Like Something but don't want to favorite it? simply copy or write : IconFBLikePlz : and show your appreciation!
-also I invented the "Like" idea before facebook was invented.*Updating because the old journal was outdated by about a year.
vote for this guy! he can Win Free money and wigs to support his cosplay addiction! >:] just like :iconfblikeplz:-ing only with Votes! so get to clicking! even if you don't know him, vote anyways!
ill keep you updated.Image version for the reading-handicapped people. like, vote, unlike.
like something?
wish this was facebook?
WELL LOOK NO FURTHER! :IconFbLikePlz: is here!
simply copy and paste this-> :IconFbLikePlz:i suppose ill let you choose your fav. this account is the only one i made, the others are from other people:iconfblikeplz::iconfb-likeplz::iconliekplz::iconfacebooklikeplz::iconlike-plz:created by :iconelectrodude102: please restrain from spamming this icon all over my profile, when everybody does it it gets annoying.
bitchs be like shut up hoe i play better than you no you dont im still gonna kick yo ass at this y'all still suck "y'all" are still weirdos mmm sexy momma cmer uhh i'll pass on that HA!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAY brb i gotta take a piss still!! how are you gonna.....when your playin the... im back. still gonna kick your ass bitch plz im death OH REALLY