Green Cities & Industries


Bringing our knowhow and the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs to address present needs and future challenges through smart, innovative and sustainable solutions

In Eurecat’s Construction sector, we partner with all kinds of businesses in the construction industry value chain, especially in industrialised, modular and customised construction. We are at the forefront of knowledge in BIM and digital twin projects, developing new tools leveraging advanced materials with new properties and functionalities, such as ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) patented by Eurecat, which substantially enhance the performance and quality of the end product.


Materials, systems and products, advanced processes

  • Development of new materials and products with advanced properties and functionalities: concrete, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and wood.
  • Ecodesign of products and solutions. Redesign, optimisation and alternatives in materials.
  • Design of industrialised construction solutions. Industrialisation of solutions to adapt to new construction methods. Sustainable construction, industrialised building or component systems.
  • 3D additive printing: additive printing with polymers, mortars and ceramics, printer development, materials and process optimisation.
  • Characterisation of new materials: concrete, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and wood tailored to the industry’s regulations and needs.
  • Advanced study and assessment of materials: materials, coatings, characterisation, mechanical, durability, biological and climatic testing.
  • Industrial process optimisation: enhanced management and control, management and control software, BIM (quality, robotics, ICT).
  • Surface coatings for extending the lifecycle of materials.
  • Diagnosis of the performance of materials in infrastructures and coatings: fatigue, corrosion, biocorrosion.

Sustainability, circular economy and energy efficiency

  • Energy efficiency for buildings and management systems, advanced envelopes, energy renovation. Management platforms.
  • Energy management and supervision for buildings.
  • Energy efficiency for buildings and NZEB (Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings).
  • Implementing BMS (Building Management System).
  • Waste recovery, water reuse, saving and treatment, water and soil decontamination.


  • Incorporation of ICT, BIM, IoT technologies and digitalisation.
  • Smart management systems, energy management systems, big data, artificial intelligence, learning algorithms.
  • Smart sensor and data management, monitoring and control platforms.
  • Data architecture: information system cross-referencing and analytics for decision-making.
  • Big Data applied to infrastructure and facility operation and maintenance
  • Integration of renewable energies and storage, electric vehicle charging systems, smart cities.

Process robotisation and automation

  • Robotics applied to construction, autonomous robotics, augmented reality.
  • Autonomous robots and drones for infrastructure monitoring and inspection.

System sustainability assessment

  •  Technical, financial and environmental feasibility studies for developing and bringing to market new materials, products and processes.
  • Sustainability metrics: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), environmental footprint, carbon footprint, water footprint, Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
  • Validating new methods for assessing the environmental impact of pollutants.
  • Ecodesign of products and processes.

Technological innovation consultancy and comprehensive training

  • Technology watch, sector trend antennae and competitive intelligence.
  • Innovation strategy: Lean management, Industry 4.0 roadmaps, circular economy roadmap.
  • Workshops, seminars, focus groups and creativity and innovation sessions.
  • Intellectual/industrial property studies.
  • Specialised training: Industry 4.0, circular economy, robotics.

Brochure of the sector

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    jesus boschmonart eurecat

    Jesús Boschmonart

    Head of Business Development Green Cities & Industries Team

    Helping companies to transition to the Circular Economy. Degree in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Master in Environmental Studies (UAB) and Doctorate in Environmental Science and Technology (UAB).

    Jose Sevillano

    Head of Construction Business Development


    Sustainable Construction Laboratory

    Metallic and Ceramic Materials Laboratory

    laboratori de materials pol·limèrics

    Polymeric Materials Analysis and Characterisation Laboratory

    laboratori de bateries

    Battery Technology Laboratory

    tecnologia d'anàlisi mediambiental

    Environmental Technology and Analysis Laboratory

    Highlighted projects



    Artificial intelligence-based solutions for turning buildings into sustainable infrastructures. The Clarity consortium, led by Sener together with Eurecat and Aggity, aims to integrate artificial intelligence-based solutions into a single platform which minimises CO2 emissions while achieving optimum efficiency and maximum self-consumption.


    New robotics solution automates assembly of metal parts in construction beams. The Eurecat technology has developed a solution with Jansa to automate the assembly of metal parts in beams in the construction industry and which is applicable to collaborative robotics. The project makes it possible to plan the robot’s path in real time using 3D scanning data

    More sustainable, efficient, innovative and attractively designed buildings with new hybrid textiles. Denvelops and the Eurecat technology centre have devised an architectural hybrid textile prototype which adds new energy and lighting features to building fronts while also delivering greater efficiency, sustainability, innovation, adaptability and design. 

    European projects

    News of the sector