Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts

Byrne, A. T. et al. (2017) Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts. Nature Reviews Cancer, 17, pp. 254-268. (doi: 10.1038/nrc.2016.140) (PMID:28104906)

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Patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) have emerged as an important platform to elucidate new treatments and biomarkers in oncology. PDX models are used to address clinically relevant questions, including the contribution of tumour heterogeneity to therapeutic responsiveness, the patterns of cancer evolutionary dynamics during tumour progression and under drug pressure, and the mechanisms of resistance to treatment. The ability of PDX models to predict clinical outcomes is being improved through mouse humanization strategies and the implementation of co-clinical trials, within which patients and PDXs reciprocally inform therapeutic decisions. This Opinion article discusses aspects of PDX modelling that are relevant to these questions and highlights the merits of shared PDX resources to advance cancer medicine from the perspective of EurOPDX, an international initiative devoted to PDX-based research.

Item Type:Articles
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Biankin, Professor Andrew and Chang, Professor David
Authors: Byrne, A. T., Alférez, D. G., Amant, F., Annibali, D., Arribas, J., Biankin, A. V., Bruna, A., Budinská, E., Caldas, C., Chang, D. K., Clarke, R. B., Clevers, H., Coukos, G., Dangles-Marie, V., Eckhardt, S. G., Gonzalez-Suarez, E., Hermans, E., Hidalgo, M., Jarzabek, M. A., de Jong, S., Jonkers, J., Kemper, K., Lanfrancone, L., Mælandsmo, G. M., Marangoni, E., Marine, J.-C., Medico, E., Norum, J. H., Palmer, H. G., Peeper, D. S., Pelicci, P. G., Piris-Gimenez, A., Roman-Roman, S., Rueda, O. M., Seoane, J., Serra, V., Soucek, L., Vanhecke, D., Villanueva, A., Vinolo, E., Bertotti, A., and Trusolino, L.
College/School:College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Cancer Sciences
Journal Name:Nature Reviews Cancer
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
ISSN (Online):1474-1768
Published Online:20 January 2017
Copyright Holders:Copyright © 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature
First Published:First published in Nature Reviews Cancer 17:254-268
Publisher Policy:Reproduced in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher

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645511Genotype Guided Stratified Therapy for Pancreatic CancerAndrew BiankinCancer Research UK (CAN-RES-UK)17263ICS - TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE
742501The Scottish Genomes PartnershipAndrew BiankinScottish Executive Health Department (SEHHD-CSO)1175759/2158447ICS - TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE