Governance of the EITI's constituencies
The EITI Association is comprised of three constituencies – countries, companies and civil society organisations – which are represented on the EITI Board and at the Members’ Meeting. Some constituencies also have sub-constituencies that represent specific industries and geographical regions.
Constituencies are self-governing entities that appoint representatives to the Members’ Meeting and nominate members to the EITI Board. Constituencies and sub-constituencies agree guidelines to steer their nomination processes and improve accountability and information-sharing within their group.
Civil society organisations
The Constituency of Civil Society Organisations comprises non-governmental organisations, global action networks or coalitions that support the objective of the EITI Association as defined by the EITI Board. The constituency appoints five Board members and five Board member alternates to the EITI Board.
The Constituency of Companies is divided into three sub-constituencies set out in the Company Constituency Guidelines: oil and gas companies, mining and metals companies, and financial institutions. The constituency appoints six Board members and six alternate Board members to the EITI Board.
Supporting companies may observe both Board and Board committee meetings upon request. To request to attend a meeting or for more information concerning the governance of the Constituency of Companies, please contact the EITI International Secretariat.
Oil and gas companies sub-constituency
Mining and metals companies sub-constituency
Implementing countries
The Constituency of Implementing Countries is comprised of implementing country members of the EITI Association, which are represented by the National Coordinator, the Head of Secretariat or its equivalent of EITI implementing countries. The constituency appoints six Board members and six alternate Board members to the EITI Board.
Supporting countries
Supporting Countries are committed to help the EITI through financial, technical, and political support at the international level and in implementing the EITI Standard. The Constituency of Supporting Countries appoints three Board members and three alternate Board members to the EITI Board.