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Last active November 9, 2021 12:01
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  • Save MaskedCarrot/ea0933311b95a108f99e3c6c106ea101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MaskedCarrot/ea0933311b95a108f99e3c6c106ea101 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

For a detailed explanation of the fork-and-clone process, please see this GitHub help page.

Fork and clone the Oppia Android repository

To make code changes, please follow the following instructions

Using the terminal

  1. Make sure that you are in the opensource/ folder on your local machine.

  2. Click on the "Fork" button on the top-right corner (at the same level as the oppia/oppia-android repository name): Oppia-Android Fork

  3. You can now see Oppia-Android under your repositories. It will be marked as forked from oppia/oppia-android Oppia-Android Origin Repo

  4. Clone this repository to your local computer by running git clone in a terminal.

  5. To keep your local repository, forked repository and main oppia-android repository in sync, configure your remote repositories by running the following two commands in a terminal:

    • git remote -v (this lists your current remote repositories)
    • git remote add upstream (this adds oppia/oppia-android as an upstream repo)

Using android studio's UI based github workflow

  1. Navigate to your fork, e.g.<your_username>/oppia-android. Click on Clone or download and copy the link (the URL will look different since you should be using your fork, not


  1. Now, go to Android Studio>File>New>Project from Version Control>Git


  1. Log in GitHub with your credentials.

  2. Paste the URL and click on Clone button. Wait for a few minutes until Gradle build completes.


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