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andreasbotsikas / Vob2Mp4.bat
Last active August 2, 2024 13:56
Convert DVD to mp4 using ffmpeg
REM Download ffmpeg from
REM Place ffmpeg.exe in the folder with the vob files
REM Merge all vob files into one
REM VTS_01_0.VOB is usually the menu which you may not want
if exist VTS_01_7.VOB (
copy /b VTS_01_1.VOB+VTS_01_2.VOB+VTS_01_3.VOB+VTS_01_4.VOB+VTS_01_5.VOB+VTS_01_6.VOB+VTS_01_7.VOB ConCat.vob
) else if exist VTS_01_6.VOB (
copy /b VTS_01_1.VOB+VTS_01_2.VOB+VTS_01_3.VOB+VTS_01_4.VOB+VTS_01_5.VOB+VTS_01_6.VOB ConCat.vob
) else if exist VTS_01_5.VOB (
catchdave /
Last active February 22, 2025 22:41
CLI script to programmatically replace SSL certs on Synology NAS
# MOVED to public repo:
JulienBlancher / filter.d_nginx-auth.conf
Last active January 29, 2025 00:02
Fail2ban Config with Nginx and SSH
# Auth filter /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-auth.conf:
# Blocks IPs that makes too much accesses to the server
failregex = ^<HOST> -.*"(GET|POST).*HTTP.*"
ignoreregex =
EricTendian / favicon-colors
Created July 26, 2013 23:12
Nginx rewrite config for colored favicons, based on subdomain. If you have your dev. codebase, staging/qa. codebase, and your prod. codebase on the same server, you can give them different favicons to differentiate between the different branches. All subdomains that start with dev (such as and would get the r…
location ~* /favicon(.*) {
log_not_found off;
access_log off;
root /var/www/default;
location = /favicon.ico {
if ($host ~* ^dev\.) {
rewrite ^/favicon\.ico$ /favicon-red.ico last;
if ($host ~* ^qa\.) {