Seattle weather: More clouds than sunshine for most Thursday

Thursday will be cooler with partly cloudy skies and high temperatures back into the mid 70s.

Thursday afternoon will bring less sunshine to the central and south sound than what we saw Wednesday. However, most spots should see some sun mixed in with the clouds this afternoon.

A map showing the high temperatures forecast for Thursday in Western Washington.

It will be cooler with more clouds Thursday, with sunbreaks at times. (FOX 13 Seattle)

After a partly cloudy Friday, the weather pattern shifts heading into the weekend. A low pressure system will drop in from Canada and settle in off the Pacific coast. The low will spin moisture into the Pacific Northwest lowlands starting Saturday. This could bring thunderstorms and heavy rain to the greater Seattle area by Saturday night.

A map showing a low pressure system off the Northwest Pacific coast.

A low pressure system will bring showers and thunderstorms to the Pacific Northwest on Saturday. (FOX 13 Seattle)

Saturday night through Sunday could bring up to a half inch of rain to Western Washington as heavy rain and possible thunderstorms develop.

A map showing thunderstorms moving through Western Washington on Saturday night.

Thunderstorms and heavy showers are expected Saturday night as a system pushes into the area. (FOX 13 Seattle)

Next work week will be back to partly cloudy skies and dry conditions, with temps in the mid 70s.

Seattle's 7 day forecast looks cooler than average with a chance of showers this weekend.

Temperatures will stay cooler than average this week in Seattle as rain returns to the forecast this weekend. (FOX 13 Seattle)