Genome Biology publishes outstanding research in all areas of biology and biomedicine studied from a genomic and post-genomic perspective.
The current impact factor is 10.1 (2023) * and the journal is ranked 3rd among research journals in the Genetics and Heredity category, and 2nd among research journals in the Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology category by Thomson Reuters. Genome Biology is the highest ranked open access journal in the category.
Our team of highly trained in-house Editors works with our Editorial Board of leading international experts to ensure that the journal is at the cutting edge of both scientific advances and community standards. The Editors engage regularly with researchers at conferences and institute visits.
Transparent peer review. All articles from January 1, 2019 submitted to Genome Biology will undergo transparent peer review, where the reviewer reports will be published with the final article as an additional file, but the reviewers' identities are still anonymous. For more information see our editorial.
Hospitable publishing process. The journal is dedicated to excellent service to authors, reviewers and readers. When you submit your manuscript to Genome Biology, you can be confident that the status of your manuscript is will be constantly monitored and handling Editors will proactively communicate with you to give updates on progress.
High article visibility. Articles published in Genome Biology achieve high visibility through our engaging homepage, press releases of articles of especially broad interest, and our highly active Twitter account, which has over 46,000 followers.
bioRxiv transfers. Genome Biology is happy to consider manuscripts that have been, or will be, posted on a preprint server. For a trial period, authors are also able to submit their manuscripts to Genome Biology directly from bioRxiv, without having to re-upload files.
Portable peer review policy
To improve the efficiency of peer review we are open to considering manuscripts on the basis of reviews received at other journals, including those outside of Springer Nature. Authors wishing to transfer papers with reviews to Genome Biology should email us at to enquire about the suitability of the manuscript, and provide the previous journal’s identity and all reviews, alongside a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments. We aim to expedite any further peer review in these cases.
We are also happy to facilitate transfers to journals outside BMC and Springer Nature by sharing reviews and reviewer identities at the authors’ request.
Flexible formatting. To facilitate the submission process, we are flexible with regard to the format, style and length of initial submissions. If it is more convenient to the authors, manuscripts can be uploaded as a single PDF or a Microsoft Word file with high resolution figures, figure legends and supplemental information included. The cover letter is provided separately during the submission process. Journal-specific formatting, which is described below, is required only once manuscripts reach the later stages of the publication process.
Scoop protection. Genome Biology offers "scoop protection", meaning that if other researchers publish similar findings after submission, or post them on a preprint server, this will not be a reason for rejection. However, the initial submission can still be rejected on other grounds.
*The Impact Factor (IF) is just one measure used for evaluating the impact of research. For further information on the IF and alternative metrics used to measure the impact of research, please click here.