import { randomBytes, createHmac } from 'crypto' |
interface UserData { |
cookie: string |
ttl: number |
salt: string |
} |
export class Auth { |
#storage: Map<string, UserData> |
#secret: string |
#ttl: number |
constructor(secret: string, ttl: number) { |
console.log(`Setting up auth storage with ttl of ${ttl}`) |
this.#storage = new Map<string, UserData>() |
this.#secret = secret |
this.#ttl = ttl |
} |
private getStorage = (userId: string) => this.#storage.get(userId) |
private delField = (userId: string) => this.#storage.delete(userId) |
private updateStorage = (userId: string, data: UserData) => this.#storage.set(userId, data) |
private userIdFromCookie = (cookie: string): string => cookie.split('.')[0] |
private genCookie = (userId: string, salt: string) => { |
const cookie = this.getIdentifier(userId) |
const signature = this.generateSignature(cookie, salt) |
return `${cookie}.${signature}` |
} |
private getIdentifier = (userId: string): string => { |
const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(userId) |
const result = keyBuffer.toString('base64') |
return result |
} |
private generateSignature = (data: string, salt: string): string => { |
const hmac = createHmac('sha256', this.#secret) |
hmac.update(data + salt) |
return hmac.digest('base64') |
} |
private verifySignature = (cookie: string, salt: string): boolean => { |
const [data, signature] = cookie.split('.') |
const expectedSignature = this.generateSignature(data, salt) |
return signature === expectedSignature; |
} |
private cleaner = (userId: string) => { |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.delField(userId) |
}, this.#ttl) |
} |
isUserLoggedin = (cookie: string): boolean => { |
const userId = this.userIdFromCookie(cookie) |
const userData = this.getStorage(userId) |
if (!userData) { |
return false |
} |
const { ttl, salt } = userData |
if (ttl < Date.now()) { |
this.delField(userId) |
return false; |
} |
if (!this.verifySignature(cookie, salt)) { |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
setLoggedIn = (userId: string): string => { |
const salt = randomBytes(16).toString('hex') |
const cookie = this.genCookie(userId, salt) |
const encodedId = Buffer.from(userId).toString('base64') |
const userData: UserData = { |
cookie: cookie, |
ttl: Date.now() + this.#ttl, |
salt: salt |
} |
this.updateStorage(encodedId, userData) |
this.cleaner(encodedId) |
return cookie |
} |
setLoggedOut = (cookie: string) => { |
this.delField(this.userIdFromCookie(cookie)) |
return |
} |
} |
It should be relatively easy to add stuff like user privileges etc.