The Structure of PrPSc Prions
:1. Introduction
2. The Architecture of PrPSc Prions
3. Other Models of PrPSc
4. Implications of the Structure of PrPSc for Its Propagation
5. Head-to-Head or Head-to-Tail Stacking?
6. Concluding Remarks and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Wille, H.; Requena, J.R. The Structure of PrPSc Prions. Pathogens 2018, 7, 20.
Wille H, Requena JR. The Structure of PrPSc Prions. Pathogens. 2018; 7(1):20.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWille, Holger, and Jesús R. Requena. 2018. "The Structure of PrPSc Prions" Pathogens 7, no. 1: 20.
APA StyleWille, H., & Requena, J. R. (2018). The Structure of PrPSc Prions. Pathogens, 7(1), 20.