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Created February 15, 2021 00:39
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Unbound 8 blocked hosts downloader
# Using blacklist from pi-hole project
# to enable AD blocking in unbound(8)
# src:
# Available blocklists - comment line to disable blocklist
# Global variables
_tmpfile="$(mktemp)" && echo '' > $_tmpfile
# Remove comments from blocklist
function simpleParse {
ftp -VMo - $1 | \
sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' >> $2
# Parse MalwareDom
[[ -n ${_malwaredom+x} ]] && simpleParse $_malwaredom $_tmpfile
# Parse ZeusTracker
[[ -n ${_zeustracker+x} ]] && simpleParse $_zeustracker $_tmpfile
# Parse DisconTrack
[[ -n ${_discontrack+x} ]] && simpleParse $_discontrack $_tmpfile
# Parse DisconAD
[[ -n ${_disconad+x} ]] && simpleParse $_disconad $_tmpfile
[[ -n ${_porn+x} ]] && simpleParse $_porn $_tmpfile
# Parse StevenBlack
[[ -n ${_stevenblack+x} ]] && \
ftp -VMo - $_stevenblack | \
sed -n '/Start/,$p' | \
sed -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | \
awk '/^ { print $2 }' >> $_tmpfile
# Parse hpHosts
[[ -n ${_hostfiles+x} ]] && \
ftp -VMo - $_hostfiles | \
sed -n '/START/,$p' | tr -d '^M$' | \
$//' | \ 's/#.*$//' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e 's/
awk '/^ { print $2 }' >> $_tmpfile
# Create unbound(8) local zone file
sort -fu $_tmpfile | grep -v "^[[:space:]]*$" | \
awk '{
print "local-zone: \"" $1 "\" redirect"
print "local-data: \"" $1 " A\""
}' > $_unboundconf && rm -f $_tmpfile
# Reload unbound(8) blocklist
doas -u _unbound unbound-checkconf 1>/dev/null && \
doas -u _unbound unbound-control reload 1>/dev/null
exit 0
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