$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:3000
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:3000
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 23.16ms 13.36ms 96.95ms 73.41%
Req/Sec 448.26 123.94 0.88k 65.70%
Latency Distribution
50% 20.20ms
75% 29.76ms
90% 41.59ms
99% 65.66ms
133952 requests in 30.02s, 62.72MB read
Requests/sec: 4461.75
Transfer/sec: 2.09MB
$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:8080
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 7.92ms 5.88ms 92.07ms 89.15%
Req/Sec 1.37k 284.60 2.20k 68.33%
Latency Distribution
50% 6.52ms
75% 10.81ms
90% 14.35ms
99% 29.84ms
409453 requests in 30.02s, 137.84MB read
Requests/sec: 13641.11
Transfer/sec: 4.59MB
$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:8080/users
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/users
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.99ms 5.15ms 165.01ms 90.85%
Req/Sec 6.76k 1.56k 14.10k 70.30%
Latency Distribution
50% 0.92ms
75% 3.83ms
90% 7.75ms
99% 22.10ms
2017360 requests in 30.03s, 529.07MB read
Requests/sec: 67167.45
Transfer/sec: 17.62MB
$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:8000
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8000
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 7.41ms 21.03ms 359.61ms 92.35%
Req/Sec 7.21k 2.39k 17.67k 71.39%
Latency Distribution
50% 1.19ms
75% 2.23ms
90% 19.13ms
99% 109.45ms
2152414 requests in 30.10s, 268.90MB read
Requests/sec: 71508.48
Transfer/sec: 8.93MB
$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:31000
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:31000
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.61ms 3.93ms 54.18ms 88.33%
Req/Sec 8.30k 1.85k 14.75k 67.03%
Latency Distribution
50% 731.00us
75% 3.65ms
90% 7.10ms
99% 19.51ms
2477141 requests in 30.02s, 399.24MB read
Requests/sec: 82524.25
Transfer/sec: 13.30MB
$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:5000/person/f
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:5000/person/f
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.62ms 2.30ms 54.94ms 88.54%
Req/Sec 10.08k 2.55k 20.84k 70.12%
Latency Distribution
50% 718.00us
75% 1.83ms
90% 4.03ms
99% 11.44ms
3012643 requests in 30.09s, 471.19MB read
Requests/sec: 100115.62
Transfer/sec: 15.66MB
$ wrk -c100 -t10 -d30s --latency http://localhost:29001
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:29001
10 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.54ms 7.12ms 292.51ms 97.99%
Req/Sec 12.10k 2.19k 24.97k 73.97%
Latency Distribution
50% 734.00us
75% 1.00ms
90% 2.10ms
99% 13.12ms
3608328 requests in 30.04s, 671.03MB read
Requests/sec: 120110.75
Transfer/sec: 22.34MB
Core i7 4790K, Ubuntu 16.04.2 x64, Oracle server JVM 1.8.0_101 x64, Akka-HTTP 2.4.8, GHC 7.10.3, Yesod 1.4.3
Vasily, are you sure this is comparing apples to apples? I would imagine it's possible that - for example - the default yesod configuration uses blocking I/O and akka uses non-blocking I/O, and then it's not really fair to compare.
Could you compare the memory footprint as well?
I'm not a haskell/akka pro by any means but default vs. custom configuration goes a long way in my experience.
Good work!