Information about travelling to and studying in the European Union (EU).



Erasmus+ offers scholarships and funds for academic mobility and cooperation projects that involve partners from Programme Countries and Partner countries throughout the world, including Brazil.

Erasmus+ for students and researchers

  • International Credit Mobility: Providing short-term study scholarships (3-12 months) in a participating European University counting towards a degree back home. To participate, students must check if their own university (international office or academic unit) has an international credit mobility agreement with corresponding universities in the EU.
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJM) These offer full scholarships to complete a full master's degree offered by a consortium of European universities.

Erasmus+ for Higher Education Institutions

Higher Education Institutions may apply for funding to join consortia of European partners to offer:

  • Joint Erasmus Mundus Master Degrees
    Developing joint degrees of exceptional quality open to students from all over the world.
  • Credit Mobility
    Universities contact their European partners to prepare programmes for funding that enable the transfer and recognition of credits between both. European universities apply for funding on behalf of the partnership.
  • Capacity building in Higher Education – partnerships between EU and Latin American higher education projects.
  • Jean Monnet Activities provides funding to support the teaching and research of EU studies worldwide.

 For more information please click here.