
When I cut and select a part after cutting, the part selected have a length change.


Hi arakatak,
It looks like you have one track on top of another to have that kind of behaviour.

Hi, no… of course I have check this before posting…
Thank you

Hi @arakatak

Thanks for your report.

Gave it a quick check, where things work as expected.

Are you able to provide me with the exact steps, how to reproduce the problem. It’s also fine to share the project with us, if the issue shows up constantly.


Hi Lars,

I have shared a project in private message…


Hi @arakatak

Thanks for sharing the project.

The project contains a single audio file only.
Here, splitting the WAV file works as expected.


Hi Lars,

Not for me…or perhaps It’s normal…


Per what Mike said, it’s easy to (accidentally) create new events on top of existing events and not even realize you’ve done it. And if you’re using a mouse that’s supports gestures, such as the Magic Mouse, you could easily slide a stacked event slightly over and not realize you’ve done that, too. Especially when the events are empty with nothing recorded in them yet. Try selecting and moving the event over a few measures and see if there’s another event underneath. If so, do that again until there are no more stacked events.

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Hi Johne1, thanks for your comment.
If you watch the last video I’ve shared, that is what I’m doing at the beginning …And, usually when there are events hided underneath, it show up when I move the events…Cuts works correctly with Lars, not for me, so perhaps I have to reinstall Cubasis3, but I’m lazy to do it because, if I remember well, I have to save all Cubasis folder first. Then If the issue still there, that means perhaps that the problem is from my iPad pro 10.5…Btw, as I said to Lars, I just report the issue, that issue is not the end of the world for me, I can still work with it…

Hi @arakatak

Normally it is not required to reinstall Cubasis.
Please give the following steps a try instead:

  • Close all apps (including Cubasis)
  • Fully shut down your iOS device (turn it off)
  • Relaunch your iOS device and Cubasis with an empty project

Does Cubasis work as expected afterwards?

Warm greetings,

Hi Lars,

I already did that, and the issue remain the same…

Best Regards