Eclipse Yourself

Recovery is one of the three Eclipse circles along with Activity and Readiness

What is Recovery

Understand the power of sleep and the link to better overall health. Eclipse Recovery combines the most important sleep metrics from your Apple Watch so you can easily see if you have hit peak recovery!

Eclipse Recovery analyses sleep duration, sleep fatigue, sleeping heart rate, blood oxygen, sleeping heart rate variability (HRV) and respiration rate. All these measures are part of a weighted algorithm to provide an overall Recovery Rating.

Tip: tap the middle of the Eclipse anytime to determine your overall health balance across all metrics. Additionally, tap into any of the Activity, Recovery or Readiness gauges for a detailed view.

Recovery Divergence

When your blue Recovery circle is in full eclipse (or hidden), you are in balance in your recovery. However, if you see some divergence and the Recovery circle pops out of the Eclipse, you are out of balance (as seen below). This suggests that something is out in your recovery baselines. Tap on the Recovery gauge to explore more.

How Do I Capture Recovery?

Recovery requires you to track your sleep with your Apple Watch, using the Apple Sleep app or AutoSleep app.

The native Apple Sleep app is available for Apple Watch Series 4 and above, or use AutoSleep app which is available for all Apple Watch series. You can start using Recovery straight away with a new Watch, but we recommend capturing at least 7 nights of data to start forming baselines.

Refer to Frequently Asked Questions for more information on capturing sleep.

Experience Counts

Created by Experts

The Eclipse Recovery Rating is based on years of insights with our World #1 dedicated sleep app, AutoSleep, awarded annually in the official App Store Top #10 Best Apps for the last 5 years and running.

ย The Eclipse Recovery insights contains all our experience in what really counts.

Peak Recovery

Every morning you wake up, receive instant insights into how well you recovered. The higher the peak you can climb, the better your recovery.

When the yellow dot ๐ŸŸก is above the dashed path, your recovery is in balance.

All the recovery metrics are plotted above or below par to show their impact on your recovery. Every day you can see how much each contribute to your peak, along with those metrics that are holding your peak down.

Using all this data with an advanced weighted algorithm, Today's Recovery provides an overall recovery rating.

Tip: tap the 'Learn More' button under the Peak Recovery graphic to see a detailed breakup and explanation of your recovery metrics.

Recovery Gauge

The gauges are a reflection of your Eclipse circles, consisting of Activity, Recovery and Readiness.ย 

Each gauge is tailored to your health history. The white needle is your current measure against your longer term baselines, so if the white needle is pointing far to the left on the gauge, your Eclipse will be out of balance.

Recovery - In Balance

Anytime the white needle is in the top centre and right segments (see the below image between the yellow arrows), this indicates your Recovery is in balance, meaning your Recovery circle will be in Eclipse.

Recovery - Out of Balance

Anytime the white needle is in the far left segments (see the below image between the yellow arrows), this indicates your Recovery is out of balance, meaning your Recovery circle will not be in Eclipse.

If the white needle is far to the left, you are not getting enough recovery, which means you may need to look into what is contributing to the lack of recovery such as not enough sleep duration. Refer to Recovery Trends below to learn how to investigate more.

If the needle is far to the right, that is absolutely fine as it means you are getting peak recovery.

The aim is to keep the Recovery white needle on the gauge in the top and right segments.

Tip: tap the gauge to open the recovery trends view.

Recovery Trends

When you tap on the Recovery gauge, you will open the the Peak Recovery Trends screen. Here your key sleep history and trends are visually represented as a peak bar graph that rises higher as you achieve quality sleep.

Sleep is the primary ingredient in recovery, as it helps repair our muscles, cells and restores optimal brain functions. However not each sleep is the same, as some consist of better quality than others.

Stay Above Par

Eclipse Recovery analyses 6 months of your most recent sleep data to determine par values, also known as baselines. Each metric can contribute to improving your overall recovery rating, or decrease the rating if below your par baselines.ย 

Recovery will combine all of your vital sleep metrics into an advanced weighted algorithm to show if your overall recovery is above or below par for each day. Each metric is plotted as a different colour, so you easily see which impacts the overall recovery rating (see below).

Staying above par keeps your Eclipse Recovery in balance.

Tip: You can swipe left and right across the Recovery Peaks graph to see up to 6 months of data. The colours let you easily identify what contributes to good recovery and what may be causing poor recovery.

Make Recovery Priority #1

A critical part of everyone's health is the ability to recover well after the efforts of the day, be it physically and mentally.ย 

Recovery Metrics

Individual sleep metrics can each contribute positively, neutrally or negatively towards your recovery.

Each metric is tailored to your baselines, which is calculated by looking at the last 6 months worth of data. Using a longer term baseline means that Eclipse can cut out all the noise and only flag when things are better or worse.

Each sleep metric acts a like seperate block that builds or removes to your overall recovery rating.

Tip - naps in the day are automatically added to your sleep duration in the following day's recovery.

If you are a regular napper, it is recommended to use the AutoSleep app as the sleep source in the Configuration, as AutoSleep will automatically capture naps. If using the Apple Sleep app, you need to remember to turn Sleep Focus mode on and off each nap.


This is the overall rating from combining all the sleep metrics with the Eclipse algorithm. The Overall Rating can be seen on the graph as the white line with a dot.


This is your total sleep duration, one of the most critical element of all the metrics as it is essential for optimal recovery of the body and mind. Remember to set a realistic sleep duration goal in the Configuration page (under the Options tab).


This is sleep fatigue which shows your current state of fatigue when starting sleep. Looking at your recent sleep duration, fatigue is calculated using a weighted trailing day algorithm on your total sleep duration. Consistent sleep duration over a number of nights is the best way to improve your fatigue score.


This is your average sleeping heart rate, an important indicator used in recovery. Typically your heart rate will decline during your sleep compared to your day time bpm, as your body enters a restorative process. A decrease in your sleeping heart rate is usually an indicator of better quality sleep.


This is your heart rate variability (HRV), showing your average across all measures while you sleep. Sleeping HRV is a method for assessing the effects of stress on your body by measuring the variances between your heart beats. An increase in your sleeping HRV is usually an indicator of better quality sleep.


This is your blood oxygen measure. SpO2 represents the percentage of the haemoglobin in your red blood cells that are carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your body. Only for users with an Apple Watch Series 6 or greater.ย 

You can check the Setup for SpO2 in the FAQ page if you are missing data.


This is your respiration rate, which is the number of breaths you take each minute while sleeping. We use an abbreviation named BrPM, which stands for Breaths Per Minute. Only for users with an Apple Watch Series 3 or later.ย 

You can check the Setup for Respiration in the FAQ page if you are missing data.

Note: any missing metrics that may not have recorded, will be excluded and not influence the overall rating as a zero rating. The same applies for a missing sleep session, it will not impact your baselines as it will be excluded.

Tip: It sounds simple, but establishing a regular routine of charging your Watch sometime during the day is important if planning to monitor sleep.

Some people like to do this when they wake up in the morning while having a shower, some like to do it in the evening before bed. Whichever works best for you, as we want to avoid the Watch going into low power mode (< 10% battery) while you sleep, as this turns off lots of metrics. AutoSleep lets you set a charge reminder to help with this.

Viewing Individual Metrics

You can filter on individual metrics in Recovery and Readiness. This is great if you are focused on monitoring a specific metric.

Just touch the one that you want to view, such as sleeping bpm, and the graph will adjust to show just that metric (see below image). You can also use the 7D Trend gauge to apply a rolling 7 day average to just that metric.ย 

To turn off the filter, just touch the same metric again.

Tip: on the Eclipse home page, you can also touch the individual metric and it will automatically filter on this when loading the next screen. A nice time saver!

Recovery Mini-Gauges

At the bottom of the screen in the pop-up panel is a selection of small gauges, named 'RECOVERY' and '7D TREND'. Tap on any of these mini-gauges and the entire Recovery graph and views will all update with that selected metric as the focal point.

The '7D trend' allows you to visualise small changes more easily.ย 

In this example, I have started eating dinner earlier before going to bed. Tapping the '7D Trend' gauge is great for displaying the change in recovery over time.

Tip: pull the bottom pop-up banner to see more information on each gauge.


Insights is a dedicated module in Eclipse Yourself that helps you learn what really impacts your recovery.ย 

Insights can be accessed from the Insights tab on the home page, or where you find the Insights button next to recovery.

Using Insights Graphs

Tip: For insights on tags, for example, "how does drinking alcohol impact my sleep", this is recorded in the Daily Wellness Survey.ย 

Refer to the Inbox page for more information on using tags. They are amazing for additional context to your recovery data.

Configure Recovery Settings

Before you start, to get the most accurate results you can configure your Recovery settings in Eclipse. On the home screen, tap on the Options tab and then 'Configure my Eclipse' button.

Sleep Duration Configure:

Using the + and - buttons, enter the total sleep duration that you feel you require to wake up refreshed. Most people are between 7-9 hours.

Sleep Source Configure:

Eclipse lets you select the data source for your sleep duration, with the option to use our AutoSleep app (available on all Apple Watch series), or the native Apple Sleep app (available only on Apple Watch Series 4 and above). Use the + and - buttons to change. Remember to select 'Done' to save your changes.

Note, for users who have both apps installed and setup to track sleep, if using Apple Sleep as the option then if no Apple Sleep data is recorded, AutoSleep will be used if available. If using AutoSleep as the option, it will mirror the results you see in the AutoSleep app.

Tip: Remember in order to collect sleep metrics like respiration rate and blood oxygen, enable the Sleep Focus mode on your Apple Watch at bedtime (see below). It also puts your Watch into 'do not disturb' so it doesn't wake you up!

Share Today's Peak

Share your amazing recovery results with friends! On the Eclipse home page, tap on the little share icon (see below). This will create the beautiful peak recovery image you can easily share with others.

Want to Share Recovery Data?

If yes to any of the above, be sure to look into the 'Eclipse + Share' add-on. A secure and robust sharing platform designed for Apple Watch sharing to iPhone and iPad.

Recovery Widgets

Use widgets on your iPhone to keep your 'Peak Recovery' progress at your fingertips.

Eclipse Yourself has a collection of beautiful small and medium sized widgets on offer, as shown below. They are designed to reflect the key themes used in the app for activity, recovery and readiness.

How To Video

Sometimes its easier to watch and learn. Refer to the videos below to understand more about recovery. Or view the entire collection on the Videos page.