I hereby claim:
- I am jonyeezs on github.
- I am jonyeezs (https://keybase.io/jonyeezs) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASC8JHluId2uL70AkaI3mIM04fy0wGyywxTWRu4tjDtEjwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
stages: | |
- stage: BuildPhase | |
condition: | | |
and(eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'), in(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'refs/heads/main')) | |
displayName: Build Application | |
jobs: | |
- job: build_bundle | |
steps: | |
- stage: PRCheck |
echo "Hello! Building up your computer now..."; | |
git clone --bare https://github.com/jonyeezs/.dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles | |
function config { | |
/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME $@ | |
} | |
function dotbackup { | |
echo "Backing up $1..." | |
mkdir -p .dotfiles-backup/$(dirname $1) | |
mv $1 .dotfiles-backup/$1 |
{ | |
"codemetrics.basics.ComplexityLevelExtremeDescription": "🌋", | |
"codemetrics.basics.ComplexityLevelHighDescription": "😕", | |
"codemetrics.basics.ComplexityLevelLowDescription": "😎", | |
"codemetrics.basics.ComplexityLevelNormalDescription": "😎", | |
"codemetrics.basics.ComplexityTemplate": "Complexity is {0} {1}", | |
// if my code isn't complex don't add noise to my editor | |
"codemetrics.basics.CodeLensHiddenUnder": 5, | |
// color following the background of my editor coz the box at the end of my line was annoying me | |
"codemetrics.basics.ComplexityColorHigh": "#212836", |
{ | |
"userConfigMajorVersion": 4, | |
"userConfigMinorVersion": 0, | |
"userConfigPatchVersion": 0, | |
"deviceName": "Jonathan's", | |
"doubleTapSwitchLayerTimeout": 250, | |
"iconsAndLayerTextsBrightness": 58, | |
"alphanumericSegmentsBrightness": 58, | |
"keyBacklightBrightness": 133, | |
"mouseMoveInitialSpeed": 4, |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
A Node version manager. Useful if you need to support previous versions
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
Manage ruby installion and environment for a non-fuss and non-headache development on multiple supported Ruby versions.
Manage your Ruby version for your application and global environment.
// We have a table with the last column being to inputs. | |
// We want to put in the same values on all rows. | |
// This will add in values to inputs on the last column of a row in a table | |
// The premise is that when there are two inputs in the last column, | |
// we know that's where we want to add the values | |
// Use call to "borrow" the forEach function on HTMLCollection | |
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[1].getElementsByTagName('tr'), function(tr) { | |
// We know the last column is the forth and that will always be where the inputs are | |
var lastTD = tr.getElementsByTagName('td')[3]; |
# ensure you have your public key in C:\Users\<account>\.ssh | |
Start-SshAgent | |
function prompt | |
{ | |
$origLastExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE | |
# draw out the directory then posh git prompt followed by ">" | |
Write-Host $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation -NoNewline | |
Write-VcsStatus |
let customerServiceMock = {/*some fake functions that will be called*/}; | |
angular.mock.module('app', function($provide) { | |
$provide.service('customerService', customerServiceMock); | |
}); | |
// or | |
let customerServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('customerService', ['complain']); |