

Cubase 12 Pro, OSX, MacMini M2Pro, MOTU Pre4 interface
Cubase user since MacOS 7 & CubaseVST 3.02 ('96)
Songwriter, Guitarist, Bassist, home-recording-er
Co-Host of the Song Talk Radio Podcast

In 2010 I took over the organizing and hosting of a Toronto songwriters meetup where songwriters present works-in-progress to other songwriters to get helpful feedback. That became the Song Talk Radio Meetups and is still happening online via Zoom and in person.

I started mucking about with recording at 14 when a friend showed me his reel-to-reel setup. Worked with synths a lot pre-midi, creating electronic tracks, then realized that girls liked guys who didn’t make weird music, so I started to play in bands.

I played in the Toronto Jamaican reggae scene for a few years and then in other local Alt bands. Eventually joined a band that became The Parkdale Hookers - my fav project to date.

Now, I just record at home in my basement studio in St. John’s, trying to get my mixes to suck less. You can get more info at