Entries for the Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards
92 good practice project entries have been received for the first Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) from 20 Member States, as the evaluation process starts.
We received a diverse mixture of useful and inspiring projects showcasing the practicalities and opportunities provided by CAP funding for lifelong learning and empowering people to support innovation and competitiveness.
ARIA finalists will be announced over the course of the coming months and you will be able to support your favourite of the 24 shortlisted CAP-funded projects through the popular vote, which is due to open in November. All the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in Brussels on 4 December.
Keep an eye on our news and social media channels for information about the #ARIAwards23 nominees in the different categories (Smart & competitive agriculture; Environmental protection; Socio-economic fabric of rural areas; Rural stakeholder skills) and you can follow our Thematic Group on Rural Skills for more information about the main theme for this year’s ARIA.