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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (108)
My Bio

Current Residence: Toowoomba, Australia
Favourite genre of music: Anything but mainly rock
Operating System: Widnows XP
MP3 player of choice: iPod Video
Wallpaper of choice: Wallpaper changer with 20000 in the list!
Favourite cartoon character: Spike, Sanosuke or Misato
Personal Quote: I am a mushroom!... Fed crap and kept in the dark!

Favourite Movies
Princess Mononoke
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nightwish or Garbage
Favourite Writers
Tom Clancy or Sir Arther Conan Doyle
Favourite Games
Neverwinter Nights or Burnout 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Computer, xBox 360
Tools of the Trade
Nikon D90
Other Interests
Anime, Cricket, Soccer, Computer games, V8 Supercars and Photography

The Cave

0 min read
:iconfloatyman::devfloatyman:Bryan Cosplay Australia JournalAs you might have noticed (if anyone cared) I have been pretty inactive of late. This has been because of a variety of reasons.One of the big things that happened was that I had a car accident and wrote my car off.Front doesn't look too bad then you see the back....Apart from some bruises and shock I was okay and thankfully no one else was involved. The result was that this has caused me a lot of stress and a bit of debt as I needed to get another car. However I did get a car I do like:I have started to call it 'Nero' after Saber/Extra :XD:The other topic that has been causing me ...
anonymous's avatar
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:iconfloatyman::devfloatyman:BryanLife Looking back on 2011: 2011 Highlights/Memories/Achievements: Participation in Movember Going to Yellow Stone National Park :devetaru:'s grandmother asking when we were going to marry :lmao: Fixing and upgrading desktop computer Stated playing Futsul 2011 Lowlights: Unsocial/Isolation Alienating people Hate for humans Not enough 'good times' Looking forward to 2012: 2012 Work on/Goals: Standing up for myself Decide what I want in life Staying in contact with people Motor bike license/International license Exercise Unlikely Goals: Confidence Time Management Stop wasting time/money on people that don't ...
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:iconfloatyman::devfloatyman:Bryan Cosplay Australia Journal Quick Rundown :bulletblue: Long time no journal >Lyrics: http://bit.ly/tyQjXt Life Long time no journal ^^; I have been neglecting DA a lot for many reasons but mainly because I have had a lot on and free time has been at a premium.Life also hasn't been the best of late. Been a bit all over the place with no direction but will talk about that more when I do my year review in a month or so. Looking forward to a break at the end of the year.Hopefully will be loading one or two photos a week from now until the end of the year to at least catch up a little of my goal of 26 uploads fo...
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Profile Comments 1.4K

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JUMBOLA's avatar
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day and celebrate. Happy Birthday Xak Blower fella (Party) 
WackelP's avatar
Thank you so much for the fav :)
neo-winggoddess's avatar
Hi, I was the Sailor Saturn in the Sailor Moon group you shot at Fanime. Thanks for the photo! It's fantastic.
Floatyman's avatar
Hello!!!! Thank you very much! Hopefully I can take more photos of you next time I am in the US ^^

I am very glad you like the photo :D
helyxzero's avatar
Hiya, thanks for the fave on my Tomoko Kuroki cosplay! >w<
Floatyman's avatar
You are welcome ^^ Love it!
Ecchizoir's avatar
Thank you very much for the favourite on my cosplay! ^^