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Created August 9, 2017 18:26
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Implementation of a Binary Heap in Lua
-- heap.lua
-- Provides a binary heap datastructure which may be used
-- by other lua modules and / or scripts (e.g. for pathfinding)
-- Author: BlackyPaw
-- Version: 1.0.0
-- Last modified: 08/09/2017
local M = {}
local function default_comparator(a, b)
return a < b
local function sift_up(heap, i)
local parent = math.floor(i / 2)
if i == 1 or not (heap.sort(heap.elements[i], heap.elements[parent])) then
heap.elements[i], heap.elements[parent] = heap.elements[parent], heap.elements[i]
sift_up(heap, parent)
local function sift_down(heap, i)
local left_child = 2 * i
local right_child = left_child + 1
if left_child <= heap.n then
local child
if right_child > heap.n or not (heap.sort(heap.elements[right_child], heap.elements[left_child])) then
child = left_child
child = right_child
if heap.sort(heap.elements[child], heap.elements[i]) then
heap.elements[child], heap.elements[i] = heap.elements[i], heap.elements[child]
sift_down(heap, child)
-- Constructs a new, yet empty binary heap
-- @param comparator The function to be used to compare two elements (optional)
-- @return The newly allocated binary heap
return {
elements = {},
sort = comparator or default_comparator,
n = 0
-- Checks whether or not the given heap is empty
-- @param heap The heap to check
-- @return Whether or not the given heap is empty
function M.empty(heap)
return (heap.n == 0)
-- Returns the number of elements in the given heap (size)
-- @param heap The heap whose size to get
-- @return The number of elements in the heap
function M.size(heap)
return heap.n
-- Clears all elements in the given heap
-- @param heap The heap to clear
function M.clear(heap)
heap.elements = {}
heap.n = 0
-- Inserts the element 'e' into the heap 'heap'
-- @param heap The heap the element should be inserted into
-- @param e The element to be inserted
function M.insert(heap, e)
heap.n = heap.n + 1
heap.elements[heap.n] = e
sift_up(heap, heap.n)
-- Peeks at the heap's root element without popping it from the heap and returns it
-- @param heap The heap whose root element to peek
-- @return The peeked root element
function M.peek(heap)
assert(heap.n > 0, "heap is empty")
return heap.elements[1]
-- Pops the heap's root element and returns it
-- @param heap The heap whose root element to pop
-- @return The popped root element
function M.pop(heap)
assert(heap.n > 0, "heap is empty")
local result = heap.elements[1]
heap.elements[1], heap.elements[heap.n] = heap.elements[heap.n], nil
heap.n = heap.n - 1
sift_down(heap, 1)
return result
return M
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