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We invite our partners and community members to join us all year long in activities and actions we can collectively take to prevent sexual and domestic violence in Alaska.  Each day of the
year is an opportunity to create postive change for the future.
If you are a victim or survivor of sexual assault or domestic violence, please contact the agencies and services listed below. 
It is NOT your fault. You are NOT alone.
Help is available 24/7.

Emergency Crisis Intervention and Resources
For immediate response call 911.

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Local Services in Alaska:
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CDVSA is recruiting for one (1) Public Board member currently

A person who receives compensation from or is an employee of the State of Alaska or a domestic violence, sexual assault, or crisis intervention or prevention program may not be appointed as a public member of the council.
 (AS 18.66.020 (c)

If you are interested you can apply to Boards and Commissions at:  Apply for a Board Appointment - Mike Dunleavy (


CDVSA Welcomes new Board Members

Valerie Chadwick
Valerie Chadwick currently serves as a Senior Consultant:  Victim Services Programs Specialist at Booz Allen providing training and technical support.  Her experience in social services spans a career of thirty-three years where she's been an instrumental contributor in the development of programs that are trauma informed and embrace the utilization of protective factors that are engrained in the strong history of vibrant cultures across Alaska.  Valerie has held seats on various boards including the MMIP Council where she served as the Chairperson as well as having served on the Anchorage Women's Commission, City Council in Marshall and various sub-committees focused on community wellness, education, health and safety. We are excited to have Valerie join the CDVSA team. 
Learn about Primary Prevention Programming in Alaska
CDVSA Regulations Available for Review & Comment  Comment Period has closed.
CDVSA has completed draft revised regulations for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program Standards (13 AAC 90.010 – 13 AAC 90.190) and Grants Programs (13 AAC 95.010 – 13 AAC 95.900).  These two regulations packets, along with a Best Practices Guide, are now publicly noticed and available for review. Information and documents are available at Notice of Proposed Changes on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program Standards and Grant Programs in the Regulations of the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault - Alaska Online Public Notices (

 CDVSA and the UAA Justice Center have released the results of the 2020 Alaska Victimization Survey (link to media release attached).  The AVS is a quinquennial survey   conducted three times in, 2010, 2015 and 2020.  To review the results of the 2020 Survey, as well as previous surveys go to  Alaska Victimization Survey (AVS) | Justice Center | University of Alaska Anchorage.  A copy of the AVS 2020  final report is available at 2020 Statewide Alaska Victimization Survey Final Report.