UBF - Challenging the blizzardelvereth on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elvereth/art/UBF-Challenging-the-blizzard-157311457elvereth

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UBF - Challenging the blizzard



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El Español :

El mismo dia que dieron la tarea de buscar el señuelo salieron. Una tormenta los estaba esperando, Max le entrega su chaqueta a purry, asi combatiria el frio reinante. Max usa el poleron q llevaba amarrado en su cintura.

Comienzan la travesia y Max sigue a purry quien rastrea el señuelo fervientemente con su olfato y vision.


They went out looking for the beacon as soon as they were given the task. A storm was waiting for them. Max lent Purry his jacket, so he didn´t feel the cold. Max put on the sweatshirt he had around his waist.

They start their journey, Max follows Purry who eagerly tracks the bait, smelling and watching everything around him.


Gracias a mi madrina :D y a mi prima :D!!!
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FTSole's avatar
lol. This is so cute ~cough~ I mean cool! It's really cool. lol. Awesome work.