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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Welcome to the EPALE Hall of Fame!
Meet our Community Heroes, the real people who make EPALE flourish. Get to know the community members who have shown exceptional engagement to EPALE, contributing with their ideas, reflections and participation!
Would you like to be featured in this section? Be active on EPALE and earn points, until you become a Community Hero, too! Find out more here.
I am responsible for writing, organizing, and implementing various projects at Public Open University Čakovec, a widely recognized and Erasmus+ accredited adult education provider from Croatia. I am highly motivated and interested to join forces with others in forging new partnerships. Do reach out!
Together we can add so much more to championing and innovating in the field of adult education. Let's connect!
EPALE is not just a platform with tools attached, it is a network of similar-minded individuals and organizations whose common goal is the advancement of adult education throughout the whole Europe! I’m glad to be a part of it and am looking forward to create new connections and exchange insights.
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LCF is a Private Institution of Public Utility, has the NGO for Development status and is a training centre certified in Portugal, accredited by ERASMUS+ in Adult Education and recognised for its training, for more than 30 years of experience, by social workers, teachers and trainers
LCF is a non-profit and public utility organisation. By choosing us for your training, you are supporting our projects and creating social value!
I love that EPALE ensures the possibility of creating a network of connections between organizations.
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I work as Head of internationalisation in the field of Vocational Education and Training in the Regional Ministry of Education of Castilla y León. I am a strong supporter of the Erasmus+ programme.
Empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling is an urgent priority, Be part of EPALE and you'll discover an array of opportunities.
EPALE plays a fundamental role in showing opportunities for adult learners, their teachers and institutions, making visible the good practices in order to build community.
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Trabzon Maturation Institute (a kind of technical school) carries out design and production activities for adult education. Our institute studies handicraft technology, textile technology, jewellery technology, food and beverage services, graphics, fashion design and research.
It is extremely enjoyable to see the activities of different countries using EPALE.
EPALE provides the opportunity to see the STUDİES done in adult education. We see examples in our country and Europe. It gives us the chance to participate in online conferences.
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I have master's degree as a librarian,. urrently, I am working in the National Institution University Library North Macedonia, I am the president of the Association for development of the Roma community -SUMNAL.. My newest recognition is the first place of the 2021 EU Award for Roma Integration
Let's continue to inspire and support one another on this journey. Share your insights, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.
Here are some aspects that users often appreciate about EPALE: networking opportunities, resource sharing, professional development, community engagement, multilingual support. Overall, EPALE serves as a valuable resource for professionals working in the field of adult learning, offering opportunity
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I am the manager of an institution operating in the field of adult education. I realised that touching people's lives with the title of Head Teacher is more important than anything else.
We should never give up on lifelong learning. You can't tell a bird not to fly or a fish not to swim. People need to learn, you can't stop them.
Here, life stories from every field are shared under the leadership of guiding guides. This platform is a real community of thousands of teachers who know what they want and where they are.
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I am the vice-chairwoman and project manager of a CA operating in the field of adult education, consulting, and project management. I participate in the creation and implementation of international innovative educational projects. At the same time, I serve as a regional ambassador for EPALE.
Join the EPALE community, as this platform is a valuable tool for everyone who wants to be part of the dynamic European educational space.
EPALE facilitates collaboration and exchange between experts on adult learning in Europe. It provides access to a vast array of materials, promotes partnerships and international projects, keeps abreast of new developments and trends, and creates opportunities for professional development.
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I work in the Directorate of Public Education Centre in Afyonkarahisar Çay District. I am happy to share the different activities we do on the Epale platform.
I would like to thank the community members for the good activities on Adult Education.
What do I love most about EPALE? Seeing different Public Education and Adult Education activities and being able to implement them increases my job satisfaction.
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I am the mobility coordinator for Erasmus+ KA1 activities at Adult Education Institution Dante in Rijeka, Croatia. Experienced in designing innovative teaching materials and courses, I'm eager to collaborate and further enrich my expertise alongside like-minded professionals
Education is not preparation for life. Education is life itself. So let's champion lifelong learning! 💜
One of EPALE's standout features is the ease with which users can connect with like-minded individuals, particularly beneficial for those involved in programs like Erasmus+. It's a hub where professionals can thrive, learn, and collaborate on a European scale.
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I am a methodologist for communication and project management at the Panevėžys Elena Mezginaitė Public Library. I am responsible for shaping the public image of the network libraries, developing, coordinating and controlling projects, conducting research.
I am delighted to be part of this large international community and to be able to share my workplace experience in adult education.
What I like most about Epale is that all people and organisations working in the field of adult education can freely share their experiences and insights by joining this community.
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Secondary Teacher in Adult Education (at CEPA “Edrissis”) with a wide experience and intense participation in numerous European educational programs, awarded the “European Label” and the “Erasmus Project Quality” Award in adult education. I am also involved in Erasmus+ and EPALE Ambassador in Spain.
We must be like bees; great “connoisseurs” of our land, without fear of going out to bring the “precious nectar” to our educative "beehives".
EPALE helps you to be an updated professional, being in contact with colleagues all over Europe and creating professional networks; getting to know other realities to be implemented in our context. EPALE can be regarded as “a tool box that allows us to improve the internationalization process".
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Something about me? Pioneering the digital education frontier since 1995, at FROLLEINFLOW crafting transformative learning journeys, merging innovation, creativity, and practical expertise to shape the future of learning and work.
Every idea shared, every resource shared and every collaboration forged takes us to new horizons in adult learning. Let's innovate and move forward!
The aspect of EPALE that resonates with me the most is its dedication to professional development and lifelong learning. It's a hub of inspiration where educators and enthusiasts can connect, evolve, and enrich their skills in a supportive, dynamic community.
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