In Cubasis LE on an Android tablet, while playing Midi on an external keyboard, the playing sound is interrupted every 10 seconds for a few seconds. The midi is still coming in, I can see that on the on screen keyboard and on the piano roll. But the internal instruments stop playing sound. Is that a limitation of the trial version or can I expect the problem on my system to persist in the full version.

Hi @Jos_Maas

Thanks for your message and a warm welcome to the Cubasis forum!
There is no limitation in Cubasis LE 3 Trial interrupting the playback.

Please give it a try choosing a higher latency value, as well as toggling the “Multi-core Processing” status (both located under "Setup/Audio).

Hope that helps resolving the issue.


Hi Lars,
Changing those options don’t change the problem, even with the largest latency. When I play the external keyboard it is always 12 seconds sound and 2 seconds no sound. Playing on the on screen keyboard there are no interruptions. When I record with the external keyboard the sound stops permanently 12 seconds after the start of the recording . But when I play the recording back all the notes play without interruption.
Maybe it is a newly added and poorly communicated restriction to prevent people from using Cubasis LE as an external synth without buying the full version.

Hi @Jos_Maas

Maybe it is a newly added and poorly communicated restriction to prevent people from using Cubasis LE as an external synth without buying the full version.

Be assured we do not have a feature limit in this regard (managing Cubasis for Steinberg…).

The performance of Cubasis for Android is strongly related to the Android device in use, which might be the limiting factor here.

Best wishes,

It seems impossible to me that it is a performance problem, it to steady to regular for that. All the midi and audio tracks in the demo sound with no problem. Only midi note on and note off messages from the external keyboard are received, and translated in highlighted keys and recorded in the midi track but not played by the internal synth during the interruption. Even when no other tracks are playing. No stuttering no distortion no hanging notes, just silence for 2 seconds and then sounding again for 12 seconds. No matter if I play 1 or 100 notes in that 12 seconds. And if I play exactly the same on the on screen keyboard there is no interruption. Does anyone on the forum use an external keyboard with the current version of Cubasis LE for Android?