Vehicle Insurance Requirements

On this page find information on insurance requirements for operating a vehicle in Georgia. Motor vehicle owners and lessees are required by law to maintain continuous Georgia automobile liability insurance coverage on vehicles with an active registration.

  • Failure to maintain insurance coverage will result in penalties including fines and possibly suspension of the vehicle registration.
  • Driving a vehicle while the registration is suspended, revoked, or canceled is a criminal offense, and may result in the vehicle being impounded.  Additional penalties will apply if convicted of driving a vehicle with a suspended or canceled registration.
  • If the vehicle is inoperable or otherwise not in service, cancel the vehicle registration BEFORE canceling insurance to avoid any potential fines or penalties.

Information on Vehicle Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions about Insurance Letters

Proof of Insurance Coverage

Loss of Insurance Coverage

Registration Suspension Due to Lack of Insurance

Paying Insurance Fines or Penalties

Insurance Requirements FAQs

  • How do I provide my insurance information?

    Your insurance information must be sent electronically by your insurance company except in the instance of a fleet policy. Fleet policy cards must be presented to your local County Tag Office.

  • How do I know if my insurance is displayed or is correct in Georgia’s motor vehicle database?

    Check your insurance status online

    If you have any questions about the status of your insurance contact your insurance company.