyclic deps
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/simplify/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 235, in test_trigsimp_issues
assert trigsimp(diff(integrate(cos(x)/sin(x)**3, x), x)) == \
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 892, in _eval_integral
h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 92, in trigintegrate
fi = integrate(ff, u) # XXX cyclic deps
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/simplify/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 387, in test_trigsimp_groebner
assert trigsimp_groebner(ex) in results
File "sympy/simplify/", line 1346, in trigsimp_groebner
quick=quick, domain=ZZ, polynomial=polynomial).subs(subs)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 930, in ratsimpmodprime
Poly(num, opt.gens), Poly(denom, opt.gens), [])
File "sympy/simplify/", line 888, in _ratsimpmodprime
sol = solve(S, Cs + Ds, particular=True, quick=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/simplify/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 446, in test_simplify_expr
e = integrate(1/(x**3 + 1), x).diff(x)
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/simplify/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 476, in test_issue_458
solutions = solve([f_1, f_2, f_3], x, y, z, simplify=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/simplify/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 758, in test_nthroot
assert nthroot(expand_multinomial(q**5), 5, 8) == q
File "sympy/simplify/", line 1735, in nthroot
expr = _nthroot_solve(expr, n, prec)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 1673, in _nthroot_solve
sols = solve(f, x)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
sympy/solvers/tests/ _
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 49, in test_quadratic_simple_hyperbolic_case
assert diophantine(48*x*y)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 71, in diophantine
solution = diop_solve(base, param)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 176, in diop_solve
l = solve(eq)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 73, in test_quadratic_parabolic_case
assert diop_solve(8*x**2 + 24*x*y + 18*y**2 + 4*x + 6*y - 7) == set([])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 166, in diop_solve
return _diop_quadratic(var, coeff, param)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 632, in _diop_quadratic
roots = solve(sqrt(a)*g*z**2 + D*z + sqrt(a)*F)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 418, in test_diophantine
assert check_solutions(x**2 - 2*x + 1)
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 534, in check_solutions
s = diophantine(eq)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 71, in diophantine
solution = diop_solve(base, param)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 176, in diop_solve
l = solve(eq)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 231, in test_solve_univariate_inequality
assert isolve(x**2 >= 4, x, relational=False) == Union(Interval(-oo, -2), Interval(2, oo))
File "sympy/solvers/", line 383, in solve_univariate_inequality
solns = solve(expr.lhs - expr.rhs, gen, assume=assume)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 413, in test_separable2
assert dsolve(eq7, hint='separable', simplify=False) == sol7
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 587, in _helper_simplify
func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2038, in _handle_Integral
sol = expr.doit()
File "sympy/core/", line 98, in doit
lhs = lhs.doit(**hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 429, in test_separable3
assert dsolve(eq11, hint='separable') == simplify(sol11)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/core/", line 137, in wrapper
return f(*args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 1228, in odesimp
eq = _handle_Integral(eq, func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2038, in _handle_Integral
sol = expr.doit()
File "sympy/core/", line 99, in doit
rhs = rhs.doit(**hints)
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 892, in _eval_integral
h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 92, in trigintegrate
fi = integrate(ff, u) # XXX cyclic deps
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 538, in test_1st_homogeneous_coeff_ode
simplify=False) == sol2
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 587, in _helper_simplify
func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2038, in _handle_Integral
sol = expr.doit()
File "sympy/core/", line 99, in doit
rhs = rhs.doit(**hints)
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 892, in _eval_integral
h = trigintegrate(g, x, conds=conds)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 92, in trigintegrate
fi = integrate(ff, u) # XXX cyclic deps
File "sympy/utilities/", line 35, in threaded_func
return func(expr, *args, **kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 1289, in integrate
risch=risch, manual=manual)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1065, in test_nth_linear_constant_coeff_undetermined_coefficients
assert dsolve(eq1, hint=hint) in (sol1, sol1s)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 3792, in ode_nth_linear_constant_coeff_undetermined_coefficients
return _solve_undetermined_coefficients(eq, func, order, match)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 3887, in _solve_undetermined_coefficients
coeffvals = solve(list(coeffsdict.values()), coefflist)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1407, in test_almost_linear
assert sol[0].rhs == (C1*exp(3/x) - 1)**(1/3)
TypeError: 'Equality' object does not support indexing
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1438, in test_exact_enhancement
rhs = [eq.rhs for eq in sol]
TypeError: 'Equality' object is not iterable
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1465, in test_separable_reduced
sol = dsolve(eq, hint = 'separable_reduced', simplify=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 587, in _helper_simplify
func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2038, in _handle_Integral
sol = expr.doit()
File "sympy/core/", line 98, in doit
lhs = lhs.doit(**hints)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 887, in _eval_integral
parts.append(coeff * ratint(g, x))
File "sympy/integrals/", line 52, in ratint
g, h = ratint_ratpart(p, q, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 158, in ratint_ratpart
result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1555, in test_issue_3780
assert dsolve(eq).rhs == sol
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 3792, in ode_nth_linear_constant_coeff_undetermined_coefficients
return _solve_undetermined_coefficients(eq, func, order, match)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 3887, in _solve_undetermined_coefficients
coeffvals = solve(list(coeffsdict.values()), coefflist)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1641, in test_heuristic3
i = infinitesimals(eq, hint='bivariate')
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4680, in infinitesimals
xieta = function(match, comp=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4925, in lie_heuristic_bivariate
soldict = solve(polyy.values(), *symset)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1656, in test_heuristic_4
i = infinitesimals(eq, hint='chi')
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4680, in infinitesimals
xieta = function(match, comp=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4992, in lie_heuristic_chi
soldict = solve(cpoly.values(), *solsyms)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1704, in test_heuristic_abaco2_unique_unknown
i = infinitesimals(eq, hint='abaco2_unique_unknown')
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4640, in infinitesimals
raise NotImplementedError("Infinitesimals for the "
NotImplementedError: Infinitesimals for the first order ODE could not be found
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1714, in test_heuristic_linear
i = infinitesimals(eq, hint='linear')
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4680, in infinitesimals
xieta = function(match, comp=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 5428, in lie_heuristic_linear
soldict = solve(sollist, symlist)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1744, in test_lie_group
sol = dsolve(eq, f(x), hint='lie_group')
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4398, in ode_lie_group
str(eq) + " by the lie group method")
NotImplementedError: Unable to solve the differential equation Derivative(f(x), x)**2 by the lie group method
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1780, in test_user_infinitesimals
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4487, in ode_lie_group
+ " the lie group method")
NotImplementedError: The given ODE x*Derivative(f(x), x) - f(x)**2 + 1 cannot be solved by the lie group method
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1827, in test_2nd_power_series_ordinary
assert dsolve(eq) == Eq(f(x), C0*x**2*(-16*x**3/S(9) +
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2955, in ode_2nd_power_series_regular
sollist = solve(m*(m - 1) + m*p0 + q0, m)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1851, in test_issue3994
assert dsolve(eq) == sol and checkodesol(eq, sol) == (True, 0)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 559, in dsolve
return _helper_simplify(eq, hint, hints, simplify)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 581, in _helper_simplify
rv = odesimp(solvefunc(eq, func, order, match), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 4398, in ode_lie_group
str(eq) + " by the lie group method")
NotImplementedError: Unable to solve the differential equation -x**3 + Derivative(f(x), x)**2 by the lie group method
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 96, in test_checkpdesol
assert checkpdesol(eq, pdsolve(eq))[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 196, in pdsolve
hints['func'], hints['order'], hints[hints['hint']], solvefun)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 211, in _helper_simplify
match, solvefun), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 775, in pde_1st_linear_variable_coeff
etat = (solve(sol, solsym)[0]).subs(dummy(x), y)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 135, in test_pde_1st_linear_constant_coeff
sol = pdsolve(eq)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 196, in pdsolve
hints['func'], hints['order'], hints[hints['hint']], solvefun)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 211, in _helper_simplify
match, solvefun), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 653, in pde_1st_linear_constant_coeff
solvedict = solve((b*x + c*y - xi, c*x - b*y - eta), x, y)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 186, in test_pdsolve_variable_coeff
sol = pdsolve(eq, hint="1st_linear_variable_coeff")
File "sympy/solvers/", line 196, in pdsolve
hints['func'], hints['order'], hints[hints['hint']], solvefun)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 211, in _helper_simplify
match, solvefun), func, order, hint)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 775, in pde_1st_linear_variable_coeff
etat = (solve(sol, solsym)[0]).subs(dummy(x), y)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 13, in test_rsolve_poly
assert rsolve_poly([-1, -1, 1], 1, n) == -1
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 26, in test_rsolve_ratio
-2*n**3 - 11*n**2 - 18*n - 9, 2*n**3 + 13*n**2 + 22*n + 8], 0, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 449, in rsolve_ratio
result = rsolve_poly(numers, f * Mul(*denoms), n, **hints)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 38, in test_rsolve_hyper
assert rsolve_hyper([-1, -1, 1], 0, n) in [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 620, in rsolve_hyper
(C, s) = rsolve_poly([ polys[i]*z**i for i in xrange(r + 1) ], 0, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 93, in test_rsolve_bulk
assert rsolve_poly(c, q, n) == p
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 103, in test_rsolve
assert rsolve(f, y(n)) in [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 787, in rsolve
result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 620, in rsolve_hyper
(C, s) = rsolve_poly([ polys[i]*z**i for i in xrange(r + 1) ], 0, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 192, in test_rsolve_raises
raises(ValueError, lambda: rsolve(y(n) - y(n + 1), y(n), {x(0): 0}))
File "sympy/utilities/", line 75, in raises
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 192, in <lambda>
raises(ValueError, lambda: rsolve(y(n) - y(n + 1), y(n), {x(0): 0}))
File "sympy/solvers/", line 787, in rsolve
result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 620, in rsolve_hyper
(C, s) = rsolve_poly([ polys[i]*z**i for i in xrange(r + 1) ], 0, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 197, in test_issue_3745
assert rsolve(f, y(n)) == 2**(-n)*(C0 + C1*n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 787, in rsolve
result = rsolve_hyper(coeffs, -i_part, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 620, in rsolve_hyper
(C, s) = rsolve_poly([ polys[i]*z**i for i in xrange(r + 1) ], 0, n, symbols=True)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 199, in rsolve_poly
solutions = solve_undetermined_coeffs(E - f, C, n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 29, in test_swap_back
assert solve([fx + y - 2, fx - gx - 5], fx, y, gx) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 95, in test_solve_args
assert set(solve(x**2 - 4)) == set([S(2), -S(2)])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 143, in test_solve_polynomial1
assert solve(3*x - 2, x) == [Rational(2, 3)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 182, in test_solve_polynomial2
assert solve(4, x) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 190, in test_solve_polynomial_cv_1a
assert solve( sqrt(x) - 1, x) == [1]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 198, in test_solve_polynomial_cv_1b
assert set(solve(4*x*(1 - a*sqrt(x)), x)) == set([S(0), 1/a**2])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 207, in test_solve_polynomial_cv_2
assert solve(x + 1/x - 1, x) in \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 214, in test_quintics_1
s = solve(f, check=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 238, in test_highorder_poly
sol = solve(x**6 - 2*x + 2)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 259, in test_solve_rational
assert solve( ( x - y**3 )/( (y**2)*sqrt(1 - y**2) ), x) == [y**3]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 263, in test_solve_nonlinear
assert solve(x**2 - y**2, x, y) == [{x: -y}, {x: y}]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 269, in test_issue_4129
assert solve(4**(2*(x**2) + 2*x) - 8, x) == [-Rational(3, 2), S.Half]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 273, in test_issue_4091
assert solve(log(x-3) + log(x+3), x) == [sqrt(10)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 279, in test_linear_system
assert solve([x - 1, x - y, x - 2*y, y - 1], [x, y]) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 299, in test_linear_system_function
a(0, 0), a(0, 1), a(1, 0), a(1, 1)) == {a(1, 0): -a(1, 1), a(0, 0): -a(0, 1)}
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 317, in test_tsolve
assert solve(exp(x) - 3, x) == [log(3)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 396, in test_solve_for_functions_derivatives
soln = solve([a11*x + a12*y - b1, a21*x + a22*y - b2], x, y)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 434, in test_issue626
assert solve(e, f(x).diff(x)) in [[(2 - x)/f(x)], [-((x - 2)/f(x))]]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 443, in test_issue771
assert solve(A*B - C, [a, b, c, d]) == {a: 1, b: -S(1)/3, c: 2, d: -1}
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 478, in test_solve_undetermined_coeffs
assert solve_undetermined_coeffs(a*x**2 + b*x**2 + b*x + 2*c*x + c + 1, [a, b, c], x) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 492, in test_solve_inequalities
assert solve(system) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 503, in test_issue_1694
assert solve(1/x) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 529, in test_PR1964
assert solve(sqrt(x)) == solve(sqrt(x**3)) == [0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 573, in test_issue_2098
assert solve(x**2 + 1, x) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 592, in test_checking
solve(x*(x - y/x), x, check=False)) == set([sqrt(y), S(0), -sqrt(y)])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 601, in test_issue_1572_1364_1368
assert solve((sqrt(x**2 - 1) - 2)) in ([sqrt(5), -sqrt(5)],
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 633, in test_issue_2033
assert set(solve([r - x**2 - y**2, tan(t) - y/x], [x, y])) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 690, in test_issue_2236
assert len(solve(eqs, sym, manual=True, minimal=True, simplify=False)) == 2
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 705, in test_issue_2668
assert set(solve([x**2 + y + 4], [x])) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 710, in test_polysys
assert set(solve([x**2 + 2/y - 2, x + y - 3], [x, y])) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 778, in test_unrad
assert set(solve(eq, check=False)) == set([S(0), S(9)/16])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 912, in test_issue_1364
assert solve(-a*x + 2*x*log(x), x) == [exp(a/2)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 933, in test_issue_2015
assert len(solve(eqs, syms, manual=True, check=False, simplify=False)) == 1
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 965, in test_issue_2750
assert solve(e, I1, I4, Q2, Q4, dI1, dI4, dQ2, dQ4, manual=True) == ans
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 988, in test_2750_matrix
assert solve(e, I1, I4, Q2, Q4, dI1, dI4, dQ2, dQ4) == {
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1003, in test_issue_2802
assert solve(f(x) + f(x).diff(x), f(x)) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1066, in test_issue_2813
assert set(solve(x**2 - x - 0.1, rational=True)) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1078, in test_float_handling
assert solve(x - 0.5, rational=True)[0].is_Rational
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1103, in test_check_assumptions
assert solve(x**2 - 1) == [1]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1107, in test_solve_abs
assert set(solve(abs(x - 7) - 8)) == set([-S(1), S(15)])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1113, in test_issue_2957
assert solve(tanh(x + 3)*tanh(x - 3) - 1) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1133, in test_issue_2961
assert solve(absxm3 - y, x) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1155, in test_exclude
assert solve(eqs, exclude=s*C*R) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1189, in test_high_order_roots
assert set(solve(s)) == set(Poly(s*4, domain='ZZ').all_roots())
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1195, in test_minsolve_linear_system
assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a + t], particular=True, quick=True)) \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1206, in test_real_roots
assert len(solve(x**5 + x**3 + 1)) == 1
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1219, in test_overdetermined
assert solve(eqs, x) == [(S.Half,)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1226, in test_issue_3506
assert solve(4**(x/2) - 2**(x/3)) == [0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1244, in test_issue_3545
assert solve(eq, q) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1250, in test_issue_3653
assert solve([a**2 + a, a - b], [a, b]) == [(-1, -1), (0, 0)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1255, in test_issue_3693
assert solve(x*(x - 1)**2*(x + 1)*(x**6 - x + 1)) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1264, in test_issues_3720_3721_3722_3149
assert solve(abs(x + 3) - 2*abs(x - 3)) == [1, 9]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1290, in test_issue_3890
assert solve(Eq(-f(x), Piecewise((1, x > 0), (0, True))), f(x)) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1300, in test_lambert_multivariate
assert solve((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x)) == [LambertW(3*S.Exp1)/3]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1359, in test_rewrite_trig
assert solve(sin(x) + tan(x)) == [0, 2*pi]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1381, in test_uselogcombine
assert solve(eq, x, force=True) == [-sqrt(y*(y - exp(z))), sqrt(y*(y - exp(z)))]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1388, in test_atan2
assert solve(atan2(x, 2) - pi/3, x) == [2*sqrt(3)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1391, in test_errorinverses
assert solve(erf(x)-y,x)==[erfinv(y)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1400, in test_misc
assert solve(sinh(x)*sinh(sinh(x)) + cosh(x)*cosh(sinh(x)) - 3) is not None
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1409, in test_gh2725
sol = solve(eq, R, set=True)[1]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1430, in test_issue_2015_3512
ans = solve(list(eqs) , list(v), simplify=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 34, in test_issue_2668
assert set(solve([x**2 + y + 4], [x])) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 39, in test_polysys
assert set(solve([x**2 + 2/y - 2, x + y - 3], [x, y])) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 107, in test_unrad
assert set(solve(eq, check=False)) == set([S(0), S(9)/16])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 241, in test_issue_1364
assert solve(-a*x + 2*x*log(x), x) == [exp(a/2)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 262, in test_issue_2015
assert len(solve(eqs, syms, manual=True, check=False, simplify=False)) == 1
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 294, in test_issue_2750
assert solve(e, I1, I4, Q2, Q4, dI1, dI4, dQ2, dQ4, manual=True) == ans
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 317, in test_2750_matrix
assert solve(e, I1, I4, Q2, Q4, dI1, dI4, dQ2, dQ4) == {
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 332, in test_issue_2802
assert solve(f(x) + f(x).diff(x), f(x)) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 395, in test_issue_2813
assert set(solve(x**2 - x - 0.1, rational=True)) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 407, in test_float_handling
assert solve(x - 0.5, rational=True)[0].is_Rational
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 432, in test_check_assumptions
assert solve(x**2 - 1) == [1]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 436, in test_solve_abs
assert set(solve(abs(x - 7) - 8)) == set([-S(1), S(15)])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 442, in test_issue_2957
assert solve(tanh(x + 3)*tanh(x - 3) - 1) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 462, in test_issue_2961
assert solve(absxm3 - y, x) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 484, in test_exclude
assert solve(eqs, exclude=s*C*R) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 518, in test_high_order_roots
assert set(solve(s)) == set(Poly(s*4, domain='ZZ').all_roots())
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 524, in test_minsolve_linear_system
assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a + t], particular=True, quick=True)) \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 535, in test_real_roots
assert len(solve(x**5 + x**3 + 1)) == 1
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 548, in test_overdetermined
assert solve(eqs, x) == [(S.Half,)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 555, in test_issue_3506
assert solve(4**(x/2) - 2**(x/3)) == [0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 28, in test_solve_for_functions_derivatives
soln = solve([a11*x + a12*y - b1, a21*x + a22*y - b2], x, y)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 66, in test_issue626
assert solve(e, f(x).diff(x)) in [[(2 - x)/f(x)], [-((x - 2)/f(x))]]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 75, in test_issue771
assert solve(A*B - C, [a, b, c, d]) == {a: 1, b: -S(1)/3, c: 2, d: -1}
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 110, in test_solve_undetermined_coeffs
assert solve_undetermined_coeffs(a*x**2 + b*x**2 + b*x + 2*c*x + c + 1, [a, b, c], x) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 2087, in solve_undetermined_coeffs
return solve(system, *coeffs, **flags)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 124, in test_solve_inequalities
assert solve(system) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 135, in test_issue_1694
assert solve(1/x) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 161, in test_PR1964
assert solve(sqrt(x)) == solve(sqrt(x**3)) == [0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 205, in test_issue_2098
assert solve(x**2 + 1, x) == []
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 224, in test_checking
solve(x*(x - y/x), x, check=False)) == set([sqrt(y), S(0), -sqrt(y)])
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 233, in test_issue_1572_1364_1368
assert solve((sqrt(x**2 - 1) - 2)) in ([sqrt(5), -sqrt(5)],
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 265, in test_issue_2033
assert set(solve([r - x**2 - y**2, tan(t) - y/x], [x, y])) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 322, in test_issue_2236
assert len(solve(eqs, sym, manual=True, minimal=True, simplify=False)) == 2
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 329, in test_issue_3545
assert solve(eq, q) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 335, in test_issue_3653
assert solve([a**2 + a, a - b], [a, b]) == [(-1, -1), (0, 0)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 340, in test_issue_3693
assert solve(x*(x - 1)**2*(x + 1)*(x**6 - x + 1)) == [
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 349, in test_issues_3720_3721_3722_3149
assert solve(abs(x + 3) - 2*abs(x - 3)) == [1, 9]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 375, in test_issue_3890
assert solve(Eq(-f(x), Piecewise((1, x > 0), (0, True))), f(x)) == \
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 385, in test_lambert_multivariate
assert solve((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x)) == [LambertW(3*S.Exp1)/3]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 444, in test_rewrite_trig
assert solve(sin(x) + tan(x)) == [0, 2*pi]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 466, in test_uselogcombine
assert solve(eq, x, force=True) == [-sqrt(y*(y - exp(z))), sqrt(y*(y - exp(z)))]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 473, in test_atan2
assert solve(atan2(x, 2) - pi/3, x) == [2*sqrt(3)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 476, in test_errorinverses
assert solve(erf(x)-y,x)==[erfinv(y)]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 485, in test_misc
assert solve(sinh(x)*sinh(sinh(x)) + cosh(x)*cosh(sinh(x)) - 3) is not None
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 494, in test_gh2725
sol = solve(eq, R, set=True)[1]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 515, in test_issue_2015_3512
ans = solve(list(eqs) , list(v), simplify=False)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______________ sympy/statistics/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/statistics/tests/", line 114, in test_PDF
exponential = exponential.transform(x, x)
File "sympy/statistics/", line 509, in transform
inverse = solve(func - w, var)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________ sympy/stats/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 41, in test_single_normal
pdf = density(Y)
File "sympy/stats/", line 675, in density
return Density(expr, condition).doit(evaluate=evaluate, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 639, in doit
result = pspace(expr).compute_density(expr, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 387, in compute_density
gs = solve(expr - y, self.value)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________ sympy/stats/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 94, in test_multiple_normal
assert E(X, Eq(X + Y, 0)) == 0
File "sympy/stats/", line 555, in expectation
return expectation(given(expr, condition), evaluate=evaluate)
File "sympy/stats/", line 566, in expectation
return result.doit(**kwargs)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 472, in doit
function = function.doit(**hints)
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 898, in _eval_integral
h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 174, in deltaintegrate
point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_____________ sympy/stats/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 145, in test_sample
assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
File "sympy/stats/", line 764, in sample
return next(sample_iter(expr, condition, numsamples=1))
File "sympy/stats/", line 860, in sample_iter_subs
d = ps.sample() # a dictionary that maps RVs to values
File "sympy/stats/", line 361, in sample
return {self.value: self.distribution.sample()}
File "sympy/stats/", line 172, in sample
icdf = self._inverse_cdf_expression()
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/stats/", line 188, in _inverse_cdf_expression
raise NotImplementedError("Could not invert CDF")
NotImplementedError: Could not invert CDF
_____ sympy/stats/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 622, in test_random_parameters_given
assert given(meas, Eq(mu, 5)) == Normal('T', 5, 1)
File "sympy/stats/", line 502, in given
results = solve(condition, rv)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
______ sympy/stats/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 635, in test_difficult_univariate
assert density(x**3)
File "sympy/stats/", line 675, in density
return Density(expr, condition).doit(evaluate=evaluate, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 639, in doit
result = pspace(expr).compute_density(expr, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 387, in compute_density
gs = solve(expr - y, self.value)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________ sympy/stats/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 10, in test_PoissonDistribution
assert abs(p.cdf(10).evalf() - 1) < .001
File "sympy/stats/", line 69, in cdf
return self.compute_cdf(**kwargs)(x)
File "sympy/core/", line 93, in wrapper
r = func(*args, **kw_args)
File "sympy/stats/", line 62, in compute_cdf
cdf = summation(pdf, (x, left_bound, z), **kwargs)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 686, in eval_sum_symbolic
return eval_sum_hyper(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 756, in eval_sum_hyper
res2 = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, b + 1)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 696, in _eval_sum_hyper
return _eval_sum_hyper(f.subs(i, i + a), i, 0)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 735, in _eval_sum_hyper
return f.subs(i, 0)*hyperexpand(h), h.convergence_statement
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_______ sympy/stats/tests/ _______
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 26, in test_GeometricDistribution
assert d.expectation(x, x) == 1/p
File "sympy/stats/", line 77, in expectation
(var, self.set.inf, self.set.sup), **kwargs)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 487, in summation
return Sum(f, *symbols, **kwargs).doit(deep=False)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 201, in doit
newf = eval_sum(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 592, in eval_sum
value = eval_sum_symbolic(f.expand(), (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 617, in eval_sum_symbolic
sR = eval_sum_symbolic(R, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 686, in eval_sum_symbolic
return eval_sum_hyper(f, (i, a, b))
File "sympy/concrete/", line 778, in eval_sum_hyper
res = _eval_sum_hyper(f, i, a)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 696, in _eval_sum_hyper
return _eval_sum_hyper(f.subs(i, i + a), i, 0)
File "sympy/concrete/", line 735, in _eval_sum_hyper
return f.subs(i, 0)*hyperexpand(h), h.convergence_statement
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2465, in hyperexpand
return f.replace(hyper, do_replace).replace(meijerg, do_meijer)
File "sympy/core/", line 1444, in replace
rv = bottom_up(self, rec_replace, atoms=True)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 4059, in bottom_up
rv = F(rv)
File "sympy/core/", line 1432, in rec_replace
new = _value(expr, result)
File "sympy/core/", line 1376, in <lambda>
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2454, in do_replace
r = _hyperexpand(Hyper_Function(ap, bq), z, rewrite=rewrite)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 2031, in _hyperexpand
formula = _collection.lookup_origin(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 829, in lookup_origin
repls = f.find_instantiations(func)
File "sympy/simplify/", line 760, in find_instantiations
n0, = solve(expr.xreplace(repl0) - target, _n)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
________________ sympy/stats/tests/ _________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 77, in test_dice
assert P(X > Y, Eq(Y, 6)) == S.Zero
File "sympy/stats/", line 608, in probability
return probability(given(condition, given_condition, **kwargs), **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 502, in given
results = solve(condition, rv)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
__________________ sympy/stats/tests/ __________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 12, in test_density
assert density(X, Eq(rate, rate.symbol)) == PoissonDistribution(l)
File "sympy/stats/", line 675, in density
return Density(expr, condition).doit(evaluate=evaluate, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 632, in doit
expr = given(expr, condition, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 502, in given
results = solve(condition, rv)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________________ sympy/stats/tests/ _________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 139, in test_dependence
assert dependent(X, 2*X)
File "sympy/stats/", line 960, in dependent
return (density(a, Eq(b, z)) != density(a) or
File "sympy/stats/", line 675, in density
return Density(expr, condition).doit(evaluate=evaluate, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 632, in doit
expr = given(expr, condition, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 502, in given
results = solve(condition, rv)
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
_________________ sympy/stats/tests/ __________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/stats/tests/", line 160, in test_normality
dens = density(X - Y, Eq(X + Y, z))
File "sympy/stats/", line 675, in density
return Density(expr, condition).doit(evaluate=evaluate, **kwargs)
File "sympy/stats/", line 642, in doit
return result.doit()
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 472, in doit
function = function.doit(**hints)
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/core/", line 1600, in doit
for term in self.args ]
File "sympy/integrals/", line 555, in doit
File "sympy/integrals/", line 898, in _eval_integral
h = deltaintegrate(g, x)
File "sympy/integrals/", line 174, in deltaintegrate
point = solve(dg.args[0], x)[0]
File "sympy/solvers/", line 665, in solve
raise NotImplementedError()
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2435, in test_W17
(x, 0, oo)) == 1/(b*sqrt(a**2/b**2 + 1))
___________________ sympy/core/tests/ ___________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/core/tests/", line 2854, in test_Y10
(-8*pi**2*z**2 + 18)/(16*pi**4*z**4 + 72*pi**2*z**2 + 81))
________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 123, in test_heurisch_radicals
(-2*sqrt(x)*cos(sqrt(x)*y)/y + 2*sin(sqrt(x)*y)/y**2, True))
__ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 144, in test_heurisch_symbolic_coeffs_1130
(-I*log(x - I*sqrt(y))/(2*sqrt(y)) + I*log(x + I*sqrt(y))/(2*sqrt(y)), True))
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 193, in test_heurisch_wrapper
Piecewise((1/x, Eq(y, 0)), (log(x + y)/2/y - log(x - y)/2/y, True))
___ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 466, in test_integrate_returns_piecewise
(x**2/2, Eq(n, 0)), (x*sin(n*x)/n + cos(n*x)/n**2, True))
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 658, in test_issue_1785
4*I*sqrt(-x)/15, True))
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 790, in test_issue_1428
(0, True))
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 912, in test_issue1304
1/(y**2*sqrt(1 + y**2/x**2))
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 922, in test_issue1394
sqrt(2*x + 1)*(6*x**2 + x - 1)/15
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 934, in test_issue1893
(a*polygamma(0, a) + 1)*gamma(a)
____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 99, in test_recursive
(erf(sqrt(2)*(a + b)/2) + 1)*exp(-a**2/2 + a*b - b**2/2))/4)
_____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 232, in test_bessel
assert integrate(x*besselj(0, x), x, meijerg=True) == x*besselj(1, x)
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 314, in test_branch_bug
polar=True) == 2*erf(x**3)*gamma(S(2)/3)/3/gamma(S(5)/3)
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 323, in test_linear_subs
assert integrate(besselj(1, x - 1), x, meijerg=True) == -besselj(0, 1 - x)
___________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 516, in test_probability
(x, 0, oo)))) == polygamma(0, k)
______________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 591, in test_messy
(2*sqrt(-4*pi**2*s**2 + 1), True)), 0 < s)
_____________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 292, in test_expint
(lerchphi(s*polar_lift(-1), 1, a), 0, S(0) < re(a))
____ sympy/integrals/tests/ ____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 354, in test_inverse_mellin_transform
== (x**c - d**c)/(x - d)
_______ sympy/integrals/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 584, in test_fourier_transform
1/(a + 2*pi*I*k)
_________ sympy/integrals/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 634, in test_sine_transform
exp(-a*t), t, w) == sqrt(2)*w/(sqrt(pi)*(a**2 + w**2))
________ sympy/integrals/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/integrals/tests/", line 672, in test_cosine_transform
exp(-a*t), t, w) == sqrt(2)*a/(sqrt(pi)*(a**2 + w**2))
__ sympy/interactive/tests/ ___
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/interactive/tests/", line 68, in test_print_builtin_option
assert text in ("{pi: 3.14, n_i: 3}", u('{n\u1d62: 3, \u03c0: 3.14}'))
_____ sympy/physics/vector/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/vector/tests/", line 41, in test_vector_pretty_print
assert expected == pp.doprint(v)
_____ sympy/physics/vector/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/physics/vector/tests/", line 137, in test_dyadic_pretty_print
assert expected == result
____________ sympy/simplify/tests/ _____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/simplify/tests/", line 1723, in test_besselsimp
sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*besselj(0, 2*sqrt(a)*sqrt(y))/2
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 38, in test_checkodesol
assert checkodesol(f(x).diff(x), Eq(f(x), x)) == (False, 1)
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 94, in test_dsolve_options
assert a['best_hint'] == 'separable'
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 266, in test_old_ode_tests
assert dsolve(eq2) == sol2
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 327, in test_1st_exact1
assert dsolve(eq1, f(x), hint='1st_exact') == sol1
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 382, in test_separable1
assert dsolve(eq1, hint='separable') == sol1
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 441, in test_separable4
assert checkodesol(eq14, sol14, order=1, solve_for_func=False)[0]
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 459, in test_separable5
assert dsolve(eq15, hint='separable') == sol15
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 478, in test_separable_1_5_checkodesol
assert checkodesol(eq12, sol12, order=1, solve_for_func=False)[0]
____ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 576, in test_1st_homogeneous_coeff_ode_check2
assert checkodesol(eq2, sol2, order=1, solve_for_func=False)[0]
____ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 602, in test_1st_homogeneous_coeff_ode_check7
assert checkodesol(eq7, sol7, order=1, solve_for_func=False)[0]
_______ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 613, in test_1st_homogeneous_coeff_ode2
assert dsolve(eq1, hint='1st_homogeneous_coeff_subs_dep_div_indep') == sol1
____ sympy/solvers/tests/ _____
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 633, in test_1st_homogeneous_coeff_ode_check9
assert checkodesol(eq9, sol9, order=1, solve_for_func=False)[0]
______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1240, in test_Liouville_ODE
assert dsolve(eq1, hint=hint) in (sol1, sol1s)
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1270, in test_unexpanded_Liouville_ODE
assert dsolve(eq2) in (sol2, sol2s)
___________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ___________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1539, in test_linear_coefficients
assert dsolve(eq, hint='linear_coefficients') == sol
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1569, in test_issue_3890
(C1 - x*exp(-k*x)/k - exp(-k*x)/k**2, True)
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ________________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 1602, in test_heuristic1
xi(x, f(x)): sqrt(2*a0 + 2*a1*x + 2*a2*x**2 + 2*a3*x**3 + 2*a4*x**4)}]
_______________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 180, in test_pdsolve_all
-x**2*y + x**2 + 2*x*y - 4*x - 2*y + F(x - y)*exp(-x/S(2) - y/S(2)) + 6)
_____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ______________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 45, in test_guess_poly
assert guess_solve_strategy( S(4), x ) # == GS_POLY
____________ sympy/solvers/tests/ ____________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 61, in test_guess_poly_cv
assert guess_solve_strategy( sqrt(x) + 1, x ) # == GS_POLY_CV_1
__________ sympy/solvers/tests/ __________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 72, in test_guess_rational_cv
assert guess_solve_strategy( (x + 1)/(x**2 + 2), x) # == GS_RATIONAL
________ sympy/solvers/tests/ _________
File "/home/hargup/Harsh-sympy/sympy/solvers/tests/", line 83, in test_guess_transcendental
assert guess_solve_strategy( exp(x) + 1, x ) # == GS_TRANSCENDENTAL
tests finished: 5212 passed, 48 failed, 115 skipped, 343 expected to fail,
9 expected to fail but passed, 298 exceptions, in 4671.37 seconds
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