Trainer Name

Patricia McBean

Skill Area

Digital Technologies and Digital Transformation


4.6 (32 Rating)

Course Requirements

1. Anyone who doesn't want to be duped into being hacked
2. Someone who wants to do the smart things to prevent being hacked

Course Description

This course is for everyone who uses a computer. With cybercriminals lurking and almost invisible until you are someone you know have been affected. Just like most crimes you still have the upper hand. With the computers, you have to be educated about the tricks that will appear. It’s like you’re sitting in front of your door that you open and close, you can see who comes through it. And you have control over when to open it. Likewise, you control who is allowed to enter your computer. Are you leaving the door to you computer open?. The tactic of Social Engineering and the many phishing and spoofing tricks can be rebutted. This course is design to perk up you eye and so to not fall for the scams of the perpetrators.

Course Outcomes

1. The students will learn preventive steps and tips to avoid being compromised
2. Work on having a secure online banking strategy
3. Looking at the process of social engeineering
4. Learn what to look out for with Phishing attackes
5. Help to prevent identify theft
6. Create a list of best practices for online transactions.

Course Curriculum

1 Introduction

2 Security Terms and Threats

3 The Art of Social Engineering

4 Have You Seen A Phishing Attack

5 Phishing Examples

6 Identity Theft Is On The Rise

7 You’ve heard of Malware and Ransomware

8 Banking and Investing

9 Mitigating Online Banking Risks

10 Shopping Online

11 E-Commerce Scams

12 Social networks - Perpetrators

13 Keeping Your Private Data Secure (Part 1)

14 Keeping Your Private data Secure (Part 2)

15 Common Social Network Scams

16 Online Gaming

17 Protecting Against E-mail Scams

18 What's new

19 How to use the bonus


Trainer Name

Patricia McBean

4.6 Rating
32 Reviews

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