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Last active September 11, 2024 09:54
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  • Save crosstyan/dafacc0778dabf693ce9236c57b201cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save crosstyan/dafacc0778dabf693ce9236c57b201cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
komorebic.ahk for AutoHotkey v2
#SingleInstance Force
WorkspaceNumber := 9
temp := []
Loop Length {
return temp
; Set workspaces (start from 0)
; ArrayFromZero(9) => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
global numbers := ArrayFromZero(WorkspaceNumber)
;; focus-follows-mouse feels buggy
Run "komorebic focus-follows-mouse disable", ,"Hide"
;; From
; Always float IntelliJ popups, matching on class
Run "komorebic float-rule class SunAwtDialog", , "Hide"
; Always float Control Panel, matching on title
Run "komorebic float-rule title 'Control Panel'", , "Hide"
; Always float Task Manager, matching on class
Run "komorebic float-rule class TaskManagerWindow", , "Hide"
; Always float Wally, matching on executable name
Run "komorebic float-rule exe Wally.exe", , "Hide"
Run "komorebic float-rule exe wincompose.exe", , "Hide"
; Always float Calculator app, matching on window title
Run "komorebic float-rule title Calculator", , "Hide"
Run "komorebic float-rule exe 1Password.exe", , "Hide"
;; For BandZip annoying updater
Run "komorebic float-rule exe Updater.exe", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic float-rule exe ScreenToGif.exe", ,"Hide"
;; No tiling for Settings
Run "komorebic float-rule title Settings", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic identify-tray-application exe Discord.exe", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic identify-tray-application exe Telegram.exe", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic identify-tray-application exe cloudmusic.exe", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic identify-tray-application exe everything.exe", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic identify-tray-application exe GoldenDict.exe", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic identify-tray-application exe 'Clash for Windows.exe'", ,"Hide"
;; Fix for the infamous TIM
Run("komorebic identify-tray-application exe TIM.exe",,"Hide")
Run("komorebic float-rule title TXMenuWindow", ,"Hide")
Run("komorebic manage-rule class TXGuiFoundation",,"Hide")
;; Infamous WeChat from Microsoft Store
Run("komorebic identify-tray-application exe WeChatStore.exe",,"Hide")
Run("komorebic manage-rule exe WeChatStore.exe", ,"Hide")
Run("komorebic float-rule class SetMenuWnd",,"Hide")
Run("komorebic float-rule class CefWebViewWnd",,"Hide")
;; IDM can't not be handle properly
;; I don't like it tiling anyway. So I just comment it
;; Run("komorebic manage-rule exe IDMan.exe",,"Hide")
run("komorebic ensure-workspaces 0 " . workspacenumber, ,"hide")
; set the padding to all the workspaces
for num in numbers{
runwait("komorebic workspace-padding 0 " . num . " 10",,"hide")
RunWait("komorebic container-padding 0 " . num . " 8",,"Hide")
;; run init function at start
; Change the focused window, Alt + Vim direction keys
Run "komorebic focus left", , "Hide"
Run "komorebic focus down", , "Hide"
Run "komorebic focus up", , "Hide"
Run "komorebic focus right", , "Hide"
; Move the focused window in a given direction, Alt + Shift + Vim direction keys
Run "komorebic move left", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic move down", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic move up", ,"Hide"
Run "komorebic move right", ,"Hide"
;; Stack feels buggy here.
;; Personally I don't use it So I just comment it
; Stack the focused window in a given direction, ,Alt + direction keys
; !Left::{
; Run "komorebic stack left", ,"Hide"
; }
; !Down::{
; Run "komorebic stack down", ,"Hide"
; }
; !Up::{
; Run "komorebic stack up", ,"Hide"
; }
; !Right::{
; Run "komorebic stack right", ,"Hide"
; }
; !]::{
; Run "komorebic cycle-stack next", , "Hide"
; }
; ![::{
; Run "komorebic cycle-stack previous", , "Hide"
; }
; ; Unstack the focused window
; !d::{
; Run "komorebic unstack", ,"Hide"
; }
; Promote the focused window to the top of the tree, ,Alt + Shift + Enter
Run "komorebic promote", ,"Hide"
; Is there any way to parse the state of focused workspace?
; Switch to an equal-height
; max-width column layout on the main workspace, Alt + Shift + C
; ------------
; | |
; ------------
; | |
; ------------
Run "komorebic change-layout rows", ,"Hide"
; Switch to an equal-width
; max-height column layout on the main workspace, Alt + Shift + C
; -------------
; | | | |
; | | | |
; -------------
Run "komorebic change-layout columns", ,"Hide"
; Switch to the default bsp tiling layout on the main workspace, Alt + Shift + T
; famous binary space partition
; --------------
; | | |
; | |--------
; | | | |
; --------------
Run "komorebic change-layout bsp", ,"Hide"
; Toggle the Monocle layout for the focused window, ,Alt + Shift + F
; Monocle is similar to maximizing, but it will pinned the focused
; window down
Run "komorebic toggle-monocle", ,"Hide"
; Use Alt + F to toggle maximize window
; You should always use this shortcut to maximize
; or komorebi won't handle it like issue #12
RunWait("komorebic toggle-maximize",,"Hide")
; Flip horizontally, ,Alt + Shift + X
Run "komorebic flip-layout horizontal", ,"Hide"
; Flip vertically, ,Alt + Shift + Y
Run "komorebic flip-layout vertical", ,"Hide"
; Float the focused window Alt + T
Run "komorebic toggle-float", ,"Hide"
; Toggle Tiling for workspace. Alt + Shift + T
Run "komorebic toggle-tiling", ,"Hide"
; Pause responding to any window events or komorebic commands Alt + P
Run "komorebic toggle-pause", ,"Hide"
; Switch to workspace
; Alt + 1~9
; Equal to bind key !1 to !9 to workspace 0 ~ 8
For num in numbers{
Hotkey("!" . (num+1), (key) => Run("komorebic focus-workspace " . Integer(SubStr(key, 2))-1, ,"Hide"))
; Move window to workspace
; Alt + Shift + 1~9
; Equal to bind key !+1 to !+9 to workspace 0 ~ 8
For num in numbers{
Hotkey("!+" . (num+1), (key) => Run("komorebic move-to-workspace " . Integer(SubStr(key, 3))-1, ,"Hide"))
; Force a retile if things get janky Ctrl + Shift + R
Run "komorebic retile", ,"Hide"
;; Native (AHK) Windows Key Rebinding
;; Close Focused Window Alt + X
;; Restart komorebi in a hard way
RunWait("komorebic restore-windows",,"Hide")
RunWait("powershell " . "Stop-Process -Name 'komorebi'",,"Hide")
RunWait("komorebic start") ;; intend to not hide it
;; Delay 1000 milisecond
;; Get Window Info
;; Helpful for debugging
window_id := ""
window_title := WinGetTitle(window_id)
window_class := WinGetClass(window_id)
MsgBox(window_id "`n" window_class "`n" window_title)
;; this is a global state.
;; ? how to moddify it to a functional style?
global minimized_window := ""
;; Window should not be minimized
global FilterOutClass := ["WorkerW", "Shell_TrayWnd", "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"]
;; Alt + M
;; toggle minimize
;; minimize window will be saved until restore
;; useful when a window (especially vscode) get stuck
try {
;; If there is a window under the cursor then active it
window_id := ""
;; then process
active_id := WinGetID("A")
window_state := WinGetMinMax("A")
if (minimized_window != ""){
global minimized_window := ""
} else {
for filter in FilterOutClass{
if(WinGetClass(active_id) == filter){
;; break out of the function
global minimized_window := active_id
} catch as e {
;; If there's an error, it likely is cannot find focused window
;; this will focus a window under mouse cursor
;; I don't think this catch is meaningful
window_id := ""
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I really appreciate you sharing your config!!! Thank you very much!!

to be honest, I think this is really good! would you mind if I edit it and suggest using this file as another, more complete, sample at the komorebi repo? I know this is already mentioned there, but in my humble opinion, I think it deserves a bigger highlight.

My intention is to try and make it more like a sample file, with generic recomendations. Then I would link this Gist and basically tell in the readme that the sample file is a generic version of this file. I could try, but don't know how to do it yet, to convert it to V1 too.

I would like to seize this opportunitty and ask what @LGUG2Z thinks about it. I could, along with the ahk file, try and make a table with this "default" hotkeys and what they do. This goes in the direction I mentioned in here

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@Rafael-Conde Feel free to do whatever you like! I'm happy to help although I haven't use komorebi for a while since I switched to MacOS now. Maybe it would be useful when I use Windows again.

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