Save DanielStefanK/487175b6f65ede401e37ee4848970176 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Can be obtained here https://fitx-proxy.daniel-stefan.dev/ | |
let studioId = 1266927; | |
// Proxy for the utilization api | |
let proxyUrl = "https://fitx-proxy.daniel-stefan.dev/api/utilization/" | |
let param = args.widgetParameter; | |
if (param != null && param.length > 0) { | |
studioId = param; | |
} | |
const contextSize = 282; | |
const fitXOrange = new Color("#ff8c00"); | |
const lightGrey = new Color("#bfbbbb"); | |
const widget = new ListWidget(); | |
let studioInfo; | |
try { | |
studioInfo = await fetchStoreInformation(); | |
await createWidget(); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.log(e); | |
widget.addSpacer(4); | |
const logoImg = await getImage("logo.png"); | |
widget.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10); | |
const titleFontSize = 14; | |
const detailFontSize = 14; | |
const logoStack = widget.addStack(); | |
logoStack.addSpacer(4); | |
const logoImageStack = logoStack.addStack(); | |
logoStack.layoutHorizontally(); | |
logoImageStack.backgroundColor = new Color("#ffffff", 1.0); | |
logoImageStack.cornerRadius = 8; | |
const wimg = logoImageStack.addImage(logoImg); | |
wimg.imageSize = new Size(40, 40); | |
wimg.rightAlignImage(); | |
widget.addSpacer(); | |
const row = widget.addStack(); | |
row.layoutVertically(); | |
const percentTitle = row.addText("Fehler beim Laden"); | |
} | |
// used for debugging if script runs inside the app | |
if (!config.runsInWidget) { | |
await widget.presentSmall(); | |
} | |
Script.setWidget(widget); | |
Script.complete(); | |
// build the content of the widget | |
async function createWidget() { | |
var d = new Date(); | |
const currentWeekDay = d.getDay(); | |
const currentHour = Math.abs(d.getHours() - 2) % 24; | |
widget.addSpacer(4); | |
const logoImg = await getImage("logo.png"); | |
widget.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10); | |
const titleFontSize = 14; | |
const detailFontSize = 14; | |
const logoStack = widget.addStack(); | |
const name = logoStack.addText(studioInfo.name); | |
name.font = Font.regularSystemFont(titleFontSize); | |
name.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5; | |
logoStack.addSpacer(4); | |
const logoImageStack = logoStack.addStack(); | |
logoStack.layoutHorizontally(); | |
logoImageStack.backgroundColor = new Color("#ffffff", 1.0); | |
logoImageStack.cornerRadius = 8; | |
const wimg = logoImageStack.addImage(logoImg); | |
wimg.imageSize = new Size(40, 40); | |
wimg.rightAlignImage(); | |
widget.addSpacer(); | |
const row = widget.addStack(); | |
row.layoutVertically(); | |
const percentTitle = row.addText("Aktuelle Auslastung: "); | |
percentTitle.font = Font.regularSystemFont(detailFontSize); | |
const percentage = row.addText(studioInfo.workload + "%"); | |
percentage.font = Font.regularSystemFont(detailFontSize); | |
let drawContext = new DrawContext(); | |
drawContext.size = new Size(contextSize, contextSize); | |
drawContext.opaque = false; | |
drawContext.setTextAlignedCenter(); | |
const data = studioInfo.items.map((i) => i.percentage); | |
let min, max, diff; | |
for (let i = 0; i <= 24; i++) { | |
let temp = data[i]; | |
min = temp < min || min == undefined ? temp : min; | |
max = temp > max || max == undefined ? temp : max; | |
} | |
diff = max - min; | |
let spaceBetweenDays = 10; | |
for (let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { | |
let current = data[i]; | |
let nextHour = data[i + 1]; | |
let delta = diff > 0 ? (current - min) / diff : 0.5; | |
let nextDelta = diff > 0 ? (nextHour - min) / diff : 0.5; | |
drawPoint( | |
spaceBetweenDays * i + 25, | |
175 - 50 * delta, | |
drawContext, | |
fitXOrange, | |
currentHour === i - 2 ? 15 : 3 | |
); | |
if (i % 3 == 0) { | |
drawText( | |
data[i], | |
10, | |
spaceBetweenDays * i + (data[i] > 9 ? 16 : 22), | |
175 - 50 * delta - 25, | |
drawContext, | |
lightGrey | |
); | |
drawText( | |
i, | |
10, | |
spaceBetweenDays * i + (data[i] > 9 ? 16 : 22), | |
180, | |
drawContext, | |
lightGrey | |
); | |
} | |
drawLine( | |
spaceBetweenDays * i + 25, | |
175 - 50 * delta, | |
spaceBetweenDays * (i + 1) + 25, | |
175 - 50 * nextDelta, | |
drawContext, | |
4, | |
fitXOrange | |
); | |
} | |
widget.backgroundImage = drawContext.getImage(); | |
} | |
// fetches information of the configured store, e.g. opening hours, address etc. | |
async function fetchStoreInformation() { | |
let url = proxyUrl + studioId; | |
let req = new Request(url); | |
let apiResult = await req.loadString(); | |
if (req.response.statusCode == 404) { | |
// TODO: implement error handling | |
} else if (req.response.statusCode == 200) { | |
apiResult = JSON.parse(apiResult); | |
widget.url = "https://mein.fitx.de/studio/" + apiResult.uuid; | |
} | |
return apiResult; | |
} | |
// get images from local filestore or download them once | |
async function getImage(image) { | |
let fm = FileManager.local(); | |
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory(); | |
let path = fm.joinPath(dir, image); | |
if (fm.fileExists(path)) { | |
return fm.readImage(path); | |
} else { | |
// download once | |
let imageUrl; | |
switch (image) { | |
case "logo.png": | |
imageUrl = "https://i.imgur.com/2T54ySh.png"; | |
break; | |
default: | |
console.log(`Sorry, couldn't find ${image}.`); | |
} | |
let iconImage = await loadImage(imageUrl); | |
fm.writeImage(path, iconImage); | |
return iconImage; | |
} | |
} | |
// helper function to download an image from a given url | |
async function loadImage(imgUrl) { | |
const req = new Request(imgUrl); | |
return await req.loadImage(); | |
} | |
function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, ctx, width, color) { | |
const path = new Path(); | |
path.move(new Point(x1, y1)); | |
path.addLine(new Point(x2, y2)); | |
ctx.addPath(path); | |
ctx.setStrokeColor(color); | |
ctx.setLineWidth(width); | |
ctx.strokePath(); | |
} | |
function drawPoint(x, y, ctx, color, width = 2) { | |
const rec = new Rect(x - width / 2, y - width / 2, width, width); | |
ctx.setStrokeColor(color); | |
ctx.setFillColor(color); | |
ctx.setLineWidth(2); | |
ctx.strokeEllipse(rec); | |
ctx.fillEllipse(rec); | |
} | |
function drawText(text, fontSize, x, y, ctx, color = Color.black()) { | |
ctx.setFont(Font.boldSystemFont(fontSize)); | |
ctx.setTextColor(color); | |
ctx.drawText(new String(text).toString(), new Point(x, y)); | |
} |
Mein Studio in Neuss hat die Studio ID 110, damit gibts leider ne Fehlermeldung. Habe die ID in Zeile 4 anstelle der 91 eingetragen. Gibts da ne Lösung?
@JustMetty Aktuell glaube ich, dass dein Studio keine daten liefert, da es geschlossen ist. Die Anfrage, die ich benutzte wird aktuell nicht mehr auf der Webseite genutzt, da alle Studios geschlossen sind. Werde nachher mal schauen ob ich einen fix finde.
Hey, cooles script! Gibts die möglichkeit sowas auch für Android als script zu bekommen? LG Luca
Leider gibt es Scriptable nur für iOS.
Alternativen für Android, die die selben Features bieten, kenne ich leider auch nicht. Wenn es etwas ähnliches gibt wird aber sicherlich eine andere Sprache verwendet um das Widget zu konfigurieren. Dadurch wird der Code hier für dich unbrauchbar. Das einzige was dann für dich interessant ist die FitX API https://www.fitx.de/fitnessstudio/{studioID}/workload
Seems like fitx is changing its API up, I'll keep an eye on it and implement a solutione once I know how the new API works
Thank you, most of the gyms have already switched over to the new system. Seems like access to the occupancy data is only possible once logged in to the new web application.
For now I've build a simple proxy to retrieve the utilisation data hosted at https://fitx-proxy.daniel-stefan.dev/. This also serves a simple webpage to obtain the new studio ID for the script.
The proxy implementation can be found here.
I think the data can also be retrieved from the fitx API in the script itself, because there are public endpoints for the both the studios (https://mein.fitx.de/sponsorship/v1/public/studios/forwhitelabelportal) and utilisation (https://mein.fitx.de/nox/public/v1/studios/{magiclineid}/utilization), but I've build this proxy with the thought that it could only be obtained with an authenticated user.
At this point i am not sure if the magicline id changes over time for each studio.
Also as far as I can see the API does not predict the future utilisation so the graph is flat from the current time.
I will keep an eye on the API and will update the script/shut down the proxy when there is a better way to get the data.
For now this works for the current/past utilisation and is sufficient for me.
This works flawlessly so far, many thanks! Wouldn’t be possible to provide for an implementation to be used in connection with this simplified widget style created by someone else?
The respective (now non-working) FitX fork can be found here: https://gist.github.com/eopo/aedaf03f1f27a0c9c02f4974f3f4c9ba
It would be great to somehow have a simplified widget without past data, as shown in the example above. 🙂
My proxy should work with the other widget. The current workload is found on the response.
I've updated the gist with the current api here: https://gist.github.com/DanielStefanK/adf0fc40d08585e4167f20463fe3b1d1
Thank you very much for this, I appreciate this as I am not super knowledgeable with regard to GitHub and Scriptable in general.
Seeehr geiles script! Habe ich zwar nicht nach gesucht aber installiert. Danke dir <3
finds geil. location service an sich wäre noch nice. ist mit scriptable ja problemlos möglich. Also immer das FitX anzeigen, was in der nähe ist. es müssten nur die locations in der proxy gespeichert werden..
Habe aktuell das Problem das der Graph nicht mehr gerendert wird. Nur ich?
Woher bekomme ich denn die Studio ID für mein Studio?