Gonna draw till I die. And then, I'm gonna keep drawing until I die some more!
Current Residence: My epic 2-story cardboard box, NOW WITH LIGHTING!!
Favourite genre of music: Video game music, techno/house, trance, jazz
Favourite style of art: Colors! Lots of colors! And action! The body in motion! Also... CARTOOOOOOOONS!
Operating System: Uh.... Rock Star energy drinks?
MP3 player of choice: Just a simple CD player, thanks
Shell of choice: Snail Shell
Wallpaper of choice: Creepy stuff
Skin of choice: The skin I'm in, baby
Favourite cartoon character: Optimus Prime
Personal Quote: "Oh goodness..."
Happy belated birthday wishes!
Thank you for the watch! <3
Hello! Thank you for watching o/
thank you for the fav ^^
Hi thank u I love your drawings it's beautiful
Checkout my drawings
Awesome artwork!