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  • Directorate-general

Health and Food Safety

This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on food safety and health and for monitoring the implementation of related laws.


Our goals

We intend to make Europe a healthier and safer place. Our mission is to protect the citizens’ health and monitor their food making sure it is safe.

We aim to

What we do

We will achieve our goals by monitoring, listening to your concerns and taking action.


Once the EU has adopted laws and policies on food safety and public health, it is up to national, regional and local governments to apply those laws. They have to ensure that authorities in charge, companies, manufacturers and food producers stick to the rules. Part of our job is to check that this is really happening.


When we make policies, we want to hear from all interested parties through consultation. We consider, for example, related EU policies on trade, competitiveness and the environment, among others, and the concerns of stakeholders.


Where EU action is needed, we propose laws and support projects. We also support national or regional authorities in areas where they are better placed to act.

DG SANTE develops and carries out the Commission's policies on:

Food safety

Public health

Leadership and organisation

  • 1 OCTOBER 2024
Health and food safety - Organisation chart


Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety

Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
Phone number
+32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard)
Postal address

European Commission
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel