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I like how timmy looks like a happy wheels model lol




The first one was good, but this one is *chef's kiss*


Very good Game

Super neat game! Like the multiple endings!


i love part 2!

Honestly, this was even better than Man In The Park 1. I like the backstory it provided. Check out my video below, where I play the entire PC Cursed Demo Disc. Timestamps in description!

Hey there! I loved your video! I can't believe you played through the whole disc, that is amazing, haha! Thanks for playing both games, and congrats on your channel, it looks like it's gaining steam!




Wird es einen ,,The Man in the Park 3'' geben?

Ja! Ich arbeite gerade an einem neuen Horrorspiel und mache dann The Man in the Park 3! Danke fürs Spielen! Ich hoffe, ich habe das Deutsch richtig verstanden!

ja das haben Sie 


It's just as good as the first part)


Another quality game from you


The game was pretty good. ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

Wheres the start screen song from please???

Hey Greenerbean! You can find it here:


This was funnier than the first one and all agree that this series is so good.


great sequel i enjoyed it

Hey 3Dee! I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and was really excited to see that you found my games! Thanks so much for playing and glad you had a good time! Congrats on your growing channel. Well deserved!

Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it. I'm excited to share that my old channel has been unbanned, and now I'm gearing up for a rebuild. Looking forward to playing more of your games in the future!"


and what if i did try to just leave because that was the safe option the first time huh. maybe i did. what about it.



Big enjoyed!  I played the first one so long ago so it was nice to see this come out.  Super fun :3


I loved your video, and congrats on your growing channel! Thanks for playing!!

Thank you!  It doesn't grow without good games to play =P


wasnt my best w

Nice! What about third part?)

Great GAME! Good to see my boy Henry and Timmy Again. 


Amazing game! Keep up the good work!

keep up the craziness dev's loving it ;) 


I liked the first one, and this didn't disappoint. the game was fun, and I enjoyed the expansion on the lore of the first game. Very well done :)

wow im impressed this one had good puzzles and amazing fetures this is definitly a 12/10 a lot better then the first one


We made the same mistake twice...

Great work on the development of this second part in my view. I would like to see a 3 part of the sequel which I'm all for. Here is my gameplay!


I enjoyed how funny this one was, I really didn't expect it and was pleasantly surprised. Looking forward to your next game!


I love how much further you leaned into the comedy aspect of this one. Had a lot of fun playing this with my friend!


Cool horror game, creative twist from the first game!

Juego muy raro, basado en la primera parte. Está bien, pero los gráficos son regular y los finales muy raros, me gustó más el uno (lo siento).

¡Oye, gracias por tus pensamientos y no es necesario disculparte! ¡Estoy feliz de que hayas jugado y te hayas divertido! ¡Gracias!


Wow, a lot longer and more in-depth than the original and I absolutely loved it! Also, there is potential for another follow up, which I'm all for. Please let it happen! Here is my gameplay with all endings!

Philip! So glad you finally got to play! Thanks for the awesome video!! Regarding a follow up . . . yes :)

YES!!  Exactly what I had hoped!!  I can't wait


Interesting game, I do love when short games like this have multiple endings! 


This was so fun not that scary to me but I loved it this gets 5 out of 5 star rating u did good job!


Good game! I had time to discover only 3 of the endings. I felt that the first one was a bit better, but this one is nice as well! The game starts at 6:56


new vid

It was a step up from the first one!


A sequel to The Man in the park was unexpected but im glad that we got it!

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