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Ethan Anderson BigMucho

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projects: [
'{{repeat(2, 6)}}',
index: '{{index()}}',
projectName: '{{lorem(3, "words")}}',
projectSecondary: '4 Tasks, 12 Contractors, 36 workers',
tasks: [
'{{repeat(3, 5)}}',
"projects": [
"index": 0,
"projectName": "id commodo eiusmod",
"projectSecondary": "4 Tasks, 12 Contractors, 36 workers",
"tasks": [
"index": 0,
BigMucho / flexgrid.SCSS
Last active September 16, 2017 15:24
Simple Flexbox grid mixin, apply to parent of child grid items. Specify number of columns, gutters in rems, breakpoint for two columns, breakpoint for one column.
@mixin flexgrid($cols, $gutters, $drop-two, $drop-one) {
// flexgrid(columns, gutters, breakpoint for two columns, breakpoint for one column)
// flexgrid(4, 2, $lg, $sm) // 4 columns, 2rem gutters, below $lg drop to two cols, below $sm drop to one col
// flexgrid(4, 2, false, false) // Columns never reduce
// flexgrid(4, 2, $md, false) //drops to two at $md does not drop to one
// flexgrid(4, 2, false, $sm) //drops to one below $sm (never drops to 2 columns)
// Apply to parent of grid children
// Gutter in rems
// Relies on the SASS "Breakpoint" plugin to manage responsive breakpoints.
BigMucho / width-max.scss
Last active July 8, 2017 14:43
SASS mixin utilizing CALC to set the max width of a container elements child content. Child content will remain horizontally centered at it's set width independent of it's parent. When parent width drops below "$width" the child content simply expands to fill.
@mixin width-max($width) {
@media (min-width: $width) {
padding-left: calc((100% - #{$width})/2);
padding-right: calc((100% - #{$width})/2);
// usage:
// #el-container { @include width-max(768px)}
// The container element expands horizontally without restriction, it's children
// would be centered horizontally, and limited to a total width of 768px
BigMucho / test-outline.scss
Created July 8, 2017 14:25
A simple SASS mixin that adds a CSS testing outline to any set of elements to help visualize layouts during development.
@mixin test ($color) {
outline-style: solid !important;
outline-width: 1px !important;
outline-color: $color !important;
// #el1 { @include test(red) }
// #el2 { @include test(blue) }
// outline everything
// * { @include test(gray) }
BigMucho / aspect-ratio.scss
Last active July 8, 2017 14:17
A SASS mixin to set an arbitrary aspect-ratio of a container element.
@mixin ar($width-ratio, $height-ratio) {
// usage: #el { @include ar(16,9) };
position: relative;
&:before {
display: block;
content: "";
width: 100%;
padding-top: ($height-ratio / $width-ratio) * 100%;
> * {