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-[MGLBackgroundStyleLayer initWithIdentifier:] | |
-[MGLBackgroundStyleLayer rawLayer] | |
-[MGLBackgroundStyleLayer setBackgroundColor:] | |
__ZN24MGLStyleValueTransformerIN4mbgl5ColorEU8__strongP7UIColorS1_S4_E29toInterpolatablePropertyValueEP13MGLStyleValueIS3_E | |
__ZN4mbgl5style15BackgroundLayer18setBackgroundColorENS0_13PropertyValueINS_5ColorEEERKNSt12experimental15fundamentals_v18optionalINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS8_11char_traitsIcEENS8_9allocatorIcEEEEEE | |
-[MGLBackgroundStyleLayer backgroundColor] | |
__ZNK4mbgl5style15BackgroundLayer18getBackgroundColorERKNSt12experimental15fundamentals_v18optionalINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEEE | |
__ZN4mbgl5style15BackgroundLayer25getDefaultBackgroundColorEv |
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Mouseover streets in this D3.js-driven visualization that allows users to visualize the citywide extent of a given street. The City of Philadelphia Streets Department maintains and distributes geospatial data representing and describing the city's street network. The data along with more information is availabe at Open Data Philly. Street location and name data is stored in a CartoDB table. A merge by attribute operation, street name in this case, achieved improvements over the previous file size that approached 3MB.
Download size can be further reduced by using PostGIS functions ST_Simplify
or ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology
. Without significant