Frequently Asked Questions

As many other state agencies do, the Board of Elections maintains a Twitter account. For the latest info, follow us there. We are also exploring establishing an RSS feed.

You can register to vote in Rhode Island ONLINE, or by completing a Voter Registration Form which may be obtained at your local Board of Canvassers or the RI Board of Elections. You can also download the form from this site. Many agencies which serve the public, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Human Services, Department of Mental Health etc. also offer registration services to their clients as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act. See our Voter Registration section to download the current form and obtain more information on the requirements to register to vote in Rhode Island.


Yes, you can view your voter registration record at the Voter Information Center.

If you register to vote or change your name and/or address by mail or at an agency, you will receive a notice informing you that your registration has been received by the local board of canvassers. (You will also be notified by mail if your registration does not meet the requirements for any reason.)

If the post office cannot deliver the notice to the address you gave when you registered, your name will be placed on the "inactive" list and you may not be able to vote. If you do not receive a notice acknowledging receipt of your registration within three (3) weeks, call your local Board of Canvassers.

You must register at least 30 days before a primary or election in which you wish to vote. In Presidential elections, if you miss the deadline, you can still register and vote only for President/Vice-President at your Board of Canvassers on the day of the election (R.I.G.L. 17-1-3).  See our Upcoming Elections section for relevant deadlines.

In most cases, no. Rhode Island requires that a person be registered to vote 30 days or more prior to a primary or election in order to be eligible to vote in that primary or election. In statewide elections, If you are already registered but have moved to a different address, see our Limited Ballot section for more information. However, in Presidential elections, if you are not registered to vote, or you registered after the deadline, you can go to your City/Town Hall on Election Day and register and vote for President/Vice-President only.

You can register to vote as soon as you move to that city/town as long as you intend to make your primary residence here. However, you cannot vote for local candidates or issues until you have been registered at that address for 30 days.

You can determine where you vote by viewing our Guidelines for Voter Affirmation, which can be found in our Limited Ballot section. Also, at the bottom of the section you will find a convenient chart with the same information. This information is useful only if have failed to update your address on your voter registration record and the election is less than 30 days away. You should always update your address on your voter registration record anytime you move. You can update your voter registration record by submitting a new voter registration form, located in our Voter Registration section.

You may register to vote if you are at least 16-years-old. However, you must be 18-years-old on Election Day in order to vote.

You can visit the Voter Information Center to find your assigned polling place. Please note, that polling places are subject to change. Generally you will vote at the same polling place in statewide elections. However, in smaller special elections, you may be temporarily assigned to another polling place due to consolidation. It is advisable to always verify your assigned polling place before any election.

All voters at the polls must present Photo ID. There are various acceptable types of IDs. If a voter is unable to present valid photo ID, they have the right to cast a provisional ballot. More information is available here.

These district numbers are shown on the acknowledgement letter you were sent when you registered to vote. If you do not have your acknowledgement letter, call your local Board of Canvassers for this information. You may also visit the Voter Information Center and look up your voter registration record to find this information.

Yes. A referendum question passed on November 7, 2006 election states that "No person who is incarcerated in a correctional facility upon a felony conviction shall be permitted to vote until such person is discharged from the facility. Upon discharge, such person's right to vote shall be restored."

Yes. If you have not been convicted of a felony but are incarcerated in a correctional facility, you are eligible to register to vote, and to vote by absentee ballot. See our Mail Ballot section for more information.

No. You must choose one place as your primary residence and that will determine where you are eligible to vote. Please see R.I.G.L. 17-1-3.1 for the requirements of determining a residence for voting purposes.

No. Each person must sign or make a mark on an application when registering to vote or voting. No one can do this for someone else.

Yes, you should request a registration cancelation form from your previous Board of Canvassers complete it and return it to them. When you register to vote in another state, there will be a place on the form to list the previous address at which you were registered. A notice is then sent to the city/town in RI where you were registered, indicating that you have registered elsewhere. You can find the address of your local board here.

You must request cancellation of your voter registration in writing to your local Board of Canvassers.

You may bring anyone you choose to assist you with voting except your employer, an agent of your employer or an officer or agent of your union. You and the person helping you will be asked to sign an affidavit stating that you have requested assistance. Alternatively, you may also ask the Warden/Moderator at the polling place to provide a pair of bi-partisan pollworkers to assist you. See the Voting at the Polls section for additional information.

Rhode Island does not have an "independent" party. You may choose to register as unaffiliated which means you will not be considered a member of any political party. Unaffiliated voters who vote in a primary election will continue to be unaffiliated after voting. Voters affiliated with a political party who wish to disaffiliate, may do so by updating their voter registration at any time.  Affiliated voters who wish to vote in another party's primary, must disaffiliate at least 30 days before the primary date.


No, there is no declaration requirement to run as a "Write-In" candidate for any office, including President. However, it is advised that a "Write-In" candidate notify their local Board of Canvassers of their intention to run a "Write-in" campaign. This will allow for local and state election officials to issue additional supplies to the polling place for the handling of "Write-In" ballots. Also, stickers are not allowed to be placed on an official ballot, and could cause damage to the ballot tabulator. Finally, "Write-In" candidates for state or municipal offices are subject to the RI campaign finance laws and must file reports. See our Campaign Finance section for additional information about filing requirements for all candidates.

Yes, so long as you are the one completing the ballot, you may vote unless a judge says in a written order that you cannot vote.

Regardless of how others view an individual’s state of mind, if the individual has the ability to direct how they would like to vote and they are otherwise registered to vote, then they must be allowed to vote. What matters is the voter’s intent: if the voter’s intent can be determined, then the voter must be allowed to vote. If the individual is unable to articulate his/her preference when voting, then others should not cast a vote for them.

Each polling place and early voting location has accessible voting machines. These voting machines use assistive and adaptive technology to provide the opportunity for voters with a wide range of disabilities to vote privately and independently. The machines can read and/or mark the ballot for you.

Provisional Voting is a process to insure that all registered voters are allowed to participate in the election process. These qualified voters will be allowed to cast the same ballot as all others however, the disposition (full ballot, federal offices only, or disqualified) of that ballot will be determined by the voter’s local board of canvassers. The voter may then determine the disposition of their ballot by visiting this website 48 hours after the election or by contacting their Board of Canvassers. See our Provisional Voting section for more information.

You can request that a mail ballot be sent to you at an address out of state or vote an absentee ballot at your local Board of Canvassers before you leave. See our Mail Ballot Section for more information. The deadline to apply for a regular mail ballot falls on the 21st day prior to the election. If you cannot make it to the polls on Election Day you may be eligible for an Emergency Mail Ballot. See our Emergency Mail Ballot Section, or check with your local Board of Canvassers for more detailed information. The deadline to apply for an emergency mail ballot is 4:00 pm on the day before the election.

Yes, you may request an absentee ballot under the state nursing home mail ballot prgram. This is a state supervised program. See our Nursing Home Mail Ballot section for more information.

Unfortunately, state law establishes the deadline to request a mail ballot as 4 p.m. the day prior to the election or primary. Currently, the Board of Elections is unable to accomodate any mail ballot requests after this deadline.

When a voter applies for a mail ballot, that fact is recorded at the Local Board of Canvassers and the voter's name is taken off the list of eligible voters for his/her polling place.You will be required to cast a Provisional Ballot at the polling place, or complete the mail ballot and return it via mail or drop box. See our Provisional Voting Section for more information.

No. If you are permanently incapacitated to the extent that it would be a hardship to go to the polling place, you may request that the Board of Canvassers put your name on their list to automatically receive a mail ballot application for a period of 5 years. Call your local board for more information.

No. Your son or daughter can apply for a mail ballot which will be mailed to your son or daughter's address at the college or university in Rhode Island or to his/her voting residence.

Visit to verify the status of your application. It can take up to 5 days for a ballot to be mailed after an application is received. Ballots are typically sent about 1 month before an election if an application has already been received. You can check the status of your application and ballot at If the system indicates no application has been received, please contact your Board of Canvassers in your City/Town Hall. They are responsible for approving your application.

Yes, you must submit a new application. Visit to download and complete an application.

Visit to verify the status of your ballot. If you dropped your ballot in an authorized Drop Box, it may take up to 5 business days to appear in our system. If you dropped your ballot in a drop box on Election Day, it may take up to 2 business days to appear in the system. However, your ballot will be considered received as long as you place it in the drop box by 8pm on Election Day.

Yes, you can place your ballot in any authorized drop boxes across the state. Your ballot will be considered received as long as you place it in the drop box by 8pm on Election Day. A list of drop boxes is available at the Drop Boxes Page

If there is enough time before the election for you to receive a replacement ballot by mail, please contact the Secretary of State's Election Division at 401-222-2340 or Secratary of States' site so they can reissue a ballot. You may also visit your local Board of Canvassers within 20 days before the election to request they reissue a mail ballot to you as a duplicate. If you find or received your original ballot, please discard it as it will not be accepted once your voted duplicate ballot is received by the Board of Elections.

Please submit the following form to your local Board of Canvassers in your last city/town hall of residence.

You can get this information from your local Board of Canvassers. They will also be able to give you the names of your local elected officials. You can also find information on Rhode Island's elected officials at the Secretary of State's Web site or the Rhode Island General Assembly Web site.

Rhode Island send four delegates/votes to the Electoral College.


Rhode Island has two U.S. Congressional Districts, and 38 of the 39 cities and towns are entirely in one district or the other. Providence is the only community that is split between Congressional District 1 and 2.

Rhode Island has a ‘semi-closed’ party primary system. This means that you may only vote in your party’s primary election. However, if you are registered as an “unaffiliated” voter, you may vote in the primary of any party you choose. You will remain an unaffiliated voter after voting in a particular party’s primary. 

If you are affiliated with a political party and wish to disaffiliate, you may do so by updating your voter registration at any time. The disaffiliation takes effect in 30 days. If you wish to vote in another party's primary, you must disaffiliate at least 30 days before the primary date.

Poll workers are chosen and paid by the Local Boards of Canvassers in each city and town. They must attend a training session conducted by the RI Board of Elections.

The Board of Elections does not regulate the placement of signange, except within 50 feet of the entrance to the polling place building on Election Day. Some cities and towns have ordinances in place which regulate any type of signage on private property. You should contact your local Board of Canvassers for further information.

The Board of Elections does not regulate the placement of political signange, expect within 50 feet of the entrance to the polling place building on Election Day. If a sign is on public property, you should contact the state or municipal agency responsible for maintaining the facility or road. For state highways and roads, contact the Department of Transportation at 401-222-2450

In statewide elections, the Board of Elections will usually begin posting the results of votes after 8:15 p.m. and continue to update them approximately every 15 minutes until all polling places have reported. Results for local special elections may be obtained by contacting the local Board of Canvassers.

In statewide elections, the Board of Elections commences tabulating mail ballots shortly after the close of the polls on election night. Mail ballot results are added to candidate totals only after all mail ballots cast in the state have been counted. It is expected that the tabulation process will continue into the day following the election and the results will be available sometime that day. Results for local special elections may be obtained by contacting the local Board of Canvassers.

The Board of Elections commences tabulation of provisional ballots approximately 48 hours following the election. Provisional ballot results are added into the polling place totals.

All results are "Unofficial" until all ballots have been tabulated. Results are declared to be "Final Unofficial Results" when all ballots have been tabulated but recounts and hearings have yet to be conducted (see "Official Results" below.) "Final Unofficial Results" are expected to be available within 24 hours after the close of the polls. When the results page displays "Final Results", usually several weeks after the election, these are the final certified results.

The Board of Elections cannot certify the election results as "official" until after all recounts and hearings have been conducted. Generally, due to the time frame permitted by law for candidates to file requests for recounts and hearings and depending on the number of recounts and hearings scheduled, it takes up to two weeks after the date of the election for the results to be certified as "official." When the results page displays "Final Results", usually several weeks after the election, these are the final certified results.

There are no write-in votes in a primary. The total number of write-in votes cast in the general election will be available as part of the Board of Elections election reporting. However, as the state board and each local board of canvassers must manually determine for whom write-in votes were cast, the number of votes received by an individual will not be available until several weeks after the election when local boards of canvassers report the number of such votes each person received.

Any eligible voter from within the district in which the candidate is seeking election may sign the candidate's nomination papers. Eligible voters are those persons who are eligible to vote at the time of signing nomination papers. Eligible voters are those persons who have been registered to vote at least 30 days prior to signing a candidate's nomination papers.

Any person 18 years of age of older may obtain signatures. The person does not need to be a registered voter or a resident of Rhode Island.

The person who obtains the signatures of voters on the nomination papers must complete and sign the affidavit that states: 'I __________ (name of person obtaining signatures), of the City or Town of _________ (name of city or town of person obtaining signatures), under oath make affidavit and say that the signers within nomination paper(s) did so sign the same in my presence.' The affidavit must be subscribed and sworn before a notary public.

No. The person who directly collected the signatures must complete the affidavit.

The person completing the affidavit must be physically in the presence of every person signing the nomination papers. Therefore, the person going door-to door with the nomination papers would need to complete the affidavit.

No, because the affidavit which appears on the back page of the candidate's nomination papers can only be completed by the one person who collected all the signatures contained on it. If a candidate has multiple individuals collecting signatures for him/her, he should create duplicate sets for each person (see question on duplicates in this document).

Yes. A voter may sign the nomination papers of more than one candidate.

Any eligible voter from within the district in which the candidate is seeking election may sign the nomination papers regardless of their party affiliation.

No. The person's party affiliation is not affected.

No. Only those signatures obtained from eligible voters within the district in which the candidate is seeking election will be 'counted' as valid.

No. Only those signatures of eligible voters in the city or town in which the nomination papers submitted will be valid (i.e. If an eligible voter from Johnston signs a candidate's nomination papers which are ultimately submitted to Cranston, the Board of Canvassers in Cranston will not 'count' that signature and it will be ruled invalid).

No. Only those signatures of eligible voters in the city or town in which the nomination paper is submitted will be valid. There is no validating or cross-checking of signatures among communities or with the Office of the Secretary of State.

Yes. Candidates for the legislature and local office may, at their own expense, have nomination papers duplicated. However, the signatures obtained on the duplicated nomination papers shall be considered valid if, and only if, PRIOR to any signatures being affixed, the duplicated nomination papers have been time-stamped by the Office of the Secretary of State or local Board of Canvassers which issued the original nomination papers.

You must file a Notice of Organization (Form CF-1) prior to accepting any contributions or making any expenditure in seeking nomination or election to public office, or upon your declaration of candidacy, whichever comes first. Thereafter, you are required to periodically file reports of campaign funds raised and expended. A campaign finance 'report' generally consists of a Summary of Campaign Activity (Form CF-2 ), which discloses total receipts minus total expenses for the reporting period, supported by a Schedule of Contributions Received (Form CF-3), which is used to itemize contributions for the reporting period; and a Schedule of Expenditures (Form CF-4), which is used to itemize expenditures for the reporting period.

Yes, however rather than file the periodic pre- and post-election reports, you have the option of filing an Affidavit for Annual Filing Exemption (Form CF-5), whereby you certify that you will not accept more than $100 from a single source in a calendar year, nor spend over $1,000 in the calendar year. At the end of the year, you would file one summary report.

Your campaign account will be closed with the Board of Elections only after you file a Notice of Dissolution (Form CF-7). If you do not file this notice, or if you have funds remaining, you will be required to continue to file campaign finance reports.

Yes. Only a treasurer or deputy treasurer may accept contributions or make expenditures on behalf of a candidate. However, a candidate may act as his or her own treasurer.

No. You may only receive contributions from individuals, and from political action committees and political party committees registered in Rhode Island.

The Rhode Island Ethics Commission is responsible for conflict of interest statements. Their office is located at 40 Fountain Street, Providence and the telephone number is 401-222-3790.