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Last active August 26, 2019 15:11
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Salesforce Final Evaluation Report - GSoC


Student Info

Project Abstract

Oclif is an Open Source Framework for building CLIs in Node.js and TypeScript. This framework was built out of the Heroku CLI but generalized to build any custom CLI. It's designed both for simple CLIs that can be just a single file with a few flag options, or for very complex CLIs that have subcommands (like git or heroku).

Work Summary

For GSoC 2019 I've initiated the project eslint from scratch and added support for TypeScript and JavaScript recommended rules. Along with development of Linter, I added documentation and some custom rules specific for oclif generated cli for TypeScript.

What Covered

  • Developed the Linter for TypeScript supported oclif cli.
  • Added documentation for developed linter.

What left

  • Adding unit tests for developed linter rules.
  • Adding Pretty or beautify option for the linter.
  • Potential to add more rules for TypeScript and JavaScript.
  • Create a VSCode Extension

After GSoC

I would like to take care of oclif/eslint repository and would continue to commit.


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