function ConvertGamesToITAD ($allGames) { |
foreach ($group in $allGames | Group-Object -Property Name) { |
$games = $group.Group |
$playtime = ($games.Playtime | Sort-Object)[-1] |
$status = ($games.CompletionStatus | Sort-Object)[-1] |
@{ |
title = $games[0].Name |
status = ([string]$status).ToLower() |
playtime = $playtime / 60 |
copies = @(foreach ($game in $games) { |
@{ |
type = switch ($game.Source) { |
"Battle.net" { "battlenet" } |
"itch.io" { "itchio" } |
{ !$_ } { "playnite" } |
Default { $_.Name.ToLower() } |
} |
owned = 1 |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
function ImportGamesInITAD ($games) { |
$data = @{ |
version = "02" |
data = @(ConvertGamesToITAD $games) |
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 |
$b64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($data)) |
$html = "<!DOCTYPE html> |
<body onload='form.submit()'> |
<form id='form' action='https://isthereanydeal.com/collection/import/' method='post'> |
<input type='hidden' name='file' value='$b64'> |
<input type='hidden' name='upload' value='Import ITAD Collection'> |
</form> |
</body>" |
$webView = $PlayniteApi.WebViews.CreateView(1000, 800) |
foreach ($cookie in $webView.GetCookies()) { |
if ($cookie.Domain -match "\.?isthereanydeal\.com" -and $cookie.Name -eq "user") { |
# Chrome 80+ now enforces SameSite cookies which breaks this ITAD API |
# HACK: Abuse Chrome's 2 minute timer from its "Lax + POST mitigation" https://www.chromium.org/updates/same-site/faq |
# Delete and recreate the "user" cookie to reset its creation date |
$webView.DeleteCookies("https://isthereanydeal.com/", "user") |
$webView.SetCookies("https://isthereanydeal.com/", $cookie.Domain, $cookie.Name, $cookie.Value, $cookie.Path, $cookie.Expires) |
} |
} |
$webView.Navigate("data:text/html," + $html) |
$webView.OpenDialog() |
$webView.Dispose() |
} |
function IsThereAnyDeal { |
param($scriptGameMenuItemActionArgs) |
ImportGamesInITAD $scriptGameMenuItemActionArgs.Games |
} |
function GetGameMenuItems() |
{ |
param($getGameMenuItemsArgs) |
$menuItem = New-Object Playnite.SDK.Plugins.ScriptGameMenuItem |
$menuItem.Description = "Add to Is There Any Deal Collection" |
$menuItem.FunctionName = "IsThereAnyDeal" |
return $menuItem |
} |
Update 1.1
Correctly map all Playnite "source" values to ITAD store IDs. Added mapping for itch.io. Twitch Prime currently does not exist as a default store on ITAD. An empty "source" is mapped to "playnite".
Custom values for "source" are also allowed or any ID from ITAD's list of stores: https://api.isthereanydeal.com/v01/web/stores/all/