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Created October 17, 2013 03:40
Open a project in IntelliJ IDEA from your command line!
# check for where the latest version of IDEA is installed
IDEA=`ls -1d /Applications/IntelliJ\ * | tail -n1`
# were we given a directory?
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
# echo "checking for things in the working dir given"
wd=`ls -1d "$1" | head -n1`
# were we given a file?
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
# echo "opening '$1'"
open -a "$IDEA" "$1"
# let's check for stuff in our working directory.
pushd $wd > /dev/null
# does our working dir have an .idea directory?
if [ -d ".idea" ]; then
# echo "opening via the .idea dir"
open -a "$IDEA" .
# is there an IDEA project file?
elif [ -f *.ipr ]; then
# echo "opening via the project file"
open -a "$IDEA" `ls -1d *.ipr | head -n1`
# Is there a pom.xml?
elif [ -f pom.xml ]; then
# echo "importing from pom"
open -a "$IDEA" "pom.xml"
# can't do anything smart; just open IDEA
# echo 'cbf'
open "$IDEA"
popd > /dev/null
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liufsd commented Dec 10, 2015

Great work.Thanks for sharing, this is very useful.

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ghost commented Jan 12, 2016

Super useful for Alfred. Thanks for sharing!

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I'll add my thanks to the chorus - works perfectly!

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Quite useful, thanks for sharing

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GuiSim commented Oct 12, 2016

Does anyone have a fish function version?

Either way, thanks for sharing this!

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moos commented Nov 1, 2016

Nice! -- To open new a IntelliJ instance in a virgin folder:

$ mkdir .idea
$ idea .

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mkhb654 commented Nov 2, 2016

Fantastic work. Thanks guys

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TranQuangTienSA commented Dec 19, 2016


curl -L "" -o /usr/local/bin/idea
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/idea

usage: open terminal and navigate to your project

idea .

Tested on Mac OS X

Note: If you get a “Permission denied” error, your /usr/local/bin directory probably isn’t writable and you’ll need to install script as the superuser. Run sudo -i, then the two commands above, then exit.

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Thanks, worked well. 👍

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a-yasui commented Jan 5, 2017

Thanks, Great work 👍

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gitleet commented Jan 24, 2017


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Guys, jetbrains products already support open projects from command line:

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zEvg commented Feb 22, 2017

@SButterfly, thanks for pointing that out! 👍

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@tientq Thanks for making it simple.

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Worked like a charm on OS X 10.11.6. Thank you

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fens85 commented Mar 27, 2017

thanks! 👍

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namral commented May 5, 2017

Works great ! Thank you 👍

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Thank you for this!
Inspired by your logic I've created a powershell cmdlet to help windows users do the same:

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yoqu commented Jun 26, 2017

good job.
Thank you

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mfkenson commented Jul 6, 2017

nice! thanks!

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zerda commented Jan 26, 2018

Alternative way, IntelliJ IDEA -> Tools -> Create Command-line Launcher...

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to use it with Jetbrains TOOLBOX you need to modify 4th line:

IDEA=`ls -1d /Applications/JetBrains\ TOOLBOX/apps/IDEA-U/*/*/IntelliJ\ | tail -n1`

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This is great!

I improved it a bit with some logic that will dynamically pick the either intellij installation found (non-toolbox or toolbox installed) app, check it out here:

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vjpr commented Dec 15, 2018

This function doesn't return the latest version.

183.4886.3 <-- returns this one

I had to sort by modified date using ls -tr.

I use this:

export JETBRAINS_TOOLBOX_ROOT="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps"

# product = IDEA-U, CLion, etc.
# bin = idea, clion, etc.
jetbrainsToolboxPath() {
  # -tr = sort by last update in reverse
  ret=`ls -tr -1d "${JETBRAINS_TOOLBOX_ROOT}"/$product/*/*/*.app/Contents/MacOS/$bin | tail -n1`
   # Escape string because it has spaces.
  echo $(printf '%q' $ret)

export LATEST_IDEA_VERSION_CLI=`jetbrainsToolboxPath IDEA-U idea`
export LATEST_CLION_VERSION_CLI=`jetbrainsToolboxPath Clion clion`
export LATEST_APPCODE_VERSION_CLI=`jetbrainsToolboxPath AppCode appcode`

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manisi commented Sep 7, 2019


curl -L "" -o /usr/local/bin/idea
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/idea

usage: open terminal and navigate to your project

idea .

Tested on Mac OS X

Note: If you get a “Permission denied” error, your /usr/local/bin directory probably isn’t writable and you’ll need to install script as the superuser. Run sudo -i, then the two commands above, then exit.

Thank you

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Thx @cris

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