Tasks and duties

The EDPB’s goal is to ensure a consistent application and enforcement of data protection law across the European Economic Area, EEA.

To this end, the EDPB:

  • adopts binding decisions addressed to the national Supervisory Authorities (SAs) to settle disputes when they enforce the GDPR. Such disputes may arise when SAs do not reach an agreement on a cross-border case.


One Stop Shop procedure - step by step


  • provides general guidance (including guidelines, recommendations and best practices) to clarify and promote a common understanding of EU data protection laws; 
  • adopts opinions addressed to the European Commission or to the national Supervisory Authorities:
    1. to advise the European Commission on any issue related to the protection of personal data and draft legislation (Art. 70 GDPR). In some instances, the EDPB issues Joint Opinions together with the EDPS (Art.42 of Regulation 2018/1725);
    2. to ensure consistency of the activities of national Supervisory Authorities on cross border matters (Art. 64 GDPR). If authorities fail to respect an opinion issued by the EDPB, it may adopt a binding decision
  • promotes and supports the cooperation among national Supervisory Authorities, including on enforcement. 
  • provides the Secretariat to the Coordinated Supervision Committee (CSC).  The coordinated supervision of large scale IT systems and of EU bodies, offices and agencies, is organised within the framework of the EDPB.


Urgency Procedure