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Last active March 14, 2020 08:48
Graph Coloring in Python
# Author: Guillem G. Subies <>
# License: MIT
import numpy as np
def color_graph(edges, extra_iterations=5):
"""Welsh Powell (Greedy) Algorith to color graphs + recoloring at the end.
edges : list of tuples of shape (n_edges, )
List of of edges.
extra_iterations : int
How many iterations of recoloring will the algorithm do.
solution : list of shape (n_points, )
List of colors (numbers) for every point in the graph.
edges = np.asarray(edges)
vertex_count = np.amax(edges) + 1
# Create the graph matrix
graph = np.zeros(shape=(vertex_count, vertex_count), dtype=np.int8)
rows, cols = zip(*edges)
graph[rows, cols] = 1
graph[cols, rows] = 1
del rows, cols, edges
# Gets the degree of every vertex and sorts them in a descending order
colsum = np.argsort(-graph.sum(axis=0), kind="stable")
colors = np.full(len(graph), -1, dtype=np.int8)
for index in colsum:
for color in range(vertex_count):
for i, node in enumerate(graph[index]):
if node == 1 and colors[i] == color and i != index:
colors[index] = color
# Recolor TODO: Use Kemp Chains
for p in range(extra_iterations):
max_colores = colors.max()
for index in colsum:
adjacent_colors = {
colors[i] for i, node in enumerate(graph[index]) if node == 1
for color in range(max_colores):
if (
color != colors[index]
and color not in adjacent_colors
and color != max_colores
colors[index] = color
return colors
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