API for Developers

For Developers: API documentation (v1.0, 14 September 2018)

The instructions on this page are also available as a PDF to download.
This API allows anyone to download the XML and PDF of specific articles as well as to download links to the XML of the entire corpus of articles. The content is indexed using Apache Solr, which is open-source software that allows simple queries to be built in order to search and retrieve the content required.
Each article is assigned a unique DOI that can be resolved at doi.org. An example of a DOI for an F1000Research article is 10.12688/f1000research.13256.2. Solr queries will return the DOIs of articles that match the search. See below for details of how to build a Solr query, and the parameters and terms that you can use to refine your search.
Once you have the DOI of the articles you are interested in, the XML or PDF can be retrieved thus:
Request XML for a specific DOI:
For example:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/article/xml?doi=10.12688/f1000research.13256.2 launch
Request PDF for a specific DOI:
For example:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/article/pdf?doi=10.12688/f1000research.13256.2 launch
To download links to the XML of the entire corpus, use: https://f1000research.com/published-xml-urls.
Building a Solr query
You do not need to register on the site to get an API key, you can just build the Solr query as described and run it.
The base HTTP GET request is:
Each query will need the parameter ‘q’, followed by the query parameters and/or terms required.
Multiple fields can be searched using the Boolean operators AND, OR and ANDNOT.
Tables of valid query parameters and terms at the end of this page.
The response to the GET request can be delivered as an XML or a JSON file. By default, you will receive an XML file. To get a JSON file, use wt=json:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/search?q=R_TI:"DNA"&wt=json launch
Some example queries
To get all articles with “hemoglobin” in the abstract:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/search?q=R_ABS:"hemoglobin" launch
To get all articles with “hemoglobin” or “haemoglobin” in the abstract:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/search?q=R_ABS:"hemoglobin" OR R_ABS:"haemoglobin" launch
To add in another variable, for example, you only want articles with “cholesterol” in the abstract and that have an author affiliated with a certain institution:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/search?q=R_ABS:"cholesterol" AND R_INS:"Harvard" launch
And here, we want articles with “protein” in the title that were published after a specific date:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/search?q=R_TI:"protein" AND R_PUD:[1528270617465 TO *] launch
If you want to get results containing more than one study type or more than one article type, you must use the operator OR not AND, for example:
https://f1000research.com/extapi/search?q=R_TY:"CASE_REPORT" OR R_TY:"RESEARCH_ARTICLE" launch
For a tutorial on the syntax of building regular Solr queries, go to SolrTutorial.com.
Limitations on requests
Frequency of requests
Please note, user can only make 100 requests per 60 seconds; if the requests exceed this, an unauthorized status 401 will be returned.
Number of results per request
There is a limit of 100 results per request.
The file will include the total number of pages that the Solr query would return if there was no limit set so that you can then run further requests to get all the results.
For example, if a request returns >100 results (there is no need to put a page number to get the first page of results as that is the default of the parameter – see the Parameters and terms table below), then the file will have the following information at the top:
"totalNumberOfPages" : 2,
"numberOfResultsInPage" : 100
This indicates that you only need to run one more request with the page number filter set to 2 to get the rest of the results (append &page=2 to the query).
Parameters and terms
Query parameters
Name Type Mandatory Information
q String Y Query terms (see the table below)
page Integer N 1,2,3
Retrieve a specific page from the results (e.g. return page 3); default is page 1
rows Integer N Number of results to include per page; default/maximum is 100
start Integer N Start point in page; default is 0
wt String N Values: ‘xml’, ‘json’
Type of file retrieved; default is ‘xml’
Query terms
The filters correspond to the filtering and advanced search options found on the platform’s browse pages.
Filter What the filter will retrieve
R_TI Title
R_AU Author
R_INS Institution
R_AF Author affiliation
R_CI Competing interests
R_ABS Abstract text
R_FT Full text
R_TE All (Can be any option in this table)
R_FR Article is a Faculty Review - true/false
R_RE Reviewer name
R_RA Reviewer affiliation
R_RP Reviewer report
R_GIT Grant funder
R_CM Commenter name
R_CO Comment text
R_CA Commenter affiliation
R_CL Study type see list of options below #
R_TY Article type see list of options below *
R_SUB Subject
R_PUD Publication date of article (version 1) (in milliseconds) - see how to convert to time in ms below $
R_LU Publication date of most recent version (in milliseconds) - see how to convert to time in ms below $
* Article types
BRIEF_REPORT (previously called RESEARCH_NOTE)
# Study types
$ Dates
In order to convert a date to a time value in milliseconds (ms), follow the instructions given here: http://www.ruddwire.com/handy-code/date-to-millisecond-calculators/#.Wx0yA0gvw4k.
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