About EcoEvoRxiv

EcoEvoRxiv (EcoEvo“archive”) is a not-for-profit subject-matter specific research repository for works related to ecology, evolution and conservation. The archived works can be empirical, theoretical, review or of any other research-related type. We currently accept preprints in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

The EcoEvoRxiv server can be used for freely and legally sharing preprints (manuscripts before submissions to journals), postprints, reports, and datasets.

There are many benefits to submitting your work to research repositories, and especially EcoEvoRxiv, including improving the speed and dissemination of scientific findings, improved discoverability and interdisciplinarity, better science and more citations. It started as part of the Transparency in Ecology and Evolution (TEE) movement. Now, EcoEvoRxiv is an official preprint server of the Society for Open, Reliable, and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary biology (SORTEE).


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