Statement on the recent extension of RARCSS


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                               18 September 2024

We take note of the September 13 announcement of a two-year extension by the transitional government.

We are aware of the many challenges South Sudan is facing and understand the complexity of the electoral process. However, we wish to express our disappointment at this decision, as the timely holding of election is a key element in strengthening stability, democracy and sustainable development. They own this decision and are accountable to the people of South Sudan.

This decision reflects the failure of the transitional government to implement the 2018 peace agreement despite the promises made with the release of the “roadmap” in 2022.

Peace is our priority, and we remain convinced that peace can best be secured through legitimate and peaceful elections. South Sudan’s leaders bear shared responsibility to act with urgency to create the necessary conditions for such elections to take place. We support both the Tumaini Initiative talks in Nairobi, and consistent leadership-level discussions in Juba.

We call on all stakeholders to create the conditions necessary for the holding of peaceful, transparent and inclusive elections as soon as possible. There is a need to engage all parties, including the 'non-signatories', in a positive process as well as demonstrate how the proposed extension would progress what the last years have failed to deliver. The process of developing this plan must be consultative, inclusive and transparent.

A 24-month extension would mean 24 months more expenditure on the institutions that implement the peace process. We expect the government of South Sudan to come forward with a credible and transparent plan as to how these will be financed.

The undersigned continue our unwavering support to the people of South Sudan.


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