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Last active May 3, 2024 03:57
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A Bash script to automate the setup of MongoDB within a Docker container on systems supporting Docker. This script handles the creation of a data directory, pulling the MongoDB image from Docker Hub, and running the MongoDB container. It supports optional command-line input to configure the container for either local-only or external network con…
# Usage:
# - Without arguments: Follow prompts during execution.
# - With arguments: Specify `local` for local-only access or `external` for external access.
# Example: sudo ./ local
# Alert user about the root privileges requirement.
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script must be run with sudo or as root."
exit 1
# Create a directory on the host to store the MongoDB data securely.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/mongodb/data
# Retrieve the latest stable MongoDB image.
sudo docker pull mongo:latest
# Define initial port mapping for local access.
# Check if access level is specified as a command-line argument.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
if [ "$1" == "external" ]; then
# Ask user if MongoDB should be accessible externally.
echo "Allow external connections to MongoDB? (yes/no)"
if [ "$EXTERNAL_ACCESS" == "yes" ]; then
# Run the MongoDB container with the configured port mapping.
sudo docker run -d \
--restart unless-stopped \
--name mongodb-container \
-v /opt/mongodb/data:/data/db \
# Verify the container is running.
sudo docker ps -a
# Output connection and configuration details to the user.
echo "MongoDB installed and running in a Docker container:"
if [[ "$PORT_MAPPING" == *""* ]]; then
echo "Accessible only on localhost ("
echo "Accessible on local and external network interfaces"
echo "Port: 27017"
echo "Data Directory: /opt/mongodb/data"
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