EPALE 2021 fookusteemad. Alustame!
Tere tulemast esimesele online arutelule 2021. aastal!
Täiskasvanuhariduse jaoks tõotab tulla väga huvitav aasta. Oleme Covid-19 kriisist palju õppinud ning olime sunnitud oma vanad meetodid ümber vaatama. Mõistsime, et meid ootas ees palju huvitavaid kogemusi, kuid kriisi tagajärjel süvenes ka teatud ebavõrdsus. Kõike seda silmas pidades plaanime keskenduda kolmele põhiteemale aasta läbi ning jälgime, kuidas asjad järgnevate kuude jooksul arenevad ja võtame fookusteemad süvitsi ette igaühe omal ajal.
Kutsume sind oma panuse ja asjatundlikkusega rikastama eesootavat intensiivset aastat!
Alustuseks võta osa sellest veebiarutelust, mis toimub teisipäeval, 9. märtsil kell 10-16 (CET). Kirjaliku arutelu juhatab sisse otseülekanne koos 2021. aasta fookusteemade tutvustusega ning seda korraldavad EPALE toimetuse nimel Gina Ebner ja Aleksandra Kozyra EAEA-st.
Kasuta võimalust öelda oma arvamus selle kohta, milliseid teemasid soovid aasta jooksul käsitleda!
Kommenteerimisvõimalus on avatud juba paar nädalat varem, et sa saaksid jagada oma mõtteid ja teha ettepanekuid.
Greater focus on FAKE-NEWS vaccine hostile strategies
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Interesting content
Many thanks for this relevant suggestion Guglielmo!
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Life and work skills
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Many thanks for this vibrant discussion!
You have provided much food for thought and we will have plenty of interesting aspects to focus on this year.
The live discussion ends here, with a lot to chew on... but it doesn't really end here.
You're welcome to go on commenting and posting your suggestions and opinions... we'll take them into great consideration for developing future content. As already mentioned during the livestream, it's a co-creation process with the EPALE community.
...and, about that... also the video introduction by Gina and Aleksandra of the EAEA will remain available on this page.
See you at the next discussion!
Claudia and Sara (EPALE Moderators and Editorial Team members)
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Life Skills
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Life skills frameworks
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Inclusive Social Change and Life and work skills …
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Digital skills
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Digital inclusion of older people
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Thank you, Sara, for your
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Digital skills
Interesting points as regards developing digital skills in adults and seniors and I agree that for some it is a very challenging scenario. Apart from offering training opportunities for those who would like to engage in adult learning, help must be provided by authorities in crucial services needed by this cohort through the local authorities.
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Reflecting thoughts on skills and transitions
To the topic: you already talked about who should determine what skills would be needed, no matter whether we talk about social skills or professional skills. As we have observed especially for the past few years, everything is changing so fast, also thanks to the COVID crisis, it is more and more difficult to foresee the directions and trends of labor market, advanced technologies and the skills that are connected to it. Even the smartest and most advanced technology companies have some trouble to foresee the future and the development or the speed of the rapid changes. It is more than likely the skills, both professional and social, that are needed and taught today, will be obsolete next year and further. What do you think we can do in this situation, apart from taking the magic crystal ball? Are we able to determine which skills will be relevant in a middle term period? Which should be a priority and vice versa? Should the adult education industry be more specialized in predicting the future skills? Should we be more active in coaching companies, educational institutions and industries in this? Thanks for your thoughts :-)
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Learning to learn and keep learning
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Lifelong learning
I agree with this frame of thought. Recent experience has highlighted the importance of being able to adapt to the new norms brought by this pandemic and self-efficacy. When we reflect about the changes both education and the work force had to go through to overcome the challenges brought forward by the current pandemic, we quickly realise how lifelong learning is crucial in all stages of our lives and how past experiences pave the way for new learning opportunities.
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for the future skills
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Dialogue is essential among all stakeholders to ensure that the right decisions are taken for the benefit of the whole community. Bridging expertise with in situ experience will help to better understand the circumstances that surround us.
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Recovery and resilience plans / individual learning accounts
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digital inclusion of senior learners - Generation theory
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Discussion on individual learning accounts
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different generations with different digital skills
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Teaching skills in a digital transition
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It would also be interesting
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Teachers also need to be more creative
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Some ideas
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That is true, but there is help
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Training opportunities
Training opportunities are crucial to nurture experience and required competences to effectively engage in distance or in blended learning scenarios.
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I have been following the
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Work skills for empowering adults to learn and participate
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Local solutions for global problems.
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Our expert from the education
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support system and safety
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Life and work skills for empowering adults
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Totally agree with Ilze!
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The written discussion will go on until 4 p.m.
Many thanks to Gina and Aleksandra (Ola!) for the introduction.
The written discussion will go on until 4 p.m. to gather your suggestions and perspectives on the three themes.
To have a look at the 2021 Thematic Focuses: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/epale-2021-thematic-focuses
If you want to have a look at some of the EPALE content mentioned during the introduction:
Older activists and volunteers: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/older-citizens-older-learners-older-…
Podcast on Artificial intelligence: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/epale-podcast-artificial-intelligenc…
We're looking forward to collect feedback to co-create this year's content on EPALE and to learn more about your experiences and projects!
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)
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Digital skills and real life
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How to ensure outreach
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But I would like to ask how
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Basic skills, digital inclusion
During Covid we have experienced that many people, especially elderly, have been motivated to become acquainted with digital
tools for meetings such as Teams and ZOOM. Not only to stay in touch with family
and friends but also to be able to participate in all kind of activities ranging
from knitting-groups to AA meetings, where friends or other participants or
members of the group have given instructions and/provided assistance. An arena
to learn by doing.
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You've asked a very important
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All of the main themes are connected and cross-cutting
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Workplace inclusion
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Thanks for this valuable suggestion.
That's an interesting perspective and, at the same time, more and more needed skill.
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)
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I agree totally with you on
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Yes, I think you both had a
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The lense is important
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It is challenging!
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I would say teachers first.
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Nag with knock off offensive amount pharmacopoeia