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Created April 5, 2017 07:55
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Haskell OpenGL Tutorial Rewrite for GLFW-b
-- rewrite for GLFW-b
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import System.Environment ( getArgs)
import qualified Data.Map as M
resizeWindow :: GLFW.WindowSizeCallback
resizeWindow win w h =
GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, GL.Size (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h))
GL.matrixMode $= GL.Projection
GL.ortho2D 0 (realToFrac w) (realToFrac h) 0
keyPressed :: GLFW.KeyCallback
keyPressed win GLFW.Key'Escape _ GLFW.KeyState'Pressed _ = shutdown win
keyPressed _ _ _ _ _ = return ()
shutdown :: GLFW.WindowCloseCallback
shutdown win = do
GLFW.destroyWindow win
_ <- exitWith ExitSuccess
return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
log "start"
cmds <- getArgs
if length cmds /= 1 then return ()
else do
let func = M.lookup (cmds !! 0) funcTable
b <- GLFW.init
log $ "GLFW.init=" ++ (show b)
Just win <- GLFW.createWindow 480 480 "GLFW Tutorial" Nothing Nothing
GLFW.makeContextCurrent (Just win)
GLFW.setWindowSizeCallback win (Just resizeWindow)
GLFW.setKeyCallback win (Just keyPressed )
GLFW.setWindowCloseCallback win (Just shutdown )
onDisplay win $ maybe display4Cubes (\x -> displayPrimitive x) func
where log = putStrLn
onDisplay :: Window -> IO () -> IO ()
onDisplay win io = do
GL.clear [ColorBuffer]
GLFW.swapBuffers win
forever $ do
onDisplay win io
myPoints :: [(GL.GLfloat,GL.GLfloat,GL.GLfloat)]
myPoints = [ (sin (2*pi*k/12), cos (2*pi*k/12), 0) | k <- [1..12] ]
funcTable :: M.Map String PrimitiveMode
funcTable = M.fromList [
("points" ,GL.Points ),
("triangles" ,GL.Triangles ),
("trianglestrip", GL.TriangleStrip),
("trianglefan" , GL.TriangleFan ),
("trianglelines", GL.Lines ),
("triangleloop" , GL.LineLoop ),
("linestrip" , GL.LineStrip ),
("quads" , GL.Quads ),
("polygon" , GL.Polygon )
displayPrimitive :: PrimitiveMode -> IO ()
displayPrimitive pm = do
pm $ mapM_ (\(x, y, z) -> vertex $ Vertex3 x y z) myPoints
display4Cubes :: IO ()
display4Cubes = do
let color3f r g b = GL.color $ GL.Color3 r g (b :: GL.GLfloat)
vertex3f x y z = GL.vertex $ GL.Vertex3 x y (z :: GL.GLfloat)
clear [ColorBuffer]
renderPrimitive Quads $ do
color3f 1 0 0
vertex3f 0 0 0
vertex3f 0 0.2 0
vertex3f 0.2 0.2 0
vertex3f 0.2 0 0
color3f 0 1 0
vertex3f 0 0 0
vertex3f 0 (-0.2) 0
vertex3f 0.2 (-0.2) 0
vertex3f 0.2 0 0
color3f 0 0 1
vertex3f 0 0 0
vertex3f 0 (-0.2) 0
vertex3f (-0.2) (-0.2) 0
vertex3f (-0.2) 0 0
color3f 1 0 1
vertex3f 0 0 0
vertex3f 0 0.2 0
vertex3f (-0.2) 0.2 0
vertex3f (-0.2) 0 0
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