Lately, Dorico has been using way way more CPU than it should be. Specifically, the VST Audio Engine is constantly using over 500%-600% CPU (I’m on a Macbook Pro with a 6 core i7 chip) It’s causing Dorico to frequently freeze for significant periods and overall responds very slowly, making working with it very difficult.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I’ve tried deleting all the VSTs from my project but it still stays high, I’ve cranked the buffer size as high as it can go but it only lowered it by 50-ish% (only 50, lol). There must be something obvious that I can’t find that will make this insane CPU usage go away.

Welcome to the forum @Lermonz!

Have you tried resetting your Playback Template? First try setting it to Silent and then back to the original one.

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This is exactly the kind of fix I was looking for! I didn’t know that doing this would help with CPU issues. It’s down to a functional level now, thank you!

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You’re welcome.

Is it just the Factory Playback Template that you’re using? Is it just the one project? If so, attach the blank project here and I will see if it happens on my machine too.